Horizons 2.5 wishlist-what would you like to see in the future?

The Materials and Data limits raised to something like 50 of each. Current system is ludicrous. Every time I complete a mission I have to alt-tab out to my engineering list and see what I don't need so I can jettison it to get the new thing, which eventually I'll jettison.

The SRV seems to have got slippier. Like rear-wheel-steering or something.

Empire/Fed/Alliance decals unlocked like the Pilots Fed ones are. I'm a flipping King, why can't I advertise the fact?

On that subject, stop calling me "Commander" at stations I'm a King at. Or Rear Admiral. Would you really greet Queen Elizabeth with "Hi Liz, good to see you again"? Okay, some of you would. Hush.

More missions. LOADS more missions. It's insane that some stations don't require me to bring in anything or take anything anywhere.

edit - I'd also like the chrome skins to go back to their old shiny selves rather than this brushed grey look they've had for a couple of patches.
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More (legal) planet-side combat mission variations, maybe with a more combat-oriented SRV (multicrew tank == unquestionable fun?)

- Bread crumb exploration. We need something more than scan & land for the rest of the galaxy. Let explorers find ad-hoc missions outside of the bubble at USS's that can lead to nearby valuable unexplored systems, or planet surface sites (eg. impromtpu reward for activating a data relay or scanning a crashed nav beacon in the system) .

- Exploration Missions: Agent asks for DSS scans of planet x and moons or system x. higher quality missions lead to more valuable systems to survey. Get people's feet wet for the big pool, & new explorers can double dip on reputation/money for the mission and UC sales.

Maybe make it less of a chore, or increase incentive to take mining-type delivery missions? Ever? In something smaller than a type 6 for people who could actually use the money?

Storyline: Better breadcrumbing players into emerging, or older, storyline related content. If you have content which, at any point, forces a player to have to google what to do next, you probably haven't created good leads into that content. case in point: Felicty Farseer wants a Meta-Alloy to unlock. Step 2: Google that *** because it's already a dead end.

The Materials and Data limits raised to something like 50 of each. Current system is ludicrous. Every time I complete a mission I have to alt-tab out to my engineering list and see what I don't need so I can jettison it to get the new thing, which eventually I'll jettison.

The SRV seems to have got slippier. Like rear-wheel-steering or something.

Definitely this on the materials/data. The cap is low for maintaining general stocks of supplies. I went mining once. ONCE, and the whole shebang got stuffed in the sausage hole on the first rock because I had suddenly capped out. Nothing, nothing, makes a miner angrier than limp limpets.

As for the SRV, it is four wheel steering. It'd be nice to lock the back wheels when over 25% throttle to reduce spinning out. Nobody needs to make a turn with a 4 meter radius while doing 30m/s. Nobody that likes staying upright, that is.
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I think most of us are wishing and hoping there is no 2.5. So my wish list is I hope we get 3.0 in 2018 instead of 2019, as they seam to be planning no major updates for next year just fixes and tweaks for what we all ready have. Hope fully that could mean fixing all the bugs at least before we get any new major up date, but I would still prefer a major update in 2018 and not have to wait until 2019.

just curious what people's ideas are for the future of Elite. with 2.4 on the horizon there is no doubt going to be some further enhancements to gameplay. but As you know elite is ever evolving...what do you think the future holds? :)

I have a few ideas that I think would make gameplay more immersive, interactive and more interesting (without drastically changing it of course) :)

I will keep these a short as possible;

- Stock Market-
Every galactic faction has varying economic states at present (Boom,bust,famine, war.....etc.) the option to invest into factions would be very interesting indeed. states influence the value of shares as you would expect...smart players who are attuned to galactic events may find this very profitable. superpowers also have shares too (fed,imp and alliance) where galactic events again influence shares.

I have noticed in 2.4 these is a few events relating to rare and difficult commodities (such as UA,UP, Guardian relics and more) but at current you have to haul them all over the galaxy if you want to save them for later. commodities and materials can be stored at starports and transferred for a fee if needed. these items are safe and will not be lost if your ship is destroyed. this allows you to do other missions and explore without continuously hauling important items around. also for collectors this may help (say if I wanted one of each of the rare goods, or my first painite I ever mined :)

-New SRV's-

self explanatory. we need some variation (haulers, attackers etc.)


Remove all engineer ammo for kinetic weapons such as corrosive, incantatory, drag... and add them to advanced maintenance at star ports (it is not the gun that influences the ammo, which I have always found odd) as well as adding new munitions such as armour piercing rounds (less dam, much more penetration). premium munitions are also available for much higher costs (currently only obtainable through synthesis) this also means players can choose what type of ammo they need for the job and use it accordingly.

-variable powerplay weapons-

weapons come in different sizes allowing for greater customisation. as well as fixed, gimballed and turret variations where necessary.


fixed weapons can now be focused to a certain distance to create much better accuracy on targets. rather than just straight ahead and miss the target. Imp cutters and clippers are useless for shoulder mounted fixed weapons at current.

-CQC bots-
as suggested many many times by players, bots are needed here or cqc is dead.

-Bigger CZ-
More Capitol ships in CZ, even more capitol ship types?

I think I have gone on enough for the moment. I am more interested in your ideas and opinion of what the Horizons updates of the future may hold! ;)

Looking forward to hearing from you!

CMDR Jaylem
* Mix crew with wings. so that we mix and match how we like, to the maximum allowed player limit, currently 4 players in wing. So you can two ships with two commanders in each ship.

* Change cargo missions so that you can do them in them in several runs. so even in a small cargo ship you take a mission to haul more cargo than your ship can hold, so you have to have make more trips

* change Naval ranks progression, and have alot more specific naval missions, (=worth more than just doing generic missions), and also have missions that have you use (loan) ships (with locked configuration) you unlock to let you get a feel for them....

* More things todo on planets

* More SRV's

* More landable planets

* More things todo when joining another players ship, like exploration, scanning and stuff.

* Planetary landings HUD when landing in/on stations.

* More things todo as a group. Group missions, like escort a trade ship, where the trader is a player and the other players have to protect the trader. the idea to promote play in groups regardless of what kind of activity you do.

* Better way to interract with players in game, expecially for players trying the pirate life, like standard texts to use when doing pirate interaction, and also haggling/responses, with their own game notifications (the chat is way to easy to miss). Since all texts are standard based, interction between players who use different languanges would also work.

* More ingame radio chatter. like what TTS4ED do, https://sites.google.com/site/tts4ed/

Just to name a few of all the things I have been thinking about, that has the potential to make the game better.
Off the top of my head...

I'd like to see the ability to deploy mining machines on planet surfaces like you could do in FFE instead of just asteroid mining.

The ability to bookmark the exact location where your ship has currently landed on the surface of a planet.

Make exploration more fun by finding anomalies and mysteries in the galaxy.

Atmospheric landings would be nice. More types or SRVs.

A community goal to get the Turner class ship back in to production.

Another community goal to make the standard station letter box larger and add extra large landing pads that is galaxy wide. Makes room for even bigger ships in the Elite Dangerous universe.

Redesign the Galnet
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