Horizons Allying with the Thargoids

founders get to play as Thargoids?

You know, this might actually persuade me to play in open. imho it would be better if there was no indication of whether the 'goid you're about to prod is AI or human-driven (apart poss from the way it behaves), and for 'goids, no indication of whether the tempting prey is AI or a Cmdr who's taken the trouble to, as they put it, "git gud". No financial or rep rewards for playing as a 'goid (which would penalise those who aren't able to), either - just do it for the fun of it.
While I doubt there will be an in-game mechanic for allying with the Thargoids I'm curious who is planning to do so?
Either way I'm planning to join the Thargoids and will do all I can to help them destroy the scurge of humanity! Who's with me?!? Any player groups forming around this?!?
CMDR Exigeous
G̶e̶n̶t̶l̶e̶m̶e̶n̶ ̶P̶i̶r̶a̶t̶e̶ Insurgent
I think alot of humans would be, in real life to, if you look @ humanity and what it did to this planet and ALL living things on it...nobody in sane condition would ally with humanity.
Why could'nt they (Thargoids) have been apes or dogs-like insted, imagine they would be alien dogs...when do these come DEVS ??? Make life more fun and have our best friends in this game please.
They're abducting occupied pods and destroying civilian transporter/cargo ships and you people are talking about allying with them?

Hope those armored vehicles pull up to your house and tow you away with the rest of those Far God cultists
If we end up with a couple of goto hot spots for CMDRs to goto to fight Thargoids I'm certain we'll end up with other CMDRs being there simply to attack those CMDRs.

The pretence will of course be some lame-Thargoid support nonsense, but in truth it will just be down to the fact it's an excuse to attack other CMDRs, and potentially CMDRs now outfitted in such a way as to be far less effective (ie: they'll be nerfed with anti-Thargoid weapons/defenses).

If there are clear goto-locations for Thargoid related gameplay, the level of ganking could be impressive!

I can see that 'will' be a ganker gameplay if locations become 'fixed combat locations'
They're abducting occupied pods and destroying civilian transporter/cargo ships and you people are talking about allying with them?

Hope those armored vehicles pull up to your house and tow you away with the rest of those Far God cultists

My thoughts exactly.

I heard the Thargoids have started a new faction. It's called Soylent Green.
They're abducting occupied pods and destroying civilian transporter/cargo ships

Sure your talking about aliens there ? Pirates are destroying cargo/tpt-er ships too and we sell occupied pods on the black market to become slaves.
How many of you all sold tourists and illegals to slave traders ?
Mirrors, some people should look in them...
While I doubt there will be an in-game mechanic for allying with the Thargoids I'm curious who is planning to do so? Personally I would love it if it worked similar to current Conflict Zones where you can pick a side to fight with/against.

Either way I'm planning to join the Thargoids and will do all I can to help them destroy the scurge of humanity! Who's with me?!? Any player groups forming around this?!?

CMDR Exigeous
G̶e̶n̶t̶l̶e̶m̶e̶n̶ ̶P̶i̶r̶a̶t̶e̶

I was thinking on this Idea these days and went to search if someone had the same thoughts. Luckily I wasn't alone. It's a very different and nice idea to bring the Thargoids more into the game. Imagine the possibilities... We can have different kind of ships, modules, weapons, damage, shields and much more. More stories and new mechanics... maybe technologies that are not compatible or even if we put different kind of technologies, something bad can happen...

I must say that I do not like some of the mechanics and exploits that we can pledge alliance to anyone and gain all the powers easily, just needing to wait a few weeks and changing it so quickly. If things were more permanent or had more consequences, it would be nice. Unfortunately, players in MMOs are very powerless to change and make the universe evolve (except for EVE Online). But I hope E.D. can make more steps to make our decisions and actions more impactful in the game. Maybe if separate Public play from Private Sessions, I don't know... but I love the idea for more and diversified content.

Hope the DEVs see your post. The Alliance and the Thargoids alliance would be an interesting power to be feared.
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Fantasy mode on. Wouldn't it be cool where player after a validation could cross the line and join the alien side? The requirements. Because that's an offer only for serious and most experienced player so triple Elite most welcome, reputation within the pro-alien group (raised similarly like in Empire or Federation) massive entry fee (like 500 millions to exclude fresh alt-accounts) and relinquishment of owned property. So say goodbye to Cutters and Ferdies and welcome to the different world where you basically start in an alien Sidey. You will start anew. So those chosen ones and high ranking members of the pro-alien syndicate should be welcomed with powerful alien technology and resources. Ships and modules so powerful that overengineered pvpers can only dream of.
Because of alien augmentation this would be very, very serious decision and commitment, generally a one way only. Those who joined would be greatly rewarded and spared in forthcoming apocalypse (something what Syndicate did in the X-Files)
As an alien-ally you would be marked as a hostile with a lifetime bounty perhaps in anarchy worlds too. You could also use human ships for a limited time because the anti-human agenda and subversion relies on undercover network.
FD could create a well prospering alien domain normally inaccessible other mortals, with life, stations, economy and aliens. Only Xeno allied ships could enter the restricted domain. This would be their capital world and some hidden outposts should be placed around the bubble, serving as a bases of operations for both aliens and their human allies. Just loud thinking, but who knows...
Fantasy mode on. Wouldn't it be cool where player after a validation could cross the line and join the alien side? The requirements. Because that's an offer only for serious and most experienced player so triple Elite most welcome, reputation within the pro-alien group (raised similarly like in Empire or Federation) massive entry fee (like 500 millions to exclude fresh alt-accounts) and relinquishment of owned property. So say goodbye to Cutters and Ferdies and welcome to the different world where you basically start in an alien Sidey. You will start anew. So those chosen ones and high ranking members of the pro-alien syndicate should be welcomed with powerful alien technology and resources. Ships and modules so powerful that overengineered pvpers can only dream of.
Because of alien augmentation this would be very, very serious decision and commitment, generally a one way only. Those who joined would be greatly rewarded and spared in forthcoming apocalypse (something what Syndicate did in the X-Files)
As an alien-ally you would be marked as a hostile with a lifetime bounty perhaps in anarchy worlds too. You could also use human ships for a limited time because the anti-human agenda and subversion relies on undercover network.
FD could create a well prospering alien domain normally inaccessible other mortals, with life, stations, economy and aliens. Only Xeno allied ships could enter the restricted domain. This would be their capital world and some hidden outposts should be placed around the bubble, serving as a bases of operations for both aliens and their human allies. Just loud thinking, but who knows...

I don't know about the aliens being so powerful to be unbalanced, but I like the idea that it would be a different kind of ship like a lot of shields but terrible hull... or something even more different. But I love the ideia to be very dipised by the Federation and the Empire to be hostile in the sectors that they are dominant.

And maybe we can have more alien races. Some that are xenophobic as humans and some that wants to start a galactic community of their on but also with inside struggles so we can have times of instability in these alliances and have to make missions to make the peaceful factions to be in power and does not start an open war. The ideas are limitless. Come on DEVs... YOU need to read all of this!
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