
  1. CounselorCloud

    Reward Statues

    Petition to get statues of every animal in stone and some sort of plant based statues. The stone should be customizable for color, as it would add so much. Also, I was playing and noticed the lack of variety for the statues by means of species, such as the Rhinos. we have 3 species of them but...
  2. T

    Could we please have a mirror tool added to construction.

    Hey. When it comes to building/construction, with the walls/floors and other symmetrical pieces the rotation 'Z' key is enough to swing a piece around to finish off a build and/or create symmetrical builds however there are some individual decoration pieces where the Z key does not work like...
  3. G

    Buildings & Attractions General Gameplay Park "Decorations" (for both eras)

    Park "decorations" are one of the few suggestions I have seen a few times in the past. Recently, I have been thinking of a way of how decorations could work, after experiencing the era system myself, while also incorporating elements from a previous related dead thread I posted here last year...
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