No...I did not know that we had any 90 fps IPs in the catalog. But I can see how a fighting game could run at a speed that high. There isn't a heck of a lot to render in a typical fighter as compared to a full open world environment complete with trees, clouds, NPC cars, aircraft, interior details for the player's vehicle, DTS surround sound etc. etc.
I always go back to GTA5 whenever I read anyone attempting to blame poor performance on the XB1 hardware itself. I remember all the PS4 fanboys laughing before the final release and making stupid claims that the XB1 version wouldn't be able to run a locked 30fps for GTA Online at 1080p 32 bit color.
Well, it not only can, for a good three months after the next gen version releases, the XB1 version was actually the more stable of the two, running far smoother overall, with far less frame rate issues than the PS4 version. I own both and actually tested for SONY on the PS4 version, and found that whole situation hilarious!
In actuality, the PS4 issues were not the hardware's fault. It was net code issues with PSN, which we all knew was going to be a problem based on our late beta testing with a much, much smaller sampling of users. I so much wanted to predict the XB1 was going to smoke the PS4 version on release, but I was under an NDA and couldn't say anything.
Still... It was fun waiting for the release and what I knew was going to happen. lol!