I think you confuse UGC (which mean "User Generated
Content", so all type of content) and "Custom 3D Model" here ...
We don't need a "3D modelling app" (which is a waste of time and human ressources, and there is plenty of soft like that) but we don't need a simple "importer" either, like the old days (because it's too complicated for users who are not experienced with 3D modeling, and because it's limited to 3D model import).
This is why we need something between, what I call a "UGC Editor", allowing us to import every type of UGC (3D, 2D, music, sounds, gif, videos, fonts, ...)
[...] Custom content has always been around. We had this back in the original DOOM days. I remember making maps and characters for Duke3D and Unreal Tournament 1999. It just isn't celebrated as a competitive advantage in all genres and by all developers. Some developers, particularly Epic and id, really embraced custom content. Others did not.
This is not what I meant. I think we are not talking about the same things here [wink]
Of course, everyone can learn to code, or mod a game since the first computer (and yes, me too, I designed a few 3D levels with a "level editor" in some games for exemple) but it was not reserved to the general public, it was quite obscure, something reserved for "geeks" if you want.
Now the concept of "custom content" (not custom content itself) need to be more "user friendly", and is pretty common, because of theSims, housing in MMO, SteamWorkshop, Minecraft, Mods on many games, best computer skills among players, etc... The list is long, there are multiple reasons.
And it is even more important here, since PlanetCoaster is 1) A simulation game 2) for PC.