97% of Viewers (Players?) Want Ship Interiors!

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Chrystoph said:

As to the whole hyperspace travel, if it has value, sure. If it is "for immersion" only, no thank you. I have zero interest in having to perform the animation of witchspace, fly up to the star, refuel, cycle the next target in route, fly around the star because it's obscurred, cycle the jump button, sit through the animation for the uptenth time.

It adds no value to the gameplay.
FTFY. And don't get me started on supercruise, because without netflix, many of you wouldn't even be here anymore. Not everything in the game has to have a purpose. Sunset in Witcher games doesn't have a gameplay purpose. Let's just fade to black and say "it's night".
I'll let you know when I need your "help" with my meanings, thanks. Comparing Cantaloupes and Boat Anchors is of limited use at the best of times.

Comparing getting into an SRV with a sunset, wow, I am gobsmacked! I'll be nice and show you a bit of what I consider value add...
At the same time, it's not as if there's anything else to do but drive. Remember, no artificial gravity and inertial compensator. The slightest ship move (including super cruise exit and ramming) would splat you against its walls.
Remember that orbital outposts have an artificial gravity doohickey (patent-pending?) to take care of those issue. Maybe it was a doodad, not a doohickey. Either way, it only takes up a size 1 optional internal if I remember right.
I understand the devs don't want to do the difficult job of figuring out ship interiors, how about a compromise? Give us a free cam to a least explore the cockpit. I personally, love the idea of walking in and out of my ship since I got to walk the distance of my ship to enter the concourse (what is a few more steps), but I understand the challenge of a full ship interior. Give us something, I have been playing is game for years I want to know if there is a toilet in my ship. I have to know!!! What does space toilets look like? Are there beds on the ship? Lounge area for multicrew ship? But mostly the space toilets though! #spacetoilet we need answers!
I understand the devs don't want to do the difficult job of figuring out ship interiors, how about a compromise? Give us a free cam to a least explore the cockpit. I personally, love the idea of walking in and out of my ship since I got to walk the distance of my ship to enter the concourse (what is a few more steps), but I understand the challenge of a full ship interior. Give us something, I have been playing is game for years I want to know if there is a toilet in my ship. I have to know!!! What does space toilets look like? Are there beds on the ship? Lounge area for multicrew ship? But mostly the space toilets though! #spacetoilet we need answers!
No toilets. We would end up having to add a keybinding to flush it. But... that gives me an idea for some gameplay loops with the new bio scanner!
Well, I agree that “repetitive forced walking“ should be avoided. Like the stupid beam-out-of-the-ship-and-then-walk-to-the-elevator we have now in Odyssey, that‘s already getting old. After a couple of times it gets repetitive, boring, annoying.
But technically there is no difficulty whatsoever to make that an option you can select in your settings. If you want the immersion, leave it off and do the walk. If you want to teleport to the concourse, switch it on and be done with it. Problem solved.
Except that, now, when you introduce a multiplayer environment, the person that teleports gains an advantage in not having to traverse that distance, being able to respond faster, etc.
Same thing goes for ship interiors. If you do not want to walk, there should be an option to teleport outside.
And ship interiors are indeed a big factor for immersion. I have a faint memory of playing Mass Effect on XBox 360 back in the day, and the fact you could walk through your ship, talk to the crew, etc. was great.
And one could also come up with stuff to do inside the ship, e.g. make it possible to do repairs, or maybe go to the cargo bay to forge some freight container ids for some nefarious smuggling purposes, plug in your SRV to the charger :LOL:, or have a fusebox that sometimes pops a fuse, rendering some systems inoperable until you get up and reset the fuse...hell, I am not a game designer.
But when it comes to ship interiors - yep, count me in.
All from the perspective of a single player game. The problem with this logic is that, when you implement these things, they must apply equally to everyone. As a result, Elite: Virtual Damage Control Petty Officer becomes mandatory and I now have a job I have to do because me not doing it and dodging the consequences isn't fair to you.

If the work is optional, like that theoretical science module that you play the analysis game in, that is different because you can just not install it, but, anything such as being required to perform repairs, has to be applied equally in the game.
Except that, now, when you introduce a multiplayer environment, the person that teleports gains an advantage in not having to traverse that distance, being able to respond faster, etc
I don't know if waiting stationary 2s in well visible circle is really an advantage comparing to run into your ship, protected by his shield and armor :)
Except that, now, when you introduce a multiplayer environment, the person that teleports gains an advantage in not having to traverse that distance, being able to respond faster, etc.

All from the perspective of a single player game. The problem with this logic is that, when you implement these things, they must apply equally to everyone. As a result, Elite: Virtual Damage Control Petty Officer becomes mandatory and I now have a job I have to do because me not doing it and dodging the consequences isn't fair to you.

If the work is optional, like that theoretical science module that you play the analysis game in, that is different because you can just not install it, but, anything such as being required to perform repairs, has to be applied equally in the game.
Of course, your Elite: Virtual Damage Control Petty Officer role has to be optional. That is, if you do not get up and repair stuff, it behaves as it does now. And regarding PvP, what about the multicrew ”feature” we have now? AFAIK, you can have a mate control your turrets - is that fair against a guy flying without multicrew?
And the teleporting advantage/disadvantage I frankly do not see w.r.t to PvP. As PvP is a competitve setting to start with, everybody would of course use the teleport feature and nobody would walk, right? So nobody can respond faster in any way, shape or form.
I may or may not have posted this already... but I think a decent compromise might be adding Fleet Carrier interiors and having some sort of base/home building/customization in said Fleet Carrier.

People who play these kinds of games really seem to crave some type of building/creation in game.
WHOA!! A paintball gun in ED to blind targets... GENIUS!!!

Valid points, but really I think it could be made fun and appropriate. It would just take......., oh yeah imagination and creativity.... which seems to be in short supply these day.
There are more people thinking of ways to have not work than a true integrated experience!?

But then again they could be reasoning from the perspective of what frontier will produce which from earned track record is poor or nothing.
TBH now I've experienced the joy of having to run an entire football field to get from the starport lift to my Python's entry point I can safely say I don't want any more of this.
Funny tonight I did two trade runs in the Cutter and ducked into the station to look for pre-enginered gear so I don't have to torture myself with all that. After running the length of the large pad and back four times I think I've had my fill of space legs lol.
Full ship interiors? No way, that will take FAR too long at the expense of other features like atmospheric planets.

Partial ship interiors for big ships should be the idea really. No one wants to wander around a vehicle the size of the Titanic all alone, it's not adding anything substantial.
i was able to inspect ship models from the game and let me tell you. FDevs dont know about optimizing. The ships have so many pointless small meshes that could be swapped by textures (normal maps) so dont let them design interiors since it will cripple fps for sure.
Biased poll is biased poll. However, as a player who enjoys ED and looking forward to the alpha, I would love ship interiors as well as insta-teleport to planetary mobility suit for surface rambling. :)

"Do you want ship interiors in Elite Dangerous" is a biased question? What?
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