thargoid research

  1. ChloeDB

    Unknown Artifacts Redux

    I would like to preface this by saying I may be completely off the mark. It's a sad truth of these forums that when someone thinks they have “discovered something” they immediately think they are right with no room for error. So.. I could be wrong. Last night just before bed I was pondering...
  2. A

    Question about Thargoid Materials on Update 14

    Hi, For now, i can get these materials/data: In-Space: - Thargoid Interdiction Data (class 3, data) => you need to be interdicted by an interceptor/scout. In Thargoid Mealstrom: - Thargoid Caustic Generator Parts (class 3 or standard, manufactured) => when a caustic generator (a...
  3. P

    Thargoid Interceptor PvP Experiments.

    Curious, has there ever been a test to see how an Interceptor reacts to two Cmdrs duking it out? I'm sure if anybody has done, Canonn most likely would have but I can't see any mention of it anywhere. I'm most interested to see results based on: ° Any two random Cmdrs. ° A Cmdr with a history...
  4. Mas s_1nhibited

    AOE/California sector Thargoid Choice project.

    DO YOU WANT TO PLAY YOUR WAY? About the AOE the Allied Order of Exemplars: We are a small, specialist and casual group of very experienced xbox (recently expanded to PC) players that have been living and working the California sector since the placement of the PMF the Allied order of Exemplars...
  5. Wryson

    Azimuth Biochemicals and Pharmasapien know more then they're telling

    -----Anaconda "Universi Viatorem" datadump activated----- Data archived. Data transmitted to following recipients: Office of Arissa Lavigny-Duval "Salvation" care of Taurus Mining Ventures Aegis Research, Delphi System Greetings. I put this down as a record. I've just gotten back to Cottenot...
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