A very frustrating game for newbies

If you check your keybindings under flight controls.
Look into the lateral and vertical thrust section.
You can bind a key to thrust left/right, up/down, and forward/backwards
Having these options set will greatly improve your freedom of movement, and accuracy. Useful when you want to make minor adjustments while manually scooping, among other task. (ie. landing)

I never use my vertical or lateral thrusters when using the cargo scoop. In a small ship, I just set a speed about 30 m/s, point at each fragment and keep the cross-hairs on it while I move forward. In a bigger ship, I back up, point at the item and go forward. I've been doing that for 5 years and never found a reason to change. It's all shown here in my beginners mining guide from 46:50. Only the Python needs a bit of side-thrust to clear something in front of the scoop, but who collects manually with a Python?
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkzgPT1P3vw&t=1429s
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