Alien archeology and other mysteries: Thread 9 - The Canonn

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When I came back Colonia to bubble i used neutron stars to make it much faster(it´s take about 10min/1000Ly, normal it is 50min/1000Ly). Until I jump straight in very fast spining neutron stars cone and FSD get very fast bored to it and drop out to normal space. Ten minute later my ASP is ripped to parts. There is no escape when FSD drops you in normal space in neutron cone.

There is, but you have to be suitably equipped (at least one AFMU and heatsinks), keep your head, and, well, be lucky. I've dropped out into normal space in a neutron cone twice and escaped both times. I had massive damage to just about everything mind you, but I lived to tell the tale :)
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I use 2 AFMU on my explorer-ASP (redundant system :D, you can fix another AFMU) but my cockpit was destroyed so I activate self destruction and go rebuy-screen.. Neutron-highway is fast but it is dangerous.

And i lost my all heat sink-launchers(3 pc) when i launch first one heat sinks[up].. Very chaotic situation. Blue fast strobos flashing and computer spamming malfunction-indicators. And your ship spinning like crazy..
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When I came back Colonia to bubble i used neutron stars to make it much faster(it´s take about 10min/1000Ly, normal it is 50min/1000Ly). Until I jump straight in very fast spining neutron stars cone and FSD get very fast bored to it and drop out to normal space. Ten minute later my ASP is ripped to parts. There is no escape when FSD drops you in normal space in neutron cone.
Yep, similar happend to me too after I was disconnected from Server, FD re-spawned me in the cone - no chance despite 2 Heat Sink Launchers and 6A AFM....
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I use 2 AFMU on my explorer-ASP (redundant system :D, you can fix another AFMU) but my cockpit was destroyed so I activate self destruction and go rebuy-screen.. Neutron-highway is fast but it is dangerous.

And i lost my all heat sink-launchers(3 pc) when i launch first one heat sinks[up].. Very chaotic situation. Blue fast strobos flashing and computer spamming malfunction-indicators. And your ship spinning like crazy..

Yup, it's very chaotic. But here's how to at least get a good chance to escape :-

  1. Activate AFMU on the cockpit canopy. It won't stop it breaking, but will delay it and give you valuable time to escape
  2. Throttle to zero
  3. Fire off a heatsink if you can
  4. Engage FSD, throttle up and try to low wake out (do NOT try to jump to another system. You will die). It will be hard to align with the escape trajectory, but it can be done.
  5. If you're still having trouble aligning, fire off another heatsink if you can to give you more time
  6. Cross your fingers and hope :)

I also run with multiple AFMU's when Neutron surfing, and I always try and have enough micro materials to re-arm them when exhausted. And I always try to keep the AFMU with the most ammo powered up (the rest are powered down) for the cockpit canopy trick. Also, having as many of your optional internal slots filled with AFMU's (or any other module which can take damage) as possible helps to evenly spread the damage out a bit more so that it's not concentrated on fewer modules.

As I said, this saved me twice. I'm glad I didn't have much further to go after that, because it's almost certain that the third time would have been the killer ;)

Yep, similar happend to me too after I was disconnected from Server, FD re-spawned me in the cone - no chance despite 2 Heat Sink Launchers and 6A AFM....

That's exactly the reason I was dropped into the cones too. I'll be happier when they get that little killer bug put to rest!
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The Community Goal for the Colonia faction migration is due to start today. All available commanders should use the Colonia Council Migration website to sign up to help the Canonn Colonia Department. Let's get a representation out on the forefront, they're going to need our help out there!

will be loading up the conda and start making my way this weekend! :D
going to add a new channel on Canonn discord for this to help organise the loading up of large ships heading out to Colonia as well as providing help with ship load outs, useful locations and tools ect!
Just wondering. Have the ruins been observed during the whole period of time from when the moon rises all the way until the moon sets?

I spent the whole Night Time watching the moon Move It On Over from one Horizon to the other. I did not notice any changes and I was starting to get Restless. I had to get back to the bubble to turn in all of my exportation data. I am not a Greedy Man but I also needed to contribute to the CG in order to progress the story forward. I checked my transactions to see where to drop the data and I noticed I,m Wanted. I flew to the nearest low population space port and told The Fixer that It Wasn't Me. He said pay me and get Moving. I paid him and flew to the CG and turned in all the data. That was the only thing that happened during the whole night of observation. I am sorry to have put you through this post. Next time I'll Change My Style.

Thats it, I Quit!
OK CMDRs. It occurred to me that the word "CORE" in the crossword puzzle could refer to something else. In my line of work, a core file is a dump of a crash. And coincidentally we all crash at the planetary POI in EAFOTS. So I took the liberty of analzying the crash dump.

There may be more clues hidden in the dump, but that's all I've found so far.

Good luck, fellow programmers ;)

I would say the most important part of that dump is right here:

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]  <BodySettlements address="720576533487885401">
    <Settlement ID="0">
      <Name>Formidine Rift Beta Site</Name>

So it's definitely a settlement that failed to generate, and it's name is "Formidine Rift Beta Site".
I would say the most important part of that dump is right here:

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]  <BodySettlements address="720576533487885401">
    <Settlement ID="0">
      <Name>Formidine Rift Beta Site</Name>

So it's definitely a settlement that failed to generate, and it's name is "Formidine Rift Beta Site".

I`d say the section that lists Male and Female Engineer skins would have rang a few bells
I spent the whole Night Time watching the moon Move It On Over from one Horizon to the other. I did not notice any changes and I was starting to get Restless. I had to get back to the bubble to turn in all of my exportation data. I am not a Greedy Man but I also needed to contribute to the CG in order to progress the story forward. I checked my transactions to see where to drop the data and I noticed I,m Wanted. I flew to the nearest low population space port and told The Fixer that It Wasn't Me. He said pay me and get Moving. I paid him and flew to the CG and turned in all the data. That was the only thing that happened during the whole night of observation. I am sorry to have put you through this post. Next time I'll Change My Style.

Thats it, I Quit!

George Thorogood FTW!
Having recently returned from an expedition, today I made my first visit to the Ancient Ruins. Close to the planet I encountered a threat 3 distress signal, but alas it was just a bog standard human fracas :(

The ruins themselves are very impressive and after cruising around them for some time I still have no idea what they're about, though I am surprised that nobody has mentioned the ancient derelict multi-passenger SRV that is part buried on the outskirts...

It seems to have been there for a very long time. I wonder when and where it came from? And why? Perhaps they were ancient tourists. Anybody familiar with a "Route 54"?


Yeah, well... I can't figure the ruins out, but they did at least inspire my imagination!


Sorry to bump this but just spotted it, Christ. [haha]

Frontier, do it!!!!

This is also very good too though, well done Frontier. :)

Nice Derelict Anaconda with a strange story. Nice sounds at the site, does still sound active....

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I would say the most important part of that dump is right here:

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]  <BodySettlements address="720576533487885401">
    <Settlement ID="0">
      <Name>Formidine Rift Beta Site</Name>

So it's definitely a settlement that failed to generate, and it's name is "Formidine Rift Beta Site".

Don't suppose the cause of the bug is that they have misspelled separation here (and correctly somewhere else)?
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