An Ambitious Tech Demo...

No im saying you are currently browsing the forums as all of us do, I found it amusing is all. The forums are the best gameplay and you know it.

I'd say browsing the forum of a game you enjoy and discussing it is what the forums are for really, there are some weird edge cases hanging around for other reasons but ED's never been their real problem.
Nothing is your fault Stigbob. Its like clouds over a mountain.

Just a suggestion but if you are going to hatch conspiracy theories that I've deliberately taken the thread off topic after replying to what you posted, you should avoid going off topic in the first place.
Just a suggestion but if you are going to hatch conspiracy theories that I've deliberately taken the thread off topic after replying to what you posted, you should avoid going off topic in the first place.

So stig, do you think the OP is wrong?

There are quite a few who felt he has not played the game correctly and should play it again in the forum approved way (and to continue to keep starting over until he comes unified with the pack with his opinion). Clearly he must be a defective human for having an opinion on his new player experience?

Is min maxing not allowed in ED? Should min maxing be banned? Should further gating of "content" be added?

Only cobra 3 only after 6 months?
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And you still managed to get 100s of hours of gaming out of it.... so, not bad. If I get 20/30+ hours out of many AAA games, I've had my monies worth. Elite is a VERY different animal and there is no "end game", and I don't think there should be.

I still have so much to do, and I feel I'm just scraping the surface after 700 hours. Horses for courses; I love it for what it is, and I've hopes for the future, but it really isn't for everyone.
Lol time shouldn't matter if that time is used correctly and lets face it you spend a lot of time basically doing nothing in this game (travel & menus).
So stig, do you think the OP is wrong?

There are quite a few who felt he has not played the game correctly and should play it again in the forum approved way (and to continue to keep starting over until he comes unified with the pack with his opinion). Clearly he must be a defective human for having an opinion on his new player experience?

Is min maxing not allowed in ED? Should min maxing be banned? Should further gating of "content" be added?

Only cobra 3 only after 6 months?

What on earth are you blathering on about now ?.
So stig, do you think the OP is wrong?

There are quite a few who felt he has not played the game correctly and should play it again in the forum approved way (and to continue to keep starting over until he comes unified with the pack with his opinion). Clearly he must be a defective human for having an opinion on his new player experience?

Is min maxing not allowed in ED? Should min maxing be banned? Should further gating of "content" be added?

Only cobra 3 only after 6 months?
A large part of the OP can't be wrong since he is talking about his personal experience. But then he extrapolates that personal opinion to a claim, which can be challenged:
Overall, Elite is an ambitious tech demo. It reminds me of Worlds Adrift. The journey is fun, but the destination (the end game) is ultimately disappointing. This is ok for Worlds Adrift – the journey is the point. Elite should be the other way around. The good stuff should be hard to reach. The Thargoids should be on the other side of the galaxy, with massive rewards. The procedural generation of interesting sites on planets should get better the further you are away from the bubble. This would give a sense of difficulty, and ultimately a greater sense of achievement.

That claim is from my perspective wrong. He talks about an end game which (from my perspective) isn't there. This game is all journey.

Then he makes a claim on what Elite should be. Reasonable people can disagree on that.
Sorry, I’ve been away for a few days and I’m a bit the game doomed again, or is it a continuation of a previous nigh Cthuloic doom that haunts it still?

Or is it still like pizza - even when it’s bad it’s still pretty good?
Im asking for your opinion on the OP's post.

Why would I discuss that with you and not the OP ?.

Sorry, I’ve been away for a few days and I’m a bit the game doomed again, or is it a continuation of a previous nigh Cthuloic doom that haunts it still?

Or is it still like pizza - even when it’s bad it’s still pretty good?

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