General Gameplay Additional Sandbox only options.

Your Feature Request / Idea
Would you guys like to see a new Sandbox exclusive option, which gives you the opportunity to set the level of aggressiveness your Dinosaurs have? So the option would be...

Dinosaur Aggression:
None - No fighting between Dinosaurs
Rare - Fights break out very little and most will not end in a death but two low health Dinosaurs.
Medium - Dinosaurs will fight to the death but only occasionally.
High - Dinosaurs will fight at the current gameplay level.
Maximum - Dinosaurs will make fighting their number 1 priority, even with in their own social group. It becomes a mass graveyard for Dinosaurs.
Carnivores Only - Self explanatory really, but this means Carnivores will only fight with other Carnivores.

It obviously doesn't have to be exactly like this, it could be just two options, Dinosaurs fighting on/off, but I do think this option would help improve certain aspects of peoples game play.
I'd really LOVE to have these features, or just an ON/OFF switch for aggression during SandBox!
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Someone suggested the hammond foundation fee as an sandbox option this would also be great to have for people who wants a bigger challenge for sandbox without playing challenge mode and an option for fossil hunting again would also be cool
We need bigger Sandbox

I don't know but I'm getting tired of only the Isla nublar Sandbox, I think it would be much cooler if there were 4 larger sandboxes on Isla nublar or possibly the new island as mention by Lockwood Fallen Kingdom the island sanctuary.
Don't know if this is the place to put this... or maybe I should make a new thread... but I'd love it if sandbox options could be made available for the mission islands! Maybe make it unlockable like the time of day settings? Get five stars on all islands?
Don't know if this is the place to put this... or maybe I should make a new thread... but I'd love it if sandbox options could be made available for the mission islands! Maybe make it unlockable like the time of day settings? Get five stars on all islands?

Best is to make a new thread for this idea.
I don't know but I'm getting tired of only the Isla nublar Sandbox, I think it would be much cooler if there were 4 larger sandboxes on Isla nublar or possibly the new island as mention by Lockwood Fallen Kingdom the island sanctuary.
I second this idea. Would love to see more... "options" to explore, not just ONE island.
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