
  1. Siwasana

    Axis of items

    Hello! I figured that building big wall out of chain link fences would be easy. Build few fences on top of each other, then select them all and copy them with ctrl+x... Well, no, the axis gets messed up. I try clicking the "change axis to world/item" but it doesn't change anything. Sometimes...
  2. G

    Would like Invert X-Axis ability

    Is there any reason you can invert the Y-Axis, but not the X-Axis? This game seems incredible, but I'm controlling it like a drunk madman without the ability to invert the X-Axis. I try getting over the learning curve of controls I'm not used to, but I've been rotating cameras on games like this...
  3. selbie

    Request: Allow Analogue Input for Lateral Thrust Axes

    Currently ED only allows for a single axis to control Vertical and Horizontal lateral thrust. The adjoining options for directions only allow for binary input (on/off). I would like there to be an option to recognise analogue input for Lateral Thrust Up, Down, Left, Right controls to allow for...
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