Am I doing something wrong? Guardian Weapon Bloops.

Does anyone know how to get guardian weapon blueprint fragments?

After charging the 6 pillars at Synuefe EU-Q C21-10 A3, I go to the orb and scan it and only get a codex entry but nothing appears in the encoded data.
I logged out restarted elite and tried again... twice... but each time I get a codex entry but no bloop fragment.

Is this a bug or have weapon fragments been depreciated, like Alpha Beta and Gamma data monoliths (which all just give me codex entries rather than actual data now).
You are supposed to jettison a Guardian Key into the X shaped panel on the ground in front of the alter.

Edit: You get the Ancient Key by activating a Guardian Beacon in space first
I did these recently but on foot. You can charge the pylons and take out the sentinels with a plasma weapon, I used an executioner (others might also work?). You need the srv for getting the relic and activating the terminal.

The canonn edmc plugin was great for finding new guardian sites so I could just jump to another instead of relogging at the same site.

I used my G5 Artemis suite with inc sprinting and jump, it was great to more or less fly around the sites and the pylons were very easy to find from high above due to the characteristic triangular fundament/socket.
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