Alien archeology and other mysteries: Thread 9 - The Canonn

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So on a whim I decided to poke around at the CZs out near Maia B, there's probably 20 of them. Figured what the heck maybe whatever is popping ships will drop into one. Of course none did but I'd never just flown around in a high CZ like that just watching the fight, been in them before but never as a pure spectator. it was quite cool and brutal.

Then it kind of dawned on me in the context of the idea that the war between the Empire and Feds is just a smoke screen, it's more than that. Not only are they gaining a reason to build more cap ships, they're culling the herd. Of the 100's of billions of potential pilots they're developing Elite pilots. Sure they're getting a lot of people killed but the survival of the fittest selection bias is pretty pronounced.

Still think plodding around out here is about as useful as anywhere so back to poking.
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Then it kind of dawned on me in the context of the idea that the war between the Empire and Feds is just a smoke screen, it's more than that. Not only are they gaining a reason to build more cap ships, they're culling the herd. Of the 100's of billions of potential pilots they're developing Elite pilots. Sure they're getting a lot of people killed but the survival of the fittest selection bias is pretty pronounced.

They are not culling, due to the escape pod technology. Think of it as a galaxy wide training program as even the beaten pilots have a chance to become better.
It was special to you, start looking at things in Elite like this and it will shine I promise :)

Anyone testing weapons and engineer special effects vs thargoid ships?

With the new behavior and being able to drop in on them from supercruise it may be possible to drop a wing in after one player is EMP'd. It seems completely scripted to me but may as well be sure. Also, according to lore Soontill is to the Thargoids what Raxxla is to humans. Maybe carrying a Soontill relic when scanned will change the reaction?

This is precisely the sort of things we need to be researching, take some rep good sir! o7
(when I have some to give)

You are on the Canonn thread. Canonn's stance on extraterrestrial encounters is that humanity should not fire the first shot, & I don't think that stance has changed. Although flower ships have now been found in the vicinity of recently attacked ships that is not proof of hostile intent (they could merely have responded to a distress call, or indeed been chasing the hostiles), the hostile act must be seen (& videod) to provide that proof
Alien found at distress call in Maia this morning!

Erm, did anyone else notice that at about 1:20 or so on Patau's video, as he was finishing the wake scan, not only did he get a similar unknown wake scan data to what is retrieved from a hyperdiction, but the ship computer also says "Frameshift Upgrade Detect", could you check permits?

Will be in Maia looking for distress calls myself soon, after i get a wake scanner.

Erm, did anyone else notice that at about 1:20 or so on Patau's video, as he was finishing the wake scan, not only did he get a similar unknown wake scan data to what is retrieved from a hyperdiction, but the ship computer also says "Frameshift Upgrade Detect", could you check permits?

Will be in Maia looking for distress calls myself soon, after i get a wake scanner.

Serinea was a voice message from the ships computer that said that, and I think it happened when he scanned the thargoid ship before it jumped.
Erm, did anyone else notice that at about 1:20 or so on Patau's video, as he was finishing the wake scan, not only did he get a similar unknown wake scan data to what is retrieved from a hyperdiction, but the ship computer also says "Frameshift Upgrade Detect", could you check permits?

Will be in Maia looking for distress calls myself soon, after i get a wake scanner.


The voice is distorted... for me "frame shift upgrade detected" makes no sense. What it sounds more like is "Frame shift anomoly detected". Listening to it repeatedly now, I'm certain that's what it says. It would make sense if a ship "seemed" to be charging a frameshift drive but it was "different".
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You are on the Canonn thread. Canonn's stance on extraterrestrial encounters is that humanity should not fire the first shot, & I don't think that stance has changed. Although flower ships have now been found in the vicinity of recently attacked ships that is not proof of hostile intent (they could merely have responded to a distress call, or indeed been chasing the hostiles), the hostile act must be seen (& videod) to provide that proof

I don't think Lab69 agrees with that position. :rolleyes:

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Erm, did anyone else notice that at about 1:20 or so on Patau's video, as he was finishing the wake scan, not only did he get a similar unknown wake scan data to what is retrieved from a hyperdiction, but the ship computer also says "Frameshift Upgrade Detect", could you check permits?

Will be in Maia looking for distress calls myself soon, after i get a wake scanner.


Well noticed. Need to get me one of those. :)
The voice is distorted... for me "frame shift upgrade detected" makes no sense. What it sounds more like is "Frame shift anomoly detected". Listening to it repeatedly now, I'm certain that's what it says. It would make sense if a ship "seemed" to be charging a frameshift drive but it was "different".

You're right...on a second listen it's definitely Frameshift Anomaly Detected.
Gotta love all the backseat drivers :)

Reason the FP hasn't changed is that nothing has changed (though the first link has been updated for 2.3, if that counts). The real issue is going to be once the new content starts to be revealed, but I'm sure someone will step up :)

Is there any other way to experience the "story" of this game? Do tell, i will be sure to check this way out. Until you do, i will continue to drive from the backseat as that is all that likes of me can do. I dont hold any diplomas in cartography, cryptography, astrology, history and i am not particularly gifted in pattern analysis either.
You are on the Canonn thread. Canonn's stance on extraterrestrial encounters is that humanity should not fire the first shot, & I don't think that stance has changed. Although flower ships have now been found in the vicinity of recently attacked ships that is not proof of hostile intent (they could merely have responded to a distress call, or indeed been chasing the hostiles), the hostile act must be seen (& videod) to provide that proof

Sorry for the misunderstanding, I wasn't meaning fire the first shot, my interest was more in the second part of the post with the relics And i was thinking we could try it with other things, I just happened to quote the whole post. Once again sorry for the misunderstanding.
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You are on the Canonn thread. Canonn's stance on extraterrestrial encounters is that humanity should not fire the first shot, & I don't think that stance has changed. Although flower ships have now been found in the vicinity of recently attacked ships that is not proof of hostile intent (they could merely have responded to a distress call, or indeed been chasing the hostiles), the hostile act must be seen (& videod) to provide that proof

A philosophy I agree with, but as Han Zen says - that isn't exactly a unanimous stance.

I'm no Myrmidon though. I won't martyr myself for that cause. I might run, but I would likely attempt attack as a last resort. The situation would decide my course of action.
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I don't think Lab69 agrees with that position. :rolleyes:

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Well noticed. Need to get me one of those. :)

Mm, but wasn't lab69 locked after they entered and the key thrown away? ;)

I'm just trying to point out that the pewpew brigade might well shoot when they don't need to, and shouldn't. We know something bad is coming; it might be nice to have some alien allies before then, if possible, and the flower ships have never been seen to cause any damage to anyone, even those who have fired at them after being hyperdicted.

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Is there any other way to experience the "story" of this game? Do tell, i will be sure to check this way out. Until you do, i will continue to drive from the backseat as that is all that likes of me can do. I dont hold any diplomas in cartography, cryptography, astrology, history and i am not particularly gifted in pattern analysis either.

The point of this, and the Rift, thread is that anyone can join in with any level of ability. Shared clues, data & methods means the cryptographers can do their thing, the explorers can do their thing, etc, to everyones benefit. :)

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A philosophy I agree with, but as Han Zen says - that isn't exactly a unanimous stance.

I'm no Myrmidon though. I won't martyr myself for that cause. I might run, but I would likely attempt attack as a last resort. The situation would decide my course of action.

Ah yes. Rules of Engagement never remove the inherent right to self-defence! :)
Just trying to dissuade the pew pews who only want to shoot at anything strange, when it might actually be here to help. Something nasty is coming, which probably means they have already upset other alien species who might be useful allies
Mm, but wasn't lab69 locked after they entered and the key thrown away? ;)

Lab69 still holds a seat in the council, although I suspect that It's just because the other council members wants to be invited to their Christmas party.

They are very easily swayed by the Varatian liquor and the extra potent onion head biscuits.
May I respectfully ask why? Doesn't it make sense to play a game *as if* we were actually there and acting like we would in a similar situation in real life? Or would you even tell me you would shoot first if you ever meet a non hostile alien in real life? Even if your answer would be yes I wouldn't believe you. Be assured you'd rather wet your pants instead! :D

I mean in general, playing a game *as if* we are really there, creates 99% of all immersion, don't you think so? Or is my idea of "immersion" so far off..? [where is it] Btw, I'm quite aware that nowadays it seems en vogue to make a mockery of the term immersion. As you can see I don't follow this trend. Immersion is crucial to me and one of the reasons why I don't want to play with other players as they tend to play the game from 'outside', as in emotional aloof.

p.s. I'm not a member of the Canonn but that's for other and rather general reasons, partially explained above.

It depends how closely you think your Commander's morals align with your own.
Ah, just had a chance to listen to the video again, and yes it's "Frameshift anomaly detected", though i still want to encounter one in person as well, for independent confirmation.
Another reason I never joined ;) (though you will have my cargohold for your CG :) )

I can assure you that not everyone in the Canonn holds that position. Personally I think the theory that the flower ships are just neutral observers or somehow providing assistance is quite fanciful.

Thanks for your support for the CG! I've made a few deliveries for yours to get some practice in ;)
The voice is distorted... for me "frame shift upgrade detected" makes no sense. What it sounds more like is "Frame shift anomoly detected". Listening to it repeatedly now, I'm certain that's what it says. It would make sense if a ship "seemed" to be charging a frameshift drive but it was "different".

You're right...on a second listen it's definitely Frameshift Anomaly Detected.

Huh... Ya'll sure? When I listen to the encounters on xboxdvr, I could swear it said "Frameshift unknown detected".

Guess I do need a hearing aid...
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