Alpha 3 Livestream Schedule! Tune in during gamescom 2016!

DAILY LIVESTREAM from Thursday, August 18 to Sunday, August 21
12:00 – 13:00 CEST // Developer Streams

13:00 – 14:30 CEST // Community Streams
16:00 – 18:00 CEST // Community Streams

Hello: When will the streams be uploaded to YouTube so we Yanks that live in the western part of the US, and don't want to get up before the livestock, can view the ones we miss?

Thanks so much!
DAILY LIVESTREAM from Thursday, August 18 to Sunday, August 21
12:00 – 13:00 CEST // Developer Streams

13:00 – 14:30 CEST // Community Streams
16:00 – 18:00 CEST // Community Streams

Hello: When will the streams be uploaded to YouTube so we Yanks that live in the western part of the US, and don't want to get up before the livestock, can view the ones we miss?

Thanks so much!

The will be uploaded later this evening .
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I agree guys, 'older' people have to work during the day. It would be nice to have the possibility to check the streams in the evening ..
This is the only copy I've found of the initial developer stream - there is Spanish commentary however :)

Can't believe that this few snippets are all we've seen today. I was at work the whole day and hope for some interestng news and was more than disapointed.
There are three more days worth of livestreams to come. If they showed everything on the first day, the rest would be something of an anticlimax.
There are three more days worth of livestreams to come. If they showed everything on the first day, the rest would be something of an anticlimax.

He is saying that he can't believe there have only been snippets of the whole livestream that happened today uploaded to their channel instead of the whole livestream, not that he can't believe they haven't revealed everything yet. I, too, am very sad about not being able to watch the whole livestream as I live in Seattle and cannot be awake at 3am my time due to my full time job.
in US - Mountain Time. Got home from work this evening hoping to watch a recording of the live stream. Very disappointed they don't have it. I thought based on what I'd read, that they would have it posted for those of us unable to watch the stream Live. Looking forward to the rest of the week.
Here's the response from Brett:

YouTube seems to be stuck on the stage known as "Processing..." for the videos. If i'm not around to push the button in a couple hours once it's completed doing whatever it does... someone else here on the community team will gleefully push the button to make it live. [happy]
When the developers are going to upload the full streamings? There's nothing at their You Tube Channel.

By the way, who was the first gamer streaming?
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Volunteer Moderator
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Bo Marit

Lead Community Manager
Sorry about the delay everyone! We had some internet issues, so uploading took a bit longer than expected :( it should go a lot smoother today!

Video is up now, have a look around the forum for the discussion thread as well, and please keep sending in your questions for Sunday's Q&A session as well. I'll be on the forum again tonight after the show ends to answer any other questions and post the round-up article [big grin]

Hope you're looking forward to today's stream; we can't wait to share more awesome new features with you!
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