
  1. Cosmo

    Empire of Ants (photorealistic RTS)

    Empire of the Ants is a third-person, RTS with photorealistic graphics (Unreal Engine 5).
  2. Cosmo

    Age of Wonders 4

    Age of Wonders 4 has a great combination X4 strategy and customization. The gameplay is turn-based strategy on a world map with 3D battles. It's quite easy to learn while playing. There's multiple difficulty modes as well for casual to seasoned strategists. The customization options are super...
  3. deMangler

    Shadow Empire

    Surprised not to see a thread about Shadow Empire here. A few weeks ago I saw this review of it: I bought it the same day, and since then I have put over 400 hours into it, and I still can't wait until...
  4. MrHappy

    Frontier.... How do you decide.....

    Hayo Frontier Folks... Is it OK to ask? I guess this might be privileged information or it might be something to do with market strategy and therefore stuff you can't talk about. If that's the case, sorry to ask. I was wondering how you guys work in relation to additional releases, DLC's. Has...
  5. VR Morgan Grimes

    Falling Frontier

    This looks like it could be popular with some of us I reckon :)
  6. G

    Simulation and Management Gameplay

    Hello all, I have recently decided to redownload Planet Coaster and I have seen the community being very active over the years. My question is, is there a mod or some sort of workshop thing that can be used to adjust the simulation/management aspects of the game? I really do enjoy the creative...
  7. LanceLord

    Is a Stellaris meets Civilization meets The Sims Sandbox Gameplay Content Possible?

    Now that the Milky Way galaxy just got a little smaller with the DW expedition: 1. is it possible to get space legs similar to the way this exists in X4: Foundations or (Candyman meets boogey man alert) Star Citizen? It would be great to be able to exit your spaceship/land rover when landed on...
  8. C

    Pretend I'm new, I basically am. How should I approach ship ownership?

    I have three ships; the iEagle, the iCourier, and the iClipper. I have about 2.4 mil left, the iEagle is "all A's" style except for a fast recharge shield, and I have a modified fast recharge shield, 2x MCs, and 1x Beam laser on the Courier. My preferred income has always been from some sort of...
  9. E

    [SUGGESTION] Expand trade and mining away from first-person play

    tl;dr Automation of the main gameplay grind and allow experienced players to build trade fleets/mining conglomerates forthose who prefer strategy to twitch combat. I am one of many who play Elite a bit and get a bit, well, bored - I know there is such a lot going on in the wider galaxy, but...
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