
  1. C

    What mode of planetary transport do people on Earth-likes use?

    Is this mentioned in any official lore? if not what do you believe would be the most logical mode of transport the average joe would use to travel in the cities of earth like words? would cars still exist?
  2. Grinnygog

    Quite a fruitful expedition...

    Just got back from a short(ish) journey to the sanguineous rim. Discovered numerous water worlds, 3 undiscovered earth-like worlds and a neutron star, all now tagged with my name. One system had 2 Y-class planets (ringed) and the icing on the cake was that when I'd handed in the data to Lave...
  3. M

    ELW´s and Water Worlds now and what perhaps rather should be at athmospheric landing-expansion

    Seems odd that border line between breathable air for humans seems to be between Water Worlds (without terraforming ofc) and Earth-likes, would there really be no water or even icy/athmospheric (barren with water) rocky planets out there that have breathable air? Though I have found at least...
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