Alien archeology and other mysteries: Thread 9 - The Canonn

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I compared them, taking them as two separate races.

There is a difference - albeit small.


The two dots are missing from the UP.

It might be an oversight of the art team... who knows?

From what I have seen the other head of the UP(the smaler one) is an exact copy of the UA head, except colorization. I think it safe to say that the 'thorax markings' are the same on both.

There are tons of speculation on the markings in thread one. We never had a definitive answer. Keep looking. There might be a system to this, after all.:)
I think it bears repeating that the crashed ships are upside down, showing the back.

Comparing that to the front of the living ships is causing a lot of false speculation.

See this pic from Tony H.

I did an interesting experiment yesterday (probably done by others but its not mentioned on the first page)... I took a UP some 900LY away from Pleiades and released it in the orbit of a high-metal world (couldn't find an Ammonia world near-by). As far as I could tell it still aligned itself towards Merope.

This is potentially useful to know as they act like a compass with Merope system as magnetic north even far away from Pleiades.

My plan if I experience another Alien encounter is to drop all cargo and see what happens (UA, UP, Manned escape pod & all the known ancient relics/items)

I'd like to think the answers are out there but my head says we have to wait for an NPC to request data from the unknown wake, ship and Alien ruins explorations. If that's the case I'm ok with that but really I think Frontier have to recognise the difference between healthy speculation and discovery vs. there is nothing to be found yet.
Ive bin digging through the first post but I can't find it.

Do we actually already know what the UA is? We know we get UF's if it gets destroyed, but, what is it?

A terraforming device? Escape pod? Life pod? It light's go on if it sings(cries).

It looks like the head is a reservoir, and that the small detachable fragments feed form it.

(Might be digging up ghosts here.. sorry if so.)

We don't know exactly what the UA is, but it's function is to scan it's suroundings(ships, station, stars and planets) and trasmit data. Supposedly over long distances, whatever that means.
Maybe the uas and ups are engine transport, they found the barnacles (which may actually be burried ships from the previous war) and the set down and attach to these ships for takeoff?? Yes i know tinfoil explosion but my previous post about the newgrange basin was completely ignored the fact the alien ships cockpit has the exact same logo as the basin

- - - Updated - - -

Maybe the uas and ups are engine transport, they found the barnacles (which may actually be burried ships from the previous war) and the set down and attach to these ships for takeoff?? Yes i know tinfoil explosion but my previous post about the newgrange basin was completely ignored the fact the alien ships cockpit has the exact same logo as the basin

Last of page 704 with proof, i have more to this whole theory which was also striken ages ago but adding up slowly bit by bit
Something I have not seen discussed ... and apologies if it has been dismissed already:

The Engineers allows modification to the FSD to boost its bootup time. To date, this has seemed totally redundant. But has anyone considered that maybe, just maybe, if we can boot up the FSD faster after an encounter with the "thing", it gives us vital extra seconds to interact with the alien before it jumps away?

Is the Engineers mod a clue for moving forward with this event?

Edit - looks like this Commander is way ahead of me ... has already supercharged his FSD and is conducting experiments :)
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Spotted something else before getting to that point.

The light when the ship scans you doesn't come from the centre of the ship/main part of the cockpit, it comes from here:
See these side by side stills from as close in time as I could get them:

(The bigger rectangle is just to show that the ship is aligned and on the same level across the two constitutent images. The smaller rectangle is taken from the light on the right hand image and dragged across to show where it's located on the image of the ship without the light.)

Agreed - screenshot just prior to scan
I agree, the centre of the crashed ships compared to these ships are different:

I think at this time that the crashed ship central part is actually the back end of a ship - it looks more like the rear thrusters to me. The number of what look like vents on the crashed sample I wonder if these are attachments for the back fans/wings/arms to attach to. That's just my 2Cr worth though, I think until otherwise notified none of us will know.

Looking forward to my own encounter!
This has probably been mentioned before, but here's what I've been thinking of:

- If the aliens are coming from another dimension or galaxy, the UAs and UPs might just be probes sent ahead. UAs look for technologies existing where they're sent - they transmit images of our ships etc. back to the aliens. UPs look for suitable planets and transmit information in relation to an outpost they might have on Merope 5C - this is transmitted to a base in Col 70 Sector FY-N c21-3 - where they plan to enter our galaxy/dimension with their main fleet.

The "scouts" (alien encounter) are perhaps ships sent to do further analysis before the main fleet arrives.

Still there are many holes and no evidence to back up what I've mentioned - we don't know why Merope and Merope 5 C seems to be important. Whatever is in Col 70 Sector FY-N c21-3 will probably be another piece in the puzzle - it might also just raise more questions than it answers. Why does the UAs seem to only be in a shell around the Pleiades - if they were probes sent ahead to scout for technology, why aren't they closer to the bubble? Might the spacetime around the Pleiades have some property (or weakness?) that allows the aliens to send a large fleet over wast distances/through dimensions? What made people CTD in the Formidine Rift?
1. Pleiades Sector MN-T C3-1
2. Imperial Courier
3. Yes, a few minutes before the encounter (by dumping the one I already had in my hold)
4. 1 UA and 2 UF's
5. Solo (no joy in either Open or Private Group)

Have a video of the encounter if anyone needs it as well.
This has probably been mentioned before, but here's what I've been thinking of:

- If the aliens are coming from another dimension or galaxy, the UAs and UPs might just be probes sent ahead. UAs look for technologies existing where they're sent - they transmit images of our ships etc. back to the aliens. UPs look for suitable planets and transmit information in relation to an outpost they might have on Merope 5C - this is transmitted to a base in Col 70 Sector FY-N c21-3 - where they plan to enter our galaxy/dimension with their main fleet.

The "scouts" (alien encounter) are perhaps ships sent to do further analysis before the main fleet arrives.

Still there are many holes and no evidence to back up what I've mentioned - we don't know why Merope and Merope 5 C seems to be important. Whatever is in Col 70 Sector FY-N c21-3 will probably be another piece in the puzzle - it might also just raise more questions than it answers. Why does the UAs seem to only be in a shell around the Pleiades - if they were probes sent ahead to scout for technology, why aren't they closer to the bubble? Might the spacetime around the Pleiades have some property (or weakness?) that allows the aliens to send a large fleet over wast distances/through dimensions? What made people CTD in the Formidine Rift?


We should keep an eye on the ammonia planets with UPs
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This has probably been mentioned before, but here's what I've been thinking of:

- If the aliens are coming from another dimension or galaxy, the UAs and UPs might just be probes sent ahead. UAs look for technologies existing where they're sent - they transmit images of our ships etc. back to the aliens. UPs look for suitable planets and transmit information in relation to an outpost they might have on Merope 5C - this is transmitted to a base in Col 70 Sector FY-N c21-3 - where they plan to enter our galaxy/dimension with their main fleet.

The "scouts" (alien encounter) are perhaps ships sent to do further analysis before the main fleet arrives.

Still there are many holes and no evidence to back up what I've mentioned - we don't know why Merope and Merope 5 C seems to be important. Whatever is in Col 70 Sector FY-N c21-3 will probably be another piece in the puzzle - it might also just raise more questions than it answers. Why does the UAs seem to only be in a shell around the Pleiades - if they were probes sent ahead to scout for technology, why aren't they closer to the bubble? Might the spacetime around the Pleiades have some property (or weakness?) that allows the aliens to send a large fleet over wast distances/through dimensions? What made people CTD in the Formidine Rift?

Every time we get back on the subject of why the Pleiades, I just keep going back to MB saying during the barnacle hunt "nebulae are logical if you think about it".. and yet.. we still have no idea why that's logical other than the higher content of gases and metals. And if that's the reason, why aren't they in every nebula? So far, we still only have a certain 3 that have them. I still feel like we missed a big clue with the barnacles for why some of this is happening.
Every time we get back on the subject of why the Pleiades, I just keep going back to MB saying during the barnacle hunt "nebulae are logical if you think about it".. and yet.. we still have no idea why that's logical other than the higher content of gases and metals. And if that's the reason, why aren't they in every nebula? So far, we still only have a certain 3 that have them. I still feel like we missed a big clue with the barnacles for why some of this is happening.

Yeah, I agree. I'm not sure how the barnacles ties in with UAs and UPs - or if they are just some natural occuring life like the recently discovered fungi (but prefer nebulae due to higher gas and mineral content). Perhaps what made people CTD in the Formidine Rift and elsewhere will give us more clues.
Yeah, I agree. I'm not sure how the barnacles ties in with UAs and UPs - or if they are just some natural occuring life like the recently discovered fungi (but prefer nebulae due to higher gas and mineral content). Perhaps what made people CTD in the Formidine Rift and elsewhere will give us more clues.

Yeah, that's possible. But MB also said they are bioengineered based on a previous lifeform. Which just makes me think they were placed there. They may be somewhat naturally occurring if they can reproduce and spread on their own. May only need one in an area to create more.
Something I have not seen discussed ... and apologies if it has been dismissed already:

The Engineers allows modification to the FSD to boost its bootup time. To date, this has seemed totally redundant. But has anyone considered that maybe, just maybe, if we can boot up the FSD faster after an encounter with the "thing", it gives us vital extra seconds to interact with the alien before it jumps away?

Is the Engineers mod a clue for moving forward with this event?

Edit - looks like this Commander is way ahead of me ... has already supercharged his FSD and is conducting experiments :)

People have caught up with it (and rammed it), and even over taken it (bounced off the jump portal)
Yeah, that's possible. But MB also said they are bioengineered based on a previous lifeform. Which just makes me think they were placed there. They may be somewhat naturally occurring if they can reproduce and spread on their own. May only need one in an area to create more.

Yeah, there's that. If they're placed there by the aliens in the encounter, I wonder what their purpose is. There's no obvious purpose by looking or interacting with them, other than perhaps as mining stations - though that would be an awful bad mining station if anyone can just find them and collect the minerals. Another thought I had (probably many others too) might that they're probes which analyse the soil of planets to find candidates for "terraforming".

Still why nebulae? And why the ones they've been found in? Could it be because they are close to human civilisation and there's likely more minerals/metals etc. in nebulae to support a large scale fleet/expedition with resources?
Hmmm, I've read that people have been getting interdicted without having anything in their cargo holds.

I'm starting to believe this is just completely random; I mean the first player who got interdicted 'DP Sayre' only had three magnetic emitter coils in his cargo. He confirmed this in an interview:

So, UA's, UP's, UF's and everything else seems to have nothing to do with actually being interdicted by the Thargoids (and none of this is having an effect on the encounter itself). The question is then, what does and why can't we interact (yet)?

This encounter is probably just building up to the next stage that's coming soon, if that wasn't obvious, and is possibly gathering data on the actions of the player base (how many encounters are there where the alien was fired upon etc). I think everyone also has an equal chance of experiencing it no matter what they're carrying (not sure about location, there was a report of one at Sol...), due to the latter reasons of the next stage being very close and the possibility of data being gathered on the players actions.

Only time will tell though.
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Yeah, that's possible. But MB also said they are bioengineered based on a previous lifeform. Which just makes me think they were placed there. They may be somewhat naturally occurring if they can reproduce and spread on their own. May only need one in an area to create more.

If the Thargoids were nearly wiped out by the Mycoid virus, perhaps their next step was to use advanced technology to perform necessary mutations/modifications; so in a sense by trying to wipe the Thargoids in this way has made them stronger. Perhaps not though.

However, keeping an open mind as ever, trying to accept all possibilities while not selecting one until we have science (+tea +biscuits).
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