
  1. Dash

    Thargoid Combat Zone support

    In counter-strike systems, we are asked to engage in combat zones, which could be outside planetary bases, or in orbit. Unlike Alert systems, there is no way to rearm or repair when fighting in these arenas. If you do leave to repair, the instance is reset and progress is lost, unless you've...
  2. CMDR CaptainScrotium

    Discussion EDSM Celestial Bodies Advanced Search Enhancement

    I use EDSM heavily and it is a fantastic tool and website. There is a filtering enhancement I have desired for several years and decided to make a post. I think it would be incredibly beneficial to add a filtering option 'Has Atmosphere' in the 'Atmosphere' drop down menu. This option would be...
  3. Z

    General Display favourites on Panel 1

    Hi guys, i have a game idea and not to sure how many people will up vote it but i think it could save some time etc Problem - Going panel 1 - Galaxy Map - Book marks (then select from a large list) - not sure how others feel but when using a mouse to select it you sometimes go out of bookmars...
  4. N

    Cockpit Lighting Cosmetic Enhancements

    I've come across a few threads that have been around for a while asking for the ability to toggle cockpit lighting and that's exactly what I'm here to bring up again, but with some additional flair. First off, the cockpit lights are really bright in some ships. For instance, the Krait MkII...
  5. N

    Biotech enhancements for CMDR's

    We're just beginning to develop artificial enhancements to the human body and brain already, presumably more could be developed in a thousand years! There might be ethical constraints imposed (as with AI), but this technology should be available on the black market at least, and the existence...
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