A Way to Fix Ganking Forever

You still don't get it.
The premise of E: D was to have a "living, breathing Galaxy" for all players, not matter how willing or able they were to interact with other players directly. The BGS achieves that beautifully. You need to understand that the BGS is just that, BackGround Simulation, nothing else.
What FDEV again did wrong, was to cave in to all the whiners and made the BGS all too easy to manipulate.
Y'all keep saying the same things and don't want even to try to understand what I'm talking about. Not sure why though.
Please just reread what I'm saying, no need to make up anything I didn't said.
Anyway, I'm just starting to ignore you since you're obviously don't want to stop talking nonsense.
You said...
I know about the networking model implemented in ED, it has nothing to do with ED being an MMO.
So, by your own words, the networking has nothing to do with it being a MMO...

So, if networking has nothing to do with MMO operation... (do you actually know what the "O" in MMO means?)

The more I read of what you post the more I'm getting convinced that you are just trolling...
So, by your own words, the networking has nothing to do with it being a MMO...
Ok, you failed to read even in second attempt.
It's ok.

I'll try to explain.
Just try to keep focus.

Not "networking" but "networking model" has nothing to do with ED being an MMO.

See? Nothing complex. Now I'm out.
Ok, you failed to read even in second attempt.
It's ok.

I'll try to explain.
Just try to keep focus.

Not "networking" but "networking model" has nothing to do with ED being an MMO.

See? Nothing complex. Now I'm out.
Of course it doesn't... without any form of networking model it wouldn't be a MMO...

Perhaps the failure is not in my understanding of how networking models function (I'm certain that Novell and Microsoft wouldn't have certified me as competent otherwise) but in either your phraseology or perception of the importance of any kind of networking model (even P2P) is in the functionality of a MMO?

Thanks for sharing...
Nothing about crime and punishment mechanisms being used, in-character, by in-game entities, behaving in an in-setting context automatically implies a automatically implies 'Big Brother'esque approach. Not that such an approach would be out of character for many of the societies in the Elite setting.
I'd love it if the low-sec systems (NOT anarchy) had a distinctly less big-brother approach, where being attacked would summon an authority response as your distress call goes out, but they can't issue a bounty unless they actually see you being naughty - so if you assault someone, the cops are summoned but you don't actually become wanted unless the authority ships catch you in the act of commiting a crime or at the very least they catch you at the scene (I imagine they're smart enough to hear "help cmdr screemonster is attacking me" over comms, arrive and see cmdr screemonster hanging around next to a debris field or damaged ship, and put two and two together)

If this were the case, I'd assume high-security systems had a more advanced system link and surveillance satellites that could verify a crime-in-progress based on just a report. Likewise, things like a nav beacon, settlement or station would count as "authorities" for the sake of verifying a crime report.

Highsec, I'd also beef up to the point where interdictions are considered a bounty and summon an authority response.

That's something that, imo, would make a notable difference between low, medium and high security.

Solo would be much improved if system chat from otherplayers was filtered out too...
It depends on the system. Borann got pretty bad at times, whatever the current CG is can be awful, but minor-hotspots can be generally okay. The biggest pain about system chat in systems that don't have an active conversation going when you arrive is that you have no way of knowing if anyone is listening, so nobody bothers piping up for a chat in the systems where people are just chilling and going about their business.
Sorry I did not found a facepalm meme with Bill Gates for your "microsoft certificate" statement lol
Don't worry - I accepted your retraction already, so no special effort required, although I appreciate your despair in being unable to provide the correct meme...

(You may wish to consider the possiblility that whatever point you are trying to make is either being lost in translation (assuming you are not a native English speaker) or have been phrased in such a way as to be imprecise - as your continuing attempts at mockery just lessen your credibility in being able to present a valid viewpoint)
It depends on the system. Borann got pretty bad at times, whatever the current CG is can be awful, but minor-hotspots can be generally okay. The biggest pain about system chat in systems that don't have an active conversation going when you arrive is that you have no way of knowing if anyone is listening, so nobody bothers piping up for a chat in the systems where people are just chilling and going about their business
I spent a few hours in the Imp / Fed combat CG - the system chat while I was there was overall pretty good and kept me amused as much was loadout discussions - which are always interesting - and chat about the Empire losing... The WHN supply run chat was much less interesting to me, but I was only there long enough to unload my FC.

I've never bothered with Borann, but have heard some of the comments about it :eek:
Sigh..... No:sleep:

Sadly I'm beginning to feel sorry for Gankers on the forums these days, playing the game their way, blazing their own trail, etc., Only to be murdered by apparent victims on the suggestion forums with what I would call ludicrous solutions.

My advice would be to the OP, just use the Block feature and move on.
The cause of misery thinking they're a victim? Poor, poor ganker. Perhaps there should be a ganker server, where only gankers and people that want to be ganked go to play?

Oh wait, that wouldn't work would it. Hmm.
Sorry I did not found a facepalm meme with Bill Gates for your "microsoft certificate" statement lol
Obviously you are not in the position to be able to say, wearily, how many meaningless 'certificates' you have accumulated over the past 45 years just because a lucrative contract demanded "X Qualification"... About the only bit of paper that was worth the effort was Novell certification - and that was a very long time ago - but the heap of pointless bits of paper did make a lot of money for me, so - in truth - I shouldn't be bleating too loudly, should I?
Me, I'd be more inclined to ask why so many players, for whom open is so 'scary & upsetting' find it so difficult to select a mode more suited to what they wish to have from the game... Mobias, PG with friends, good multiplayer environments with 'less risk'!
Because people want a living galaxy with people in it, not just bots.

You'd understand that if you didn't have social phobia.

Why don't the gankers go into their own server? Oh yes, it would be empty. They are nothing but parasites.
That is the system we have, and it has been like that since the beginning. I dont think that will change anytime soon (ever).

If more players were to embrace the modal system, and accept it for what it is, and use it appropriately, there would be a lot less stressed out players.

Open. A place to go when you want ALL aspects of the game. GOOD and BAD encounters with real players may occur. If you dont like it, choose another mode.

Then we come to blocking: its a tool provided by the game. Use it if you like. It is there so you can. The reality is it will have very limited impact on the game as a whole.
Are you people living on planet earth? Not sure if it's stupidity or just autism.

"Go solo bro!"

Going solo after being destroyed once in a life-sized galaxy makes no sense. I play Open for the encounters for good or bad, but the equation is unbalanced in favour of the bad hence it needs to be solved. It's like being at a job and something comes a long that disrupts how you do your job. Your terrible solution is to ignore the problem which only makes things worse.

"Block 'em bro!"

Yeah, I should block them AFTER they destroy my ship and I lose all of my diamonds right?

That would solve nothing.

It's quite obvious that most people on this forum are filthy gankers themselves.
so is it hard/impossible to build a non combat ship that can get away from a threat before being destroyed?
is that the issue, that no matter what build you have they are never a match for the most powerful weapons?
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