
  1. L

    can i play oddysey with a ryzen 5 3400g?

    that's my question can i play oddysey with my pc's integrated graphics card i have been playing horizon for a long time and i would like to make the jump to oddysey but i don't have enough money for a video card.
  2. F

    Weird space requirements

    Hello Planet Zoo Forum! I hope ya'll are alright? I have a question regarding the space requirements and how they are being calculated. I'm currently working on a otter/ bornean orangutan habitat the probem. Is that it seems that the requirements for the orangutan seem off or are not...
  3. M

    Polar bear space requirements

    I posted this comment on another thread about polar bears about their space requirements and how they are ridiculous, thought I should mention it here since these are "suggestions". May I remind some of you - it's a game... it's supposed to be fun, not as hard as real life, animals put in the...
  4. O

    Lowest Laptop Specs Playable

    Everyone likes to post their amazing systems but I would love to hear from fellow laptop players of Elite what your Low-Spec laptop is and how well it plays. I run a used laptop from E-Bay $199 (US) $335 (CDN with shipping and border fees) as follows which runs Elite just fine. :) Lenovo...
  5. E

    Recommended System Requirements

    I was just wondering when we'd be getting the recommended specs (currently in the process of debating what to upgrade).
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