Add male t-rex model, male nasutoceratops model, 1997 mamechiosaurus model, 1997 pteranodon skin, fix ceratosaurus and other suggestions

Male t-rex model

Male nasutoceratops model

1997 mamechiosaurus model

1997 pteranodon skin

Make ceratosaurus to look like the one from jurassic park 3, because the one from the game is quite different

Other suggestions:

Changue nasutoceratops rig to the old one from jwe1, because the new one looks broken
Resize 2001 pteranodon skin
Make spinosaurus stand more upright like in jwe1, and fix the hip and eyes, because sometimes his eye gets out of place when drinking water
Add death animation for therizinosauros
Nerf pack hunting
New 1997 Isla Sorna map, and make him bigger then 2015 Isla Nublar map with red wood trees
And add the rest of the dinosaur skins from Return to Jurassic Park DLC from the first game.
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