Already another community challenge?!

on sunday the first community challenge ended and today on tuesday (at least for me), barely 2 days later, we already got another community challenge?! That’s so fast. I was thinking we’d get another one in maybe a couple of weeks when we got some time to just enjoy the game and play however we wanted. Have people build some zoo’s, collect some animals, just have fun before going back into the heavy breeding focus. I, like quite a few other people, don’t have that much time to play the game during the day (like barely 2 hours today, which I focused on this new challenge rather then on building my zoo) and I’d rather take my time figuring out what exactly I want from the game, how it works, how I want to play it but because I also don’t want to miss out on the prizes we get I’m almost forced into a certain play method. I get some people are totally ready for another challenge but for me it’s kinda overwhelming and kinda sad that, because of problems and shortness in time, I haven’t really been able to enjoy the game as I want to.

I hope this is just frontier wanting to test stuff and not how things will go in the future. I think for me maximum 2 community challenges in one month is more then plenty. Probably preferably even once a month at this point. Maybe in the future more but I don’t feel the need for it at this point.
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Especially since most people are suffering from game breaking bugs that make it impossible to contribute to the community challenge. My main zoo that I had been working on since the game released corrupted yesterday. It won’t go past the green loading screen and so my zoo (along will gorillas, lions, tigers, elephants, hippos, etc) is unplayable forcing me to start over. :(
Yea I just ignore those things in like every game ever. They are always the same thing "Do X thing add nauseum and contribute .0001% to the total". Boooring :)
If you don't want to play a community challenge each week, where's the problem that you simply don't do it?

Play one or two each month - No one's forcing you :) But - Because of that there's no reason why others should not have the possibility to play four in my opinion.
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Well, I don't have much time myself. I only got tigers on the last day of the challenge and I still got some cubs (with just one pair).
Who says you can't just play the game like you want and still do the challenges? You just have to build the habitat, which is the point of the game, and while you wait for them to mate you can still play the game. It's not like you have to sit next to them all the time.
Well, I don't have much time myself. I only got tigers on the last day of the challenge and I still got some cubs (with just one pair).
Who says you can't just play the game like you want and still do the challenges? You just have to build the habitat, which is the point of the game, and while you wait for them to mate you can still play the game. It's not like you have to sit next to them all the time.
No but I had this big zoo planned and gorillas are still far away in that plan. So I have to go to my zoo I used for the tiger challenge but I don’t build in that one.
My advice is just play for fun. If you're not enjoying yourself and you feel forced to play a certain way, then you're kinda missing the point of playing.
I've just been playing scenarios and sandbox since launch and not even opened Franchise since Beta so I didn't get involved in the last challenge. So I didn't get any prize or even know what they were. I don't feel like I'm worse off for it. But I've had a blast playing and doing exactly what I want.
The beauty of this game is that you can do what you like, play at you own pace and just enjoy it. Frontier don't penalize their players for not taking part so don't fall into the FOMO trap. Just enjoy playing and don't pressure yourself. :)
The community challenges are nice in a way. They gave me the push I needed to finally making a prime-ape sanctuary zoo for the that I have been wanting. I was luck though that I had enough CC to get a decent gorilla and then got lucky that someone posted another for pretty cheap so I was able to get a breeding pair.

This challenge is a lot harder since not as many people are going to be selling their gorillas and instead releasing them to the wild making them cost way more CC than the tigers did.

But a challenge is a challenge, you can completely ignore it if you want. Or you can go ham on it if you have the time. (you could buy a gorilla for CC and then instantly release it to the wild, you get some of the CC back and you get credit for participating in the challenge)
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