Ship Builds & Load Outs 1.4 Impact on Module Priorities & Power Management

As we likely all know by now, the 1.4 update will change how damage to power plants effects our ships. While having a chance to pop our ships still, damaged power plants will now more likely have inconsistent and reduced power output levels instead which will effect our other ship modules.

Targeting power plants will still be fairly effective overall, at least in some scenarios, as ships are fairly neutralized when their modules start failing on them. However, to help mitigate this, it seems that people can at least choose their module priorities so that more essential modules maintain functionality longer.

While making a new combat capable Vulture exploration build upon my return to colonized space and anticipating these new mechanics, I've prioritized the modules to try and help maintain ship viability for longer while still being able to get out of trouble when necessary. For example, currently FSDs are a lower priority on Vulture builds as they aren't needed while staying in the thick of things and Vultures are notoriously underpowered anyway, though now I have the FSD set as one of the top priority modules.

Here's my Vulture build and its module priorities (note that detailed surface scanners can't have their priorities changed in game, so I've just left this listed as having a first level priority)."Ronin" - Combat & Exploration

What are your guys' thoughts on these changes and will you be likewise changing your module priority levels to account for them, or do you think it won't be a relevant enough of a concern to change your setups?
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Needs only a miror adjustment. The powerplant performs normally until it's at 0%. That means it will output 100% power and fail completely for short periods of time as is gets more damaged. Once at 0% it drops to 50% power output. You could set all priorities to 2, except the very bare neccessities. which would be thrusters, fsd, life support and shields. That's usually all you can run at 50% anyway, so you can still try and make your escape.
Thanks for the clarification. Looks like I'll drop shields to priority 2 as well then, since they put me over 50% power usage.

Regarding Vulture builds specifically, more often than not, some modules have to be set to even lower priorities for Vultures to function in combat.
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Thanks for the clarification. Looks like I'll drop shields to priority 2 as well then, since they put me over 50% power usage.

Regarding Vulture builds specifically, more often than not, some modules have to be set to even lower priorities for Vultures to function in combat.
If your powerplant is taking damage, you are well beyond the point that shields are going to help you.
If your powerplant is taking damage, you are well beyond the point that shields are going to help you.

The theory is that if they can come back up, they can help reduce or negate further damage, giving you a greater chance at survival. That's why I had the shield boosters at a lower priority too, because they make the shields take longer to come back up if they're still on. Moot point though on my Vulture build, since the shields put it over 50% power usage.
The theory is that if they can come back up, they can help reduce or negate further damage, giving you a greater chance at survival. That's why I had the shield boosters at a lower priority too, because they make the shields take longer to come back up if they're still on. Moot point though on my Vulture build, since the shields put it over 50% power usage.

When you start taking hits to the powerplant there is a risk it will temporarily knock out all power with each hit you take...even if your shields are nearly recharged that will kick them offline again and force them to recharge all over again.
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