A few idea I have

Just a few things that I would like to see at some point.
  1. Fix the AI on system authority vessels so that when they scan your ship, they don't ram you at full speed
  2. Any cargo just found in space is free game, according to real life maritime law, salvage rights goes to the person to find said salvage. Simply: you find it, its yours. Obviously, if you attacked a trading ship to force it to drop cargo, that cargo wouldn't be ok to take, it would register as stolen.
  3. maybe make a gimballed rail gun? obviously nerf other aspects of it to compensate for the help in aiming.
  4. Add a module that would allow a pilot to increase the maneuverability of his/her ship, make them all class 2, from E to A, E increasing by say 10%, and each increase in rating adds a 5% boost, and yes, increased power draw. I think pilots of the cobra IV and viper IV would like something like this.
  5. Add an option so that pilots can change their UI color without having to mess with the config file.
  6. Add an option so that pilots can enable VerboseLogging without having to mess with the config file (this is for those of us who use INARA as a kind of tracking site for our characters)
  7. Add the ability to give our ships a name, and have that name painted on the hull.
  8. Add the ability to track our trading transactions
  9. Add a sell all cargo button, useful for traders.
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[*]Fix the AI on system authority vessels so that when they scan your ship, they don't ram you at full speed

Agreed. Especially near stations. Recently I was rammed on 3 subsequent approaches to stations. One of the occasions I had severe hull damage and I was fined for reckless flying.

[*]Add an option so that pilots can enable VerboseLogging without having to mess with the config file (this is for those of us who use INARA as a kind of tracking site for our characters)

Agreed. This has been suggested before on the bugs forums. It would greatly increase pilots' willingness to provide details in bug reports.

[*]Add a sell all cargo button, useful for traders.

This, or at least when selling a commodity, default to the full amount in the cargo hold, rather than 0. Or alternatively, allow the user to press <LEFT> to go from 0 to total number in hold.
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