When is the ideal time for cqc (in game time)?
Other questions I'm beginning to think of are, would you personally be interested in fdev adding ai bots to the matches to play against or at least have a game mode option to play against them? And how many regular players do you see in cqc? I've never seen anyone more than once but havnt played that much. I'm really hoping to find enough interest and if done right maybe even get fdevs attention and fix cqc. I think even 500x the CR rewards would be very resonable if not higher.
On PC the peak time is around 18:00 - 21:00 game time, and queue for TDM mode (this mode seems the most popular these days). Important thing is to join CQC via Horizons because people don't normally play CQC via Odyssey.
DM mode is my favourite, but veterans don't want to play it for some reason
In TDM you will face many veterans during the peak times and matches will be full so sometimes hard to get in (not because there are no matches). Just queue and hope somebody will crash to desktop (common thing).
Before the Odyssey release it wasn't unusual to see 3-4 matches full of people going on at the same time during the peak times, with matchmaker doing a bit better job by separating new players from veterans. But now due to low population the game will put everyone together in one match, so at least you have one.
I think CQC should have a training mode that allows you to explore all 4 arenas.
NPC AI cannot handle CQC combat, as it's more complex than just flying in open space.. In CQC you fly around and through the structures, use Power-Ups tactically as well.
And personally I don't think adding bots to CQC would be beneficial from gameplay perspective. It would only suit people who don't care about CQC and just want to grind rank without effort.