I am aware of some Alliance supporters who would fit this description, but only a few.I've been playing awhile now and I've noticed that on the whole Alliance factions are more sneaky in how they play the BGS. Can anyone enlighten me politely why this is the case.
I am also aware of some larger factions who because they are not dictatorial on how their members play could be misinterpreted as fitting this description, but in fact it's just the odd player from those factions helping those who do fit this description.
I am also aware of many honourable and open Alliance factions.
I could also say the same about Federation factions too, and have indeed had to fight against unknown Fed supporters who are never seen in Open on PC, Xbox or PS4 by others fighting them.
I could also say the same about various Power Play factions when they get involved in BGS.
I can also say the same about independent factions.
I can't say it about imperials, but I think that's more to do with my location in the galaxy. Although I have heard the same said about the small numbers of Imperials in my area, although in those cases I had to point out to the PC players saying it that the local imperials are 99% Xbox players so not really a fair comparison.
I think you have to accept that there are certain people in every camp who consider secret attacks from PG/Solo, even when in violation of treaties their own or allied factions may have signed up to, as acceptable game play. It doesn't mean everybody in that camp is though, and if it seems more of 1 camp than others (as indeed it does to me) that is usually caused by the geography of your experience.
FDev enable this gameplay and as long as they do, people will use it.
What would be nice is if all the major groups at least committed not to attack other peoples space secretly from PG/Solo, and not to ally with or later support those who do. but I can't see that happening even though it would allow people to defend their space from PG/Solo and carry on in those modes if not hurting others.