2.4 Teaser

Creep factor? Are you serious? This specific trailer is creapy? Realy?

The teaser trailer actually reminds me of those really awful looking horror movie trailers, that actually put me off watching them. Even if they're actually good. Lol

No offence to FD.
It takes a lot to scare me these days. :p
The teaser trailer actually reminds me of those really awful looking horror movie trailers, that actually put me off watching them. Even if they're actually good. Lol

No offence to FD.
It takes a lot to scare me these days. :p

I can't touch things like FNAF, Insomnia, or other horror games. Can't do it. Won't do it. Maybe just me being creeped out a bit. Mostly has to do with the staticy cuts to stuff being totally wrecked. I don't know, reminds me of Danganronpa or something. Or the GameTheory videos on FNAF (I can handle those for some reason).
The video was cool, and the visuals and sound, like always, are very impressive.

But as a teaser, it's not really teasing anything.
The trailer is good for people who do not participate or saw scientific research in game, i wait a bigger trailer to see the new content.
the trailer looked really cool to me because I have yet to experience any of the alien stuff.

I really hope that part of the 2.5 'core enhancements' update, is better gameplay integration with these new or special events and places.
I don't mind if they're far or difficult to get to, I just don't want to have to lookup on the forum/reddit/wiki the system and planetary coordinates of said 'special' content.

Dom, please, if you're listening, please integrate these special locations with the common mission system. :)
I can't touch things like FNAF, Insomnia, or other horror games. Can't do it. Won't do it. Maybe just me being creeped out a bit. Mostly has to do with the staticy cuts to stuff being totally wrecked. I don't know, reminds me of Danganronpa or something. Or the GameTheory videos on FNAF (I can handle those for some reason).
The last game I found super creepy was Silent Hill. The original. On PS1. In 1999. When I was 15.

Almost anything can make someone jump, so I don't count jump-scares as scary, just startling. I don't startle easy either though.
Except from my cat. She can be running around upstairs, all noisey, while I'm downstairs watching TV or playing Elite. Then howl in my ear 1/2 a second later.
I'm convinced she just teleports in to the lounge. Lol
A patch about Thargoids returning to Elite shoukd be about combat. Looking forward to it!

IMO, it should be about everything. Delivering combat supplies to front-line units. Search and destroy missions. Evacuating civilians and wounded away from the hot zones. Scouting for intel and weaknesses. Carrying sensitive information and technological prototypes to reach eventual production. Going deep behind enemy lines to retrieve something or someone. Look, trade, combat, passengers, exploration, courier, and smuggling. Oh...mining: increasing resource production to keep up with wartime demand.
IMO, it should be about everything. Delivering combat supplies to front-line units. Search and destroy missions. Evacuating civilians and wounded away from the hot zones. Scouting for intel and weaknesses. Carrying sensitive information and technological prototypes to reach eventual production. Going deep behind enemy lines to retrieve something or someone. Look, trade, combat, passengers, exploration, courier, and smuggling. Oh...mining: increasing resource production to keep up with wartime demand.

Yes, all that will be probably part of it. But so many are denouncing Thargoid combat zones - and I don't know what's the problem with that.
IMO, it should be about everything. Delivering combat supplies to front-line units. Search and destroy missions. Evacuating civilians and wounded away from the hot zones. Scouting for intel and weaknesses. Carrying sensitive information and technological prototypes to reach eventual production. Going deep behind enemy lines to retrieve something or someone. Look, trade, combat, passengers, exploration, courier, and smuggling. Oh...mining: increasing resource production to keep up with wartime demand.

I am sure you want it to be everything and more, but 2.4 is a fifth of one DLC. You paid between four and ten bucks for it. Lets keep things a little bit realistic. If it offers new and interesting stuff for some of us, thats great. No five bucks dlc will offer everything to everyone.

Considering Elite as a series always had combat front and center, Thargoids are the old nemesis and PvE has been noticably easy, having thecThargoid update Make Combat Great Again is fine.
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I just got an email telling me Frontier developments just uploaded a video called 2.4 Teaser. When I go to the YouTube page it says video removed.

What's that all about?

Yep, sorry about that! First video had exported with a minor issue with the end slate text, which was noticed a little too late. The rest of the content remained the same, just a bit of text that we weren't happy to leave in that state.
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