Alien archeology and other mysteries: Thread 9 - The Canonn

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I think it would be helpful if people tried working with obelisks 3 and 7, because it looks like we can't generate any data from obelisks 3 and 7 (look at spreadsheet).
We have (numbers are obelisks):
Historic - from obelisks: 1,2,4,5,12,13
Language - from obelisks: 6,10,11
Biological - from obelisks:8,9
Technology - from obelisks: 14,15
What is interesting - numbers are not repeating.
And again, zero data from obelisks 3 and 7
"With rocket technology deemed enviromentally unfriendly, they developed vast launchers that used electro-magnectic propulsion to catapult ships into space. Breathable gel cocoons helped pilots and passengers withstand the huge G-forces experienced on launch, and served as hibernation pods during long journeys.Having not yet developed faster-than-light technology, the Guardians constructed three large arks for their first interstellar colonies. Much like the Generation ships in our own history."This would indeed indicate that the colonies are nearby, if we assume these attempts were successful.

I was thinking the no FTL, there is a nearby system with many planets, SYNUEFE PJ-D B64-6, after I've gotten rid of some of the cargo I'm carrying, I'll be checking it out today, might be an idea if as many commanders as possible head there, it's a large system to search with 19 planets capable of landing on.
This naming seems to be logical. Urn - what can you find in urn? Some biological data. Tablet - obvious, language! Orb - weird stuff you don't get it= technology. Then what we can get from Totem and Relic? Maybe some data about culture with Totem? Relic? Data about... architecture or sth?

Totem = Religion?
Forgive me, good people, if this has already been mentioned somewhere, but if it has I haven't seen it and that rather surprises me.

This is not science, more of a speculation, but it is certainly food for thought. It relates to one particular log entry:

"With rocket technology deemed enviromentally unfriendly, they developed vast launchers that used electro-magnectic propulsion to catapult ships into space. Breathable gel cocoons helped pilots and passengers withstand the huge G-forces experienced on launch, and served as hibernation pods during long journeys.Having not yet developed faster-than-light technology, the Guardians constructed three large arks for their first interstellar colonies. Much like the Generation ships in our own history."This would indeed indicate that the colonies are nearby, if we assume these attempts were successful.

(Emphasis mine) To me, the phrase "gel cocoons" made me immediately think of these:


Moreover, there are two types: one red, one green(ish), each singing a slightly different song.

Yay? Nay? Or have I just gone crazy?
Guys I'm at work so excuse me for being brief.

Ram-Tah research says that there were 2 races: one red skinned, headed north. The south one was green skinned.
According to the ammount of combinations available, it is very likely that we are missing a second ruin site at least.

This leads me to think that it is possible that there is a second ruin somewhere in the northern hemisphere of the same planet.

I believe we need a careful exploration of the norther hemisphere.


PS: Keep on the good job!

Maybe it doesn't mean north/south on the same planet, but galactic north/south or up/down the galactic plane.
Guys, a quick question. I asked this yesterday. Do you need the combination of artifacts (urn, orb, totem, etc) to be in your cargo hold or just next to the obelisk? If you need them next to the obelisk you can combine more than 2 (srv cargo capacity) and get more combinations.
Moreover, there are two types: one red, one green(ish), each singing a slightly different song.

This is actually not bad. The Guardians had red skin on the northern continent, according to the other data we got. Maybe the ones on the southern continent had green skin. The UPs and UAs are also green and red. Coincidence?
By the way, regarding hyperdictions: We may have the first confirmed hyperdiction OUTSIDE of the UA shell. Can someone check the distance of Hyades sector TTQ B5-5 from Merope? If more than 150, Jackpot!

There have been at least two reports of hyperdictions outside the shell. One was in 32 Tauri which is on the edge of the bubble.
In contradicts the main principle of FD - "players should suffer"

Forgive me, good people, if this has already been mentioned somewhere, but if it has I haven't seen it and that rather surprises me.

This is not science, more of a speculation, but it is certainly food for thought. It relates to one particular log entry:

(Emphasis mine) To me, the phrase "gel cocoons" made me immediately think of these:

its the same thought I had....that's why the scream when they pop, they are alien escape/survival pod....been around intact foooooooever....scream in anger/frustration cos you just got them popped when they could see salvation on the galactic horizon

that's maybe also why they were scattered around one of the alien many of our wrecks have you seen with escape pods scattered about them??

you people have been muuuuuurdering them!:)
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It takes a mixture of the Relics to activate the Right Results from scanning the ruins.
Orb+Relic in your cargohold then approach a Glowing Obelisk.

Once in range it activates at which point, you scan it with SRV scanner.

If the combination is correct you`ll get a Mail with a Guardians Log inside it.

If its not the right combo then Ram-Tah will tell you.

So try another combination.

The last 40 pages of this thread has Spreadsheets full of different combinations to try.

Also if you need a better view of the Map. Use the Developer Cam .. Default key is V for me

I really don't understand. I use the exact combinations that are on the map. I managed to decode some records but at other cases, even if I have the "right combination" nothing happens or Ram Tah tells me it's wrong. On the map there are several combinations next to a given obelisk. I don't know why. I tried scanning them in different combination order, but it makes no sense as I have to re-log after every scan. It somehow makes no sense to me. :)
I was thinking the no FTL, there is a nearby system with many planets, SYNUEFE PJ-D B64-6, after I've gotten rid of some of the cargo I'm carrying, I'll be checking it out today, might be an idea if as many commanders as possible head there, it's a large system to search with 19 planets capable of landing on.

i posted about that earlier with a screeny of the system, no one seemed interested, i was in that system last night having a quick gander at the first planet and moon and the 3rd planet, the whole system looks very interesting.

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I was thinking the no FTL, there is a nearby system with many planets, SYNUEFE PJ-D B64-6, after I've gotten rid of some of the cargo I'm carrying, I'll be checking it out today, might be an idea if as many commanders as possible head there, it's a large system to search with 19 planets capable of landing on.

- - - Updated - - -

I was thinking the no FTL, there is a nearby system with many planets, SYNUEFE PJ-D B64-6, after I've gotten rid of some of the cargo I'm carrying, I'll be checking it out today, might be an idea if as many commanders as possible head there, it's a large system to search with 19 planets capable of landing on.

There is also the Possibility that the CG in the Rift and Conflux etc is also tied to This.

3 Guardian Generation Ships were sent out.
We found 3 Locations with Probes that pointed to a Rally Point above a Planet in Each of the 3 Sectors which are LY`s from the Ruins.
Sorry if this has been answered. I have the mission from Ram Tah (although not unlocked as an engineer) and am merrily scanning away.
I'm, collecting data. I have Pattern Alpha, Delta, Epsilon & Gamma in my data bank, but no confirmation or interpretation from Ram Tah in the comms panel. Nothing at all.
Is this a bug, or have I just not got a hit yet?
Sorry if this has been answered. I have the mission from Ram Tah (although not unlocked as an engineer) and am merrily scanning away.
I'm, collecting data. I have Pattern Alpha, Delta, Epsilon & Gamma in my data bank, but no confirmation or interpretation from Ram Tah in the comms panel. Nothing at all.
Is this a bug, or have I just not got a hit yet?

This is currently the most Accurate list of Results from the Ruin.

The Ruin does seem to be slightly buggy. Theres a chance that Repeating it will gain you some of the Information.
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