animal storage

  1. Rowlie

    Franchise Mode - Why do we only have 200 Storage Slots in the Trade Centre when we paid to breed 130 different habitat animals?

    There is currently 130 habitat species within Planet Zoo. With every DLC the game adds even more animals. This causes an issue as every Franchise mode player is only permitted 200 storage slots in the trading centre. You cannot even have a breeding pair of every species you've paid for in your...
  2. Rowlie

    I've discovered how to have unlimited animal storage!

    OK so I've been playing Franchise mode. As more and more DLC released I found myself having no storage space in my trade centre. This completely killed the fun for me and I felt as though I couldn't have fun and breed new species I'd paid for without sacrificing all my breeding stock /...
  3. L


    With all the new animals coming out with dlc's ect am i the only one that finds myself struggling for storage space if you want to keep some of your best females for breeding purposes, without having to resort to a "storage zoo"??
  4. P

    Bigger storage option?

    Hi Keepers, I play a lot of franchise which means I’m always keeping offspring for future breeding projects etc. However I’m struggling with space! I currently have 43/50 and it’s a problem. Most of my hold backs are due to the fact it seems rare to get gold rated animals for some species...
  5. T

    More storage in trade center

    This has probably already been suggested and many times, I just couldnt find it. I would LOVE if there were an option to increase the animal storage in the trade center. Either just increase it in general, make it unlimited OR let us buy upgrades for conservation credits. It doesnt have to be...
  6. Kitherit

    Feature Suggestions for Animal Storage (Help Make Selling Easier)

    I know the devs are working hard on ironing out ongoing issues with the game, which definitely takes precedence, but I wanted to throw out a couple suggestions to consider adding in the future to the Animal Storage tab, specifically in relation to selling animals on the Market. 1) Quick Compare...
  7. S

    Full Trade Centre, but I still can send animals

    I keep finding my storage with 40-50 animals, and the game only let me know its full when I try to buy a new animal. When I go tho the habitat menu > animals I can select them and send them to the trade centre even when its full (I kinda love this bug, it's sad to report). I can also send the...
  8. Wolfiexo

    Zoo staff aren't delivering from the Zoo Trade Centre!

    Hey guys, First thanks for looking at this post and possibly trying to help; but I've recently picked up this game and I'm trying to unload some of the animals I bought from the market into a mass habitat with each other (already looked into what can live with each other) and the staff delivered...
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