AMA IV - Happy 3307

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Senior Community Manager
Happy 33o7 commanders!

We're back for another round of our AMA with the Elite Dangerous Community Team!

Post any questions you would like to see answered in this thread and we'll do our best to respond to as many of them as we can! Don't worry if we can't answer your questions right now, we'll bring as many as possible to our development team, to see what answers they can share in the future!

To get the most out of this AMA please keep in the mind the following before posting:
  1. Please keep it to one question per post
  2. Please keep questions short and to the point. We'll focus on answering as many questions as we can so may not get round to yours if it takes too long to read through.
  3. Please don't ask any unrevealed lore or future plot questions, we can't spoil things for you.
  4. If you have a suggestion please post it in the suggestions forum.
  5. If you have found a bug or issue please post it in the Issue Tracker
  6. Please check out what questions have come before you as we're unlikely to answer duplicate questions
  7. Please keep it friendly and constructive
  8. We won't be announcing any release dates in this thread
  9. Please do not reply to other players in the thread
The AMA will be open for 1 hour where we will do our best to respond to as many posts as possible.

To avoid asking common questions that have been answered already, here are a few frequently asked questions and their answers:

Will we have the possibility to have our CMDR Names marked on planets in the style of: "First landed on by CMDR X"?
Yes, we will log first footfall on a per CMDR basis

Can I walk around my ship interior?
While Odyssey will see players explore a wide range of on and off world locations including station interiors, ship interiors will not be included at launch.
We understand that the bond between Commander and starship is incredibly strong and know this will disappointing news for some. However, we believe it is right to invest our development time in locations and features which offer the most meaningful experience and gameplay for all players. Rest assured that Odyssey will offer a great variety of long requested locations to explore, both on land and in space.

Will we be able to use our current clothing in Odyssey?
Yes, everything you own is usable in Odyssey.

If a player isn't into FPS combat will that part of the expansion be optional?
Elite Dangerous has always been about allowing you to blaze your own trail, this will continue in Odyssey. Combat will always be optional for Commanders.

Will we be able to fly other CMDRs' ships in Odyssey? Whether if it's by multicrew or stealing?
No, only the Commander that owns that ship can fly their ship. However, players will be able to deploy in that Commander’s SRV or SLF with physical multicrew.

Will powerplay see any changes in Odyssey?
Powerplay will be discussed at a later date!

What are the plans for networking in Odyssey? Will it be p2p or will it be server based for FPS gameplay?
The underlying network structure is the same as the rest of ED i.e. p2p so that the experience is seamless for players

Will there be a possibility of mining on the surface of planets in Odyssey?
Whilst we are not looking at mining on foot at this time, you will be able to visit small mining settlements.

Will Fleet Carriers get interiors in Odyssey?
We have nothing to add on this at this moment in time.

Can you be attacked by NPCs in Odyssey without opening fire?

Can you give some examples of the suits we will be using in Odyssey?
You'll have access to a range of suits, such as: Flight suit, exploration suits, combat suits & scavenger suits.

What can you tell us about Raxxla?
Well, what we can say is REDACTED and REDACTED!

When can we pre-order on consoles?
We'll let everyone know the moment they can get their hands on pre-orders for consoles.

In Odyssey, when using magnetic boots in outposts will you be able to "accidentally" walk up the wall?
What's the currently planned release date for the various stages of Odyssey now that we are already 'a few days' past the new year?
In an expansion attempt for a Power, is exactly half favorable factions enough to get reduced triggers? We've had both situations happening, so it would be interesting to know which is a bug and which is not.
Happy New Year team - my question: when we deploy on foot from our ships, will we be able to see them in a higher level of detail than we do now in the SRV and camera suite?
Is there anything you can tell us about the interior design of ships in combination with the coming update - even if its "not included at launch"?
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