More storage in trade center

This has probably already been suggested and many times, I just couldnt find it.
I would LOVE if there were an option to increase the animal storage in the trade center. Either just increase it in general, make it unlimited OR let us buy upgrades for conservation credits. It doesnt have to be cheap.

PLZ implement this! Im starting to get annoyed by the lack of space!
Part of the (one of the few) management aspects of the game is breeding responsibly so as to not have a huge surplus of unwanted animals. This is a huge factor in real life zoo management as well. It's a balancing act between breeding enough animals for replacement, breeding any offspring in difficult to reproduce species, and controlling reproduction in prolific species. The trade center already provides a generous 50 "magical" slots where animals are immortal and have no maintenance costs; this already seems like a cheat to me. I see this request a lot, but honestly other than people running breeding farms for profit, I don't understand why this is even an issue. Apparently, Frontier didn't anticipate it being an issue either.

Honest question, why do you feel you need more spaces?
I have found that you can store more than 50 in there if you are sending stuff from within your zoo directly to your Trade Center. It does tell you in there you will need to filter to see all animals if you do that and your storage counter will show Y / 50 where Y is equal to the total number of animals within the storage, even if it goes above that. The thing that it does stop you from doing is going into the relevant Trading tab to get more animals from outside that zoo.
Part of the (one of the few) management aspects of the game is breeding responsibly so as to not have a huge surplus of unwanted animals. This is a huge factor in real life zoo management as well. It's a balancing act between breeding enough animals for replacement, breeding any offspring in difficult to reproduce species, and controlling reproduction in prolific species. The trade center already provides a generous 50 "magical" slots where animals are immortal and have no maintenance costs; this already seems like a cheat to me. I see this request a lot, but honestly other than people running breeding farms for profit, I don't understand why this is even an issue. Apparently, Frontier didn't anticipate it being an issue either.

Honest question, why do you feel you need more spaces?
It can be an issue if you find your breeding has been going to well in the zoo and ya just dont want to release those lovely Gold animals lol
Im trying to breed animals with good stats. So I keep at least one male and a female from each species. Some species, like the lions, I keep 6 good females with 1 good male. When the animals get old and infertile, I rehome them or release them to the wild and the animals I have in the trade center, I put in the habitat and I repeat.
I have even made a spreadsheet of familytrees from each species I have. I like this aspect of the game, but I need more space, to expand to other animals.
I dont do it for a profit, but as a challenge for myself. I usually just release animals to the wild, because I dont have the space to wait for someone to buy my animals.

Like I said, it doesnt have to be cheap or easy to get more space, as long as its an option for people like me.
This has probably already been suggested and many times, I just couldnt find it.
I would LOVE if there were an option to increase the animal storage in the trade center. Either just increase it in general, make it unlimited OR let us buy upgrades for conservation credits. It doesnt have to be cheap.

PLZ implement this! Im starting to get annoyed by the lack of space!
I agree, 50 is way to few of you have multiple zoo's and want to save a few animals per zoo foe the next generation.. Let alone if you want to sell them on the market to help other players.... Now i don't have storage to sell, and i know a lot of people don't have that, and that is 1 of the reasons why the market is so empty

I would be happy to just have unlimmited storage, or even buy storage with cash or cc
I have found that you can store more than 50 in there if you are sending stuff from within your zoo directly to your Trade Center. It does tell you in there you will need to filter to see all animals if you do that and your storage counter will show Y / 50 where Y is equal to the total number of animals within the storage, even if it goes above that. The thing that it does stop you from doing is going into the relevant Trading tab to get more animals from outside that zoo.

I know you can have more, but like you said, then you cannot buy any, which is a problem.....
I would be happy to just have unlimmited storage, or even buy storage with cash or cc

I think will just put to much strain on the servers. If you sell all of them - they are all active on the server. (if you log off - your sales are still active)

Maybe when more DLC have released we'll have another increase.

I created a storage zoo to put them in... Not the best solution but still an option.
Now I havent investigated past my first zoo in the game, but what is to stop you from creating a second zoo, moving the animals to there if you run out of Trading space, and then just playing your main zoo. Does time pass in that second zoo when playing the first if you arent there to control it?
An increase to 50 from the old 30 is still a good upgrade in my opinion. Now you can directly buy and sell animals of each species directly from your trade center given you have one of each. For the rest, creating a storage zoo for just 100 CC is a quite effective solution.
But in Challenge or Sandbox you can't create a "storage zoo" and so you are stuck with your 50 animal-slots, which can be unlucky (as stated above), if you want to keep a good breeding pair of each of your animals for future (as most animals in the market in sandbox or challenge have so very bad stats - and at least for me it is no solution to buy 1000 animals and put them one by one into the enclosure until I've got the ones I want and sell the rest after they have been cured. Thats hours and hours of not playing but working. If I am in the game I want to build my zoo and not stupidly click buttons and wait.)
But in Challenge or Sandbox you can't create a "storage zoo" and so you are stuck with your 50 animal-slots, which can be unlucky (as stated above), if you want to keep a good breeding pair of each of your animals for future (as most animals in the market in sandbox or challenge have so very bad stats - and at least for me it is no solution to buy 1000 animals and put them one by one into the enclosure until I've got the ones I want and sell the rest after they have been cured. Thats hours and hours of not playing but working. If I am in the game I want to build my zoo and not stupidly click buttons and wait.)
In Sandbox it really doesnt matter much.

As to the Challenge side, its a challenge its not meant to be easy. And in Challenge mode you dont need to to use that much space in the Trade Center and shouldnt have to.
I have very rarely come close to the 50 cap as I always manage my trade center inventory. I do not like clutter so I try to always keep it under 20 animals. I also have 21 zoos in franchise and if i ever want to move animals i just do it when i am ready to, no need to store a ton of them for some point in the future. At some point you just need to release animals instead of holding on to them all.

As for the other 2 modes, i don't play them so I do not know how that goes. I do not see why it would be a problem to give sandbox unlimited storage since it cheats every other limiting option that is in franchise. Franchise unlimited would likely create performance issues, more than there already are.
I think will just put to much strain on the servers. If you sell all of them - they are all active on the server. (if you log off - your sales are still active)
Yeah, but it will be there for only 1 hour... So if you play on not popular times, not many people are there and they won't be sold ;)

. For the rest, creating a storage zoo for just 100 CC is a quite effective solution.

I have those, but whenever you want to place a new animal, time goes by and the animals 'age'..
So in my opinion this is not a solution :)
I have very rarely come close to the 50 cap as I always manage my trade center inventory. I do not like clutter so I try to always keep it under 20 animals. I also have 21 zoos in franchise and if i ever want to move animals i just do it when i am ready to, no need to store a ton of them for some point in the future. At some point you just need to release animals instead of holding on to them all.

As for the other 2 modes, i don't play them so I do not know how that goes. I do not see why it would be a problem to give sandbox unlimited storage since it cheats every other limiting option that is in franchise. Franchise unlimited would likely create performance issues, more than there already are.
Actually, the only load that happens on a system is your own. The market is supplied by Frontier, so therefore can very well be generated by your own system, and likely is since you can play in offline mode when server maintenance happens without hassle. However in Sandbox you do have unlimited cash and CC to play with so you can just create habitats for the extra animals.
I have those, but whenever you want to place a new animal, time goes by and the animals 'age'..
So in my opinion this is not a solution :)

That is not really a problem. In your "storage" zoo, just set the animal age to +5 and they wont hardly age at all just by opening the zoo and putting in another animal (you would have to put hundreds of animals in for them to age by any amoiunt that would matter at all
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