97% of Viewers (Players?) Want Ship Interiors!

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I'd like that too but that is an order of magnitude more work than ship interiors. Frontier don't make decisions on what to do first by spiting player, it's a balance off how hard it is to do and how much they can get out of it economically.
Yes it is a lot of work, so I'd like them to start on it! Interiors are just a distraction from that... And are also a lot of work!
I thought during the "loading screen" what they're doing is dynamically generating the background starfield image? It makes sense they're not storing the slightly different image for every single system in the game on your drive. Explains things like why the background screwed up when they decided to apply their fss screen tinting technology to the entire game and sell it like it was... nevermind.
when you jump from one system to another not when you are in supercruise in the same system. In SC this doesn't happen because ther is no jumping to another system, for the simple reason that there is only one.
Excuse are excuses not valid and acceptable reasons. But you are right, they did give us some excuses

So, you are saying there are no reasons FD shouldn't have done ship interiors by now?

Budget, plans, priorities, time - none of these are valid reasons why FD haven't done them yet? If so, by all means, get a job as a project manager and astound your bosses by delivering on things without taking any of those things into consideration. ;)

OR are you saying instead that FD shouldn't have done other things and instead done interiors first? In which case, what do you think FD shouldn't have done?

Since they have been working on space legs now for years, and considering the content they have produced in that time, the only big item i can see on the list that could perhaps (maybe) take significant development time would be fleet carriers. Now, i guess that was a good few months of effort, maybe even a year or more, for the team working on them, it probably would be enough time for some level of ship interiors. Maybe bare bones, maybe something more fleshed out with actual gameplay and EVA and stuff.

Would you trade Fleet Carriers for such an implementation of ship interiors?

Tricky question i think, since we can't be sure what they could deliver in the same time. But i love my fleet carrier, it really changed how i play ED for the better. Maybe ship interiors would as well... i'm not sure. A lot of what people talk about in relation to gameplay features with ship interiors (beyond walking around and looking at walls) relates to multicrew. As someone who flies solo most of the time, with rare occasions of winging up and even rarer multicrew, i'm not sure how much it would change how i play the game (beyond having the option of walking around inside my ships and optionally walking through it while visiting starports).

On the balance of things, i'm glad FD spent some time during the development of Odyssey on Fleet Carriers (despite some of the issues i have with their implementation) rather than ship interiors.

And if FD add ship interiors later, that's cool. I hope they do.
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Nearly seven thousand votes on a community poll on YouTube (so far). Sure, YouTube polls aren't scientific and the audience certainly won't be 100% representative of the entire playerbase.

However, it's likely that ~6693 people out of ~6900 gives good margin for error to confidently say that; "Most players want to see ship interiors added to the game at some point."

EDIT: Follow up poll:

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i think the question should have been worded different Ant... you're almost asking children if they want ice cream and of course the answer is yes.

the whole "not at launch" means a few month later to me and leads to some form of expectation, although im starting to doubt we will even have a console version come June.

i think the question needs to be what's an acceptable timeframe, its been the most asked for feature since long before legs was even thought about.
There are excuses for it. Of course, you might not care for those excuses.

Development priorities is the main one. Sure, FD could have added space legs already. If they hadn't developed other stuff instead.

I'm also sure somewhere around 97% of players want full atmospheric planets. 97% of players want more alien species. 97% of players want to see Thargoid bases that can be either attacked or docked at. 97% of players want My Little Pony in game.

Ok, not the last one. But hopefully you get the idea.

You're going to say there is no excuse to all of those?

Addition of interiors would take time (and money of course). What should FD have done? Release as they are now, or delay release for another year (for example) while they do ship interiors? Or they should invent a time machine, go back in time, and start working on interiors years ago, perhaps not developing Fleet Carriers, Powerplay, and/or CQC (for example).

What level of interiors would be acceptable for you?

Walking into the ship through a corridor to the cockpit and sitting down before taking off? (or directly entering cockpit on ships like the Eagle) Not bad, probably just delay release by a month or two?

Fully mapped ship interiors but are generic? Let's say a few months.

Fully mapped ship interiors that also change depending on your module selection? Phew... well over half a year i'd estimate. Maybe a year.

Fully mapped interiors with the ability to get out of your seat while the ship is flying around. Now i'm in quite unguessable territory, because no idea how long it would take for FD to be able to figure out how to make this happen. Might be something they could do fairly quickly, or it might take them a long time.

Fully mapped interiors with walking (or floating) around on ship while in flight with gameplay loops onboard ship such as repair, manning turrets (as opposed to what we have now), and various other things actually do inside ships? Well over 1 year.

Regardless, right there shows why there is a reason. I'm not saying my estimates are spot on, i don't work for FD, i don't know for sure how quickly they could do, but even the most optimistic of realistic estimates wouldn't be that quick.

There are excuses, you just ignore them.
Frontier: "We heard My Little Pony. Next race confirmed."
Excuse are excuses not valid and acceptable reasons. But you are right, they did give us some excuses

Frontiers office dog ate the USB drive containing the interior files?

View attachment 214664

Nearly seven thousand votes on a community poll on YouTube (so far). Sure, YouTube polls aren't scientific and the audience certainly won't be 100% representative of the entire playerbase.

However, it's likely that ~6693 people out of ~6900 gives good margin for error to confidently say that; "Most players want to see ship interiors added to the game at some point."

EDIT: Follow up poll:

View attachment 214856

Oh come on @Obsidian Ant - you're better than this.

Confirmation bias doesn't help understand the value of pursuing this over other planned activity (which may contain content we may not even know about) nor does it help us understand how much value in terms of actual gameplay such an expansion would provide. We get you want it, but have the decency to ask yourself rather than cooking up an artificially skewed poll to make out you are an agent of the community.

Leveraging your subscribers to ask for something is the kind of cheap trick I would expect from less well-regarded content creators.
Riding on Lorville metro could take more time, than some trip from one system to another in ED.
Especially if the metro door doesn't open when it stops at the stations, which tends to happen frequently, at least in that new city in the frozen planet... The actual cities are quite amazing though.
I have spoken at length with my friend and we agree that if Frontier do not include this by June, we shall leave and never return. 😤

Makes me remember #bazmeson never answered any of my friend requests, even if I named two of my ships after him. Greener pastures they surely have found!

Make it June 2nd so that we can hold commemorative festivities on a single day each year which would greatly simplify that honourable task.

As for the poll: ask any customer whether he wants a feature and he will always say yes. And then, he/she starts to really need it and starts to complain on each and every occasion afterwards. Regardless what it is, ponies, unicorns, space-faring camels, you name it. But I'm confident that issue will go down in the waves of whine that will inevitably start tomorrow. At least, I got my CV1 right channel sound issues fixed just in time.

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Especially if the metro door doesn't open when it stops at the stations, which tends to happen frequently, at least in that new city in the frozen planet... The actual cities are quite amazing though.
I got stuck on Arc corp (the ecumonopolis) for like two hours because it was just so huge, lol. Ended up on a train to the IAE expo without even realizing it. Saw an 890 jump up close when I still had an Aurora, what a sight.
Oh come on @Obsidian Ant - you're better than this.

Confirmation bias doesn't help understand the value of pursuing this over other planned activity (which may contain content we may not even know about) nor does it help us understand how much value in terms of actual gameplay such an expansion would provide. We get you want it, but have the decency to ask yourself rather than cooking up an artificially skewed poll to make out you are an agent of the community.

Leveraging your subscribers to ask for something is the kind of cheap trick I would expect from less well-regarded content creators.
The poll was not artificially skewed. It asked a simple question and within the confines of that question, was perfectly fine. The problem lies with so many other people trying to read more into that poll than there was. All it confirms is that people would indeed like to see ship interiors. If you want a more nuanced approach, then it's perfectly fine to lay down some numbers as to what the cost of the project would be, both to the customers and to the company, and then ask the people what they think about that.
Not sure why people write interiors off completely, when we've just made the first steps towards their possibility. If FPS gameplay will be available from here on out, it's only one expansion away from happening. Sure, i would've loved if odyssey contained it, but let's be honest. Fdev likes to take things slow (usually too show, i.e. bugfixes), and tacking on interiors on the first fsp attempt would've been a major dumpster fire. Hopefully this release won't be one either...

I'd much rather have them work it out properly, than do an astronomical mateup, that would decapitate the game. Until then, I'll be happy to mercenary shenanigans, until interiors are teased. At least it gives me something to look forward to.
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