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Which potential clues do you suspect are actually graphical bugs?
Ideally I would like to point you to the actual raxxla thread so you can fully understand the issue (I will below) but in principle;

A. There's a strange green glow/lighting anomaly which lights up your cockpit when In supercruise in and around the asteroid belt within SOL. This has been observed mainly when exiting the system map and I believe has also now (yesterday) possibly seen in other systems.

B. Strange ship location displayed in the orrary view of the system map. Again whilst traveling around the asteroid belt, which has been divided into 32 segments, your ship will suddenly appear to teleport to the opposite side of the belt in certain segments before returning to where it should be once you leave that segment. Your physical ship doesn't appear to move...

C. SOL asteroid belt itself appears to be missing physically. There's a graphical representation of it in the system map but you can't target lock it, if you bookmark it, it appears to be inside the star (SOL).

Link here;

None of this is my work, but many of us are on this and have been for years, I speak for myself really when I say I'm really only here for raxxla, I find the concept utterly unique in gaming experience, and we don't even know what it is. The post I've linked to is the start of a current rabbit hole but if you have time it's worth reading to understand our problems, if you have time.

PS don't forget to drop jorki's spoiler tab down ;)
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