Alien archeology and other mysteries: Thread 9 - The Canonn

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I wont debate this in a background where even light is "faster than light" (communications, GalNet,...).

Actually, speed of light for that alien ship is faster then our speed of light. Because they use gravity of vacuum for the propulsion. That is why they are so cold. Although they travel very close to the speed of their light.
Actually, speed of light for that alien ship is faster then our speed of light. Because they use gravity of vacuum for the propulsion. That is why they are so cold. Although they travel very close to the speed of their light.

So, in simple words, you mean we are in deep alien sh** ? :eek:

There's an N star not too far away from Merope @ HIP 21813 @ 90LY ... let's do a jump to Merope!


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We can buy paintjobs and weapon colour mods for our ships. That fact that my python is red and my friend's python is grey has no significance whatsoever. So why are you assuming that different colours on the thargoid ship means different (sub-)races and not merely personal preference as it does for us?

Might as well repost my thing from ages back :

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Godd evening everyone, nothing new on the audio front so far, found a few things that made me curious but will need some more time to check it out (to be honest i focused on gettin my new system rdy to actually can do not-meta-gaming again :D )

Not sure if someone mentioned it before but did anyone get winterdictet with passengers on board?
Thought I'd post this pic, just altering the colors a little in PS to try to make things a little clearer.

Funnily enough, anyone else think the central light looks like a star?
Does the possible code then perhaps represent a system?

Actually just looking at it now, it also kinda looks like a star lined up through the monoliths at Synuefe

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I'm not gonna be a Negative Nancy or anything, but I fear there isn't really much to gather here. We did tons of experiments by the ruins, and (as far as I know) it didn't get us anywhere. I'm sure there's a code to be cracked with the ruins, but we probably don't yet have the tools or hints required. The same might go for the alien ship currently known as Paul. Maybe it's simply a teaser meant to get our gears going before something bigger happens.

Though I know people are still going to look for cray-cray clues in the strangest places. And I love that.

All this being said, has there yet been reports of paulterdictions of ships/commanders that *haven't* been in contact with UAs, UPs and the like? I haven't; the only assumed alien things I've been in contact with are the scans and artifacts from the ruins. And I firmly believe those to be coming from a completely different species than Paul. I'd love to test the theory, though. Maybe I'll head out there tonight.
1. What system were they in when they were hyperdicted.
2. What ship were they in.
3. Did they recently get scanned by a UA.
4. Did they have a UA and/or a UP on board.
Yes, a single UA.
5. Solo/Private/Open.

on 6/1 @ 18:30, after about 9/10 jumps around Maia. The jump direction that was caught was pointed directly at Maia.
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Soo frustrating. Just lost my ASP X with UP on board. Tried to test something before jump. Logged off to the main menu, log in to solo jettingsoned UP then X named NPC spawned at directly my spot (500 ly away from bubble ofc) and destroyed me with 3 shoot. I didnt have a chance to do anything at all. "Give me your cargo" bull... Good luck with testing anything at all...
Attempt number one to activate Unknown Probe near alien ship.

Two conclusions can be made from this:

1. It didn't go off because I was too far. I tested this over and over, the range of the activation for the ADS scanner on the probe is 300 meters. It's possible it didn't go off because again, I was too far away.

2. It doesn't go off period while the ship is near.

I'm leaning more towards the first simply because I'd rather doubt then jump to conclusions...HOWEVER. There is one problem.

Simply put, I have no idea how I got more then 300 meters away from the probe. If you look at the video the part where my ship was moving the fastest...I was going in reverse. Since jettisoning cargo always puts it behind you wouldn't that have put me closer to it? In addition it took me about 10 seconds after regaining control of my ship to when I activated the ADS. In the second part of the video where I test ejecting and activating the ADS, I waited 11-12 seconds and it worked perfectly. It works perfectly no matter how many times I practice doing it.

The only time it didn't work, was when the ship was there. So my question is, was I too far away or does the ship prevent it from going off?

Purely speculation but if it is the latter (and I'm not saying it is) then we have to ask why that ship is suppressing it.

Also as a last note, you can jettison all cargo and be pressing the ADS scanner button at the same time and still activate the probe. This is important because it means you don't have to wait for the probe to appear on the radar before starting the ADS to honk it, you can press it and activate the countdown till the ADS honks as soon as you eject cargo saving you a few seconds.

Great work! One other thing to consider and try to eliminate as a possibility - the alien ship is targeted in the first section of the vid when you activate the ADS. It seems unlikely that it would be a factor, but if someone could try deselecting the ship and then honking, and also if someone could try selecting the UP and then honking, it would confirm it either way.
Great work! One other thing to consider and try to eliminate as a possibility - the alien ship is targeted in the first section of the vid when you activate the ADS. It seems unlikely that it would be a factor, but if someone could try deselecting the ship and then honking, and also if someone could try selecting the UP and then honking, it would confirm it either way.
I can confirm with 100% certainty that you do not have to have the probe selected in order to activate its EMP effect with the ADS.
Hyperdiction on 9th Jan @ 18:53 UTC

1. What system were they in when they were hyperdicted.

Not sure, but was jumping to PLEIADES SECTOR FW-W D1-54 and was dropped in (poss. started from) PLEIADES SECTOR TZ-O B6-2

2. What ship were they in.

Diamondback Scout

3. Did they recently get scanned by a UA.

Scanned by US recently-ish (yesterday).
Never seen (let alone carried or honked) UP.
(Had been searching for a UP without luck, gave up and was heading back towards the bubble when I got yoinked out of witchspace.)

4. Did they have a UA and/or a UP on board.


5. Solo/Private/Open.


- - -

I have another post about the vertical bars seen in the unknown ship's beam, but it's held pending moderation because I'm recently registered and linked to some related videos :/
Godd evening everyone, nothing new on the audio front so far, found a few things that made me curious but will need some more time to check it out (to be honest i focused on gettin my new system rdy to actually can do not-meta-gaming again :D )

Not sure if someone mentioned it before but did anyone get winterdictet with passengers on board?

Good evening ST. :)
I actually haven't looked into the audio any further since yesterday, tbh... it was spooky me out a fair bit.
Hope you get your new system sorted soon.
Not sure about your question about passengers on board during the interdiction.
Sounds like there has been far less occurrences of the unknown ship.
Has anybody been aliened whilst having a broken canopy? I came close but due to a calulatory error, I kind of exploded outside Obsidian Orbital.
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