A request for Windowed Fullscreen / Borderless Window option

That has come up in the bug report forum with slightly different numbers and developer replies, but no real conclusion. If you have such a problem, I'd guess you best submit a ticket with your hardware report attached in the hope that FD manage to nail that gremlin to a wall.

The windowed fullscreen request has also come up before, and I still +1 it :)

My monitor problem happens in all games that use DX10/DX11 - so not specific to Elite: Dangerous - and it's down to the hybrid NVIDIA/Intel graphics setup on my laptop.
As yet I've not made a ticket on this issue as a response from a prior ticket seemed to indicate they only want bugs and other issues to be handled in that manner:

"I'd advise you take your suggestions to the forums. Here other players can throw in their support and the design team can actively look into this. The ticketing system is for reporting bugs and issues within the game only (though I understand your frustration completely). I will now have to resolve this ticket.

Thank you for raising this issue and have a great day."

I was previously asking for UI improvements to the shipyard, which ended up going through in PB2, so I thought I'd pop a request up here to see if there was any interest in the graphics option.

I've played nearly all my games in Windowed Fullscreen / Borderless (whatever the correct technical term is I'm unsure!) and never had any issues with an over heating GPU and up until recently I only had a laptop to play on.
Yep. +1

FDEV are trying to sell a little more than just a game here, they also want ED to be the powerhorse that showcases their Cobra Engine (to push their sub-licensing deals for it). This means that the actual game options (sound, ui, graphics, everything) should be as extensive, intricate and detailed as possible.

We have already seen a push for 3d tv, multiple screen, OR and track-ir support. Which means that FDEV are really considering this side of the equation. Multiple resolution/fov/mode support should be a given when the game releases imo, if only just for that reason. ;)
I know most folks (if not all) know this but.....

Windows+E opens an explorer window and forces focus to the new window without crashing the fullscreen ED.

Alt+Tab will also allow focus change to open windows without crashing fullscreen ED.

Well for me anyway....

I've not tried the Control+Alt+Del auto CTD function yet....:D
Sure, Alt+Tab works now, but it still means the game loses its graphics context so it takes relatively long to get back in, and you also don't get to see what's going on around whatever else you're doing.
Sure, Alt+Tab works now, but it still means the game loses its graphics context so it takes relatively long to get back in, and you also don't get to see what's going on around whatever else you're doing.

Yeah, this is exactly my issue. Nothing too wrong with the current Alt+Tab mechanics as they are, I just think with a tweak here and there the quality of life for players / streamers / stream watchers could be greatly improved.
I've been using borderless window exclusively for years whenever a game supports it. I think the times are over where you can see a performance difference between this and proper fullscreen mode without measuring.

It is just much more comfortable, of course for alt+tabbing and access to other applications, but also for situation where a game freezes, for example. Let it be the fault of some bad driver, but when a game freezes in fullscreen mode, it is always a struggle to get out of it and into task manager. In a borderless window, no trouble.
I completely agree with windowed full screen. I do find it annoying that whenever I want to check anything out / interact with anything on my other screen that ED minimizes causing me to loose situational awareness of the game and also flashing and creating brightness changes as the desktop is shown. I always enjoy surfing the forums and doing other types of research while executing routine in-game tasks such as using the hyperdrive/ supercruise, or when I am waiting on the next wave of enemy to warp in.
Would turning this thread into a proposal thread help visibility?
Been a few threads related to this and the last time I followed one, a poster had said that FD had indicated (i have no source however) it would be added but not as a priority - ie tackling hard issues is the order of the day, features like this will come towards the end of beta which does make some sense.

But either way i'll once again add my +1 and also point out that most of these solutions work for the time being


Also, have ticketed the issue during beta 1 when the above methods didn't even work the ticket is still listed as under investigation, however given the borderless "hacks" work again in beta 2 I'm guessing they know about it.

I run it in window for stability, as the game is not quite ready for my crossfire set up. That and I'm switching to a spreadsheet often too.
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