All things Frontier Developments at E3 2014!

I just thought we could create a thread where we can collect all the pictures and media we find from E3. :)

I'll start off with this one! :D


Not anything new really...but it IS from E3! :cool:
So i'm wondering now, if that huge poster is wrong?
Wasn't it supposed to be 400 billion stars, and 100 billion star systems.
Here it says 400 billion star systems and my inner nerd is kind of annoying by the loose usage of the term star system.
So i'm wondering now, if that huge poster wrong?
Wasn't it supposed to be 400 billion stars, and 100 billion star systems.
Here it says 400 billion star systems and my inner nerd is kind of annoying by the loose usage of the term star system.

Feel the same way, but I guess the PR department thought 400 sounded better than 100. :rolleyes:
There is "400 billion star systems" the sign is correct

No, there are 400 Billion stars, not star systems. Many star systems are made up of several different stars (binaries, trilplets and so on...) so the number of actual systems is lower.


No, there are 400 Billion stars, not star systems. Many star systems are made up of several different stars (binaries, trilplets and so on...) so the number of actual systems is lower.



Yeah, rigth now we can visit 6 stars in the 5 star systems of the game.
No, there are 400 Billion stars, not star systems. Many star systems are made up of several different stars (binaries, trilplets and so on...) so the number of actual systems is lower.



Those would also be called star systems (multiple stars). :eek::D

A pretty penny I'd imagine. I think SC will have an even bigger banner, made of gold, studded with diamonds, and with "playable in 2020" in the corner :D

And maybe then, the people who care, will be able to say which game they thought was better, with 2020 hindsight, obviously. ;)
So i'm wondering now, if that huge poster is wrong?
Wasn't it supposed to be 400 billion stars, and 100 billion star systems.
Here it says 400 billion star systems and my inner nerd is kind of annoying by the loose usage of the term star system.

I recall DB saying in an interview somewhere, something along the lines of:

Mr Braben said:
"Over 100 billion star systems. It's actually more like 400 billion"
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