2023 Essential habitat animals META-WISHLIST:

I think this should be the one if I’m not mistaken :)
Oops my bad, thank you very much for link!
  1. Grey crown crane
  2. Gaur
  3. Banteng
  4. Silver pheasant
  5. Red junglefowl
  6. Red-shanked douc
  7. Scarlet ibis
  8. Sumatran rhino
  9. Malayan fireback
  10. Roseate Spoonbill
  11. Victoria crowned pigeon
  12. Siamese fireback
  13. Green peafowl
  14. Mainland serow
  15. Bontebok
  16. Golden pheasant
  17. Indian muntjac
  18. Sarus crane
  19. Banded Mongoose
  20. Fishing cat
  21. Takahe
  22. Great White Pellican
  23. Asiatic golden cat
  24. Mandarin Duck
  25. Helmeted Guinea fowl
  26. Painted Stork
  27. Marbled cat
  28. Patagonian Mara
  29. Greater Rhea
  30. Eld's deer
  31. Hanuman Gray Langur
  32. Pileated gibbon
  33. African Civet
  34. Spectacled bear
  35. South American Tapir
  36. Wild Yak
  37. Nilgai
  38. Serval
  39. Bush Dog
  40. squirrel monkey
  41. Roadrunner
  42. Wild Turkey
  43. Marabou Stork
  44. Elk
  45. Black footed ferret
  46. Superb lyrebird
  47. Indian Giant Squirrel
  48. Greater kudu
  49. François' Langur
  50. Siamese crocodile
  1. Grey crown crane
  2. Gaur
  3. Banteng
  4. Silver pheasant
  5. Red junglefowl
  6. Red-shanked douc
  7. Scarlet ibis
  8. Sumatran rhino
  9. Malayan fireback
  10. Roseate Spoonbill
  11. Victoria crowned pigeon
  12. Siamese fireback
  13. Green peafowl
  14. Mainland serow
  15. Bontebok
  16. Golden pheasant
  17. Indian muntjac
  18. Sarus crane
  19. Banded Mongoose
  20. Fishing cat
  21. Takahe
  22. Great White Pellican
  23. Asiatic golden cat
  24. Mandarin Duck
  25. Helmeted Guinea fowl
  26. Painted Stork
  27. Marbled cat
  28. Patagonian Mara
  29. Greater Rhea
  30. Eld's deer
  31. Hanuman Gray Langur
  32. Pileated gibbon
  33. African Civet
  34. Spectacled bear
  35. South American Tapir
  36. Wild Yak
  37. Nilgai
  38. Serval
  39. Bush Dog
  40. squirrel monkey
  41. Roadrunner
  42. Wild Turkey
  43. Marabou Stork
  44. Elk
  45. Black footed ferret
  46. Superb lyrebird
  47. Indian Giant Squirrel
  48. Greater kudu
  49. François' Langur
  50. Siamese crocodile
You might want to consider posting your list here:
Here is my list!

1. Coquerel's Sifaka
2. Lace Monitor
3. Lesser Bushbaby (any species but preferably G. moholi)
4. Gopher Tortoise
5. Chinese Alligator
6. Aye-aye
7. Sumatran Rhinoceros
8. Radiated Tortoise
9. Hamadryas Baboon
10. Matschie's Tree Kangaroo
11. Southern Rockhopper Penguin
12. Whooping crane
13. Crocodile Monitor
14. Aardwolf
15. Bat Eared Fox
16. Black Footed Cat
17. Rusty Spotted Cat
18. Banded Mongoose
19. Rock Hyrax
20. Klipspringer
21. American Black Bear
22. Snowshoe Hare
23. Angolan Colobus
24. Red Junglefowl
25. Elk (Wapiti)
Top 20

1- Sea Otter
2- Walrus
3- adelie penguin
4- Emperor penguin
5- gento penguin
6- Secretary Bird
7- Scarlet ibis
8- sea parrot
9- american flamingo
10- golden lion tamarin
11- Coati
12- Australian sea lion
13- Ross Seal
14- humboldt penguin
15- sea elephant
16- Squirrel monkey
17- Pied tamarin
18- Emperor tamarin
19- spoonbill
20- sea turtle

I believe the game lacks many aquatic animals, I would like to be able to have a penguin center with an arctic theme.
Water birds are also needed to provide more diversity, such as tamarins.
The sea otter is indispensable for its unique animation in the water
  1. African spurred tortoise
  2. Chinese giant salamander
  3. European hare
  4. Geoffroy's spider monkey
  5. Gerenuk
  6. Great white pelican
  7. Grey crowned crane
  8. Guianan squirrel monkey
  9. Hamadryas baboon
  10. Helmeted guineafowl
  11. Kirk's dik-dik
  12. Leopard seal
  13. Mantled guereza
  14. Marabou stork
  15. Musk ox
  16. Northern rockhopper penguin
  17. Secretary bird
  18. Shoebill
  19. Short-beaked echidna
  20. South American coati
  21. Southern elephant seal
  22. Southern ground hornbill
  23. Walrus
  24. White-faced saki
  25. Wild turkey
  1. African spurred tortoise
  2. Chinese giant salamander
  3. European hare
  4. Geoffroy's spider monkey
  5. Gerenuk
  6. Great white pelican
  7. Grey crowned crane
  8. Guianan squirrel monkey
  9. Hamadryas baboon
  10. Helmeted guineafowl
  11. Kirk's dik-dik
  12. Leopard seal
  13. Mantled guereza
  14. Marabou stork
  15. Musk ox
  16. Northern rockhopper penguin
  17. Secretary bird
  18. Shoebill
  19. Short-beaked echidna
  20. South American coati
  21. Southern elephant seal
  22. Southern ground hornbill
  23. Walrus
  24. White-faced saki
  25. Wild turkey
Please repost this on the 2024 list page (https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/2024-essential-habitat-animals-meta-wishlist.621346/). Thanks!
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