
  1. _bryan

    Newcomer / Intro Learning about collecting manufactured

    Hi folks, I'm trying to learn a bit about collecting manufactured and came across a page which says "flying economical routes through highly populated Imperial space, scanning the Nav Beacons and checking High Grade Emissions." I think I understand scanning nav beacons as well as high grade...
  2. FerriJoku

    About searching manufactured materials

    Maybe i don't understand something or doesn't Core Dynamics composites should appear in systems and HGEs at the state of None? For some reason i can't attach images, so here's the link for Imgur post with screenshots
  3. T

    Engineers Maufactured G5 Material Well?

    Hey my dudes and dudettes. I should'nt expect that many will be willing to share such infomation but mayhaps one of you is kind enough to share some secrets.. We appear to have a Rare Material Well for Encoded and for Raw, but to my knowledge, the isn't one for Manufactured aside from the odd...
  4. D

    Engineering Grind vs. Limited Gaming Time

    Engineering Grind vs. Limited Gaming Time: The Farming grind for Engineering Micro-Resources that leads to burnout and ends with players leaving the game. Note: TLDR Summary... This is a feedback and suggestion thread on the balance between FUN, grind, and the limited spare time that most of...
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