Petition to get statues of every animal in stone and some sort of plant based statues. The stone should be customizable for color, as it would add so much.

Also, I was playing and noticed the lack of variety for the statues by means of species, such as the Rhinos. we have 3 species of them but only have the one type of them in the reward statues. This could help to teach the size differences between the types of each species. It would be so good to allow more decor for each species as I always use the stone statues around the habitats to add scenery.

I also never use the metal ones (bronze, silver, and gold) even though I have unlocked all of the career scenario ones. They just do NOT look appealing, I would prefer more neutral stone based colors and only use the stone ones.

Just to add, it could also make it so that the hippo statue, which comes with the classic themed items, would not have to be used as it does NOT match due to the stone type. It lacks cohesiveness for appealing zoos.
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