Analysing the Thargoid Simulation

Narwhal Nose report generated 2 May


Systems are listed in order of priority, and in general the first six would be expected to be hit by Alerts. Predictions made early in the week may be reissued later if Control recaptures materially affect them. If the Control Sphere Edge is reached and targeting mode switches, predictive confidence is lower and the consequences of recaptures may be more significant.

Table key
: Name of system considered at threat of Alert. Bold if in Control-based prioritisation it would be eligible for backtrack targeting.
Target Distance: The distance in LY to the Maelstrom of the target. A primary component of Thargoid prioritisation.
Control Distance: The distance in LY to the Maelstrom of the attacking Control. A primary component of Thargoid prioritisation when attacking outside the control sphere.
Attackers: A list of potential Controls to launch the attack from, partial if there are 4 or more. Controls disconnected from their parent maelstrom are marked in italics; controls attacking a system closer to the maelstrom than themselves are underlined; controls which may be skipping an inner uninhabited system to strike an inhabited system further out are struck-through; controls containing a Spire are bold. Once targeting switches to Control-based rather than Target-based prioritisation, only one is listed here.
Inhabited: Whether the system contains standing human population.


Calculating Indra
Read 113 control systems and 870 regional systems.
Total connected: 113

Furthest Control: 26.135 LY
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
HIP 2049224.04315.08271 Tauri; HIP 20916; HIP 20577; etcYes
78 Theta-2 Tauri24.56817.089HIP 20916; HIP 20577; 86 Rho Tauri; etcNo
HR 140324.66418.554HIP 20712; Arietis Sector JR-V b2-4; HIP 20890; etcYes
Arietis Sector TY-P a6-225.90022.851Arietis Sector TY-P a6-0; Arietis Sector TY-P a6-1; Hyades Sector DX-H a11-1; No
Arietis Sector JM-T a4-025.94023.327Arietis Sector OS-R a5-0;No
Hyades Sector IH-U b3-326.02018.372Hyades Sector NN-S b4-1; Hyades Sector NN-S b4-0; Hyades Sector JH-U b3-5; No
---Control Sphere Edge-
Hyades Sector JH-U b3-427.16917.960Hyades Sector NN-S b4-2;No
HIP 2147427.12418.73486 Rho Tauri; (backtrack HIP 21654)(backtrack 90 c1 Tauri)Yes
90 c1 Tauri26.47619.44479 b Tauri; (backtrack HIP 20826)No
Hyades Sector PI-S b4-026.75119.514Hyades Sector PI-S b4-3 (9.900 LY);No
HIP 2138026.61019.729Arietis Sector JR-V b2-4 (9.996 LY); (backtrack 69 Upsilon Tauri)(backtrack Arietis Sector NS-R a5-0)Yes
Hyades Sector GX-H a11-429.43320.093HIP 22524; (backtrack HIP 23069)No
Hyades Sector XU-O b6-129.81120.227Scythia (9.915 LY); (backtrack Arietis Sector QS-T b3-2)No
91 Sigma-1 Tauri29.41920.62977 Theta-1 Tauri; (backtrack HIP 20850)(backtrack 57 h Tauri)(backtrack HIP 21317)(backtrack 89 Tauri)(backtrack 85 Tauri)(backtrack 81 Tauri)(backtrack 83 Tauri)Yes
48 Tauri27.45320.96370 Tauri;Yes
Hyades Sector BC-I a11-129.64821.108Lei Hsini; (backtrack Hyades Sector AR-J a10-1)(backtrack Hyades Sector EX-H a11-1)No
An early usable backtrack, so Indra should be able to place nine Alerts comfortably.


Calculating Cocijo
Read 184 control systems and 802 regional systems.
Total connected: 184

Furthest Control: 29.507 LY
Furthest potential capture: 32.062 LY - may affect result if not defended
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
Sukurbago24.15023.878Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-7;Yes
Col 285 Sector VN-H b11-225.80027.816Col 285 Sector WN-H b11-5; No
---Control Sphere Edge-
Col 285 Sector RS-H b11-331.39923.090Col 285 Sector SS-H b11-0;No
Col 285 Sector WD-G b12-031.82123.150Col 285 Sector XY-F b12-6; (backtrack Col 285 Sector VD-G b12-5)No
Col 285 Sector AF-P c6-1630.96523.772Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-0; (backtrack Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-6)No
Col 285 Sector US-H b11-431.02524.101Col 285 Sector US-H b11-2;No
Daisla31.96224.157Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-1; (backtrack Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-5)(backtrack Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-3)(backtrack Col 285 Sector CA-E b13-2)Yes
Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-330.01424.162Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-4;Yes
HIP 3918633.59024.209Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-2; (backtrack HIP 39468)(backtrack Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-1)(backtrack Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-4)(backtrack Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-1)No
Col 285 Sector AP-F b12-432.15724.231Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-2; (backtrack Col 285 Sector AP-F b12-2)No
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-8232.04624.468Col 285 Sector ZE-P c6-21;No
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-14633.18924.597HR 3048;Yes
Col 285 Sector US-H b11-532.56924.684HIP 39750;No
Col 285 Sector TC-J b10-032.43225.038Col 285 Sector VN-H b11-0;No
Col 285 Sector FV-D b13-233.52825.044Col 285 Sector BA-P c6-4; (backtrack Ross 426)No
Good chance of Cocijo being able to deliver a lot of these Alerts internally instead if this week's Alerts go through.


Calculating Thor
Read 112 control systems and 876 regional systems.
Total connected: 112

Furthest Control: 39.488 LY
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
HIP 1789728.00822.346Col 285 Sector TH-C b13-3;No
Col 285 Sector SH-C b13-134.61233.419Col 285 Sector SH-C b13-0;No
Col 285 Sector GF-G b11-536.82935.769Hyades Sector MM-M b7-1;No
HIP 2080737.43233.827Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-12;No
Col 285 Sector KV-F b11-337.93534.883Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-16;No
---Control Sphere Edge-
HIP 1851340.47331.156Col 285 Sector LB-O c6-3;No
Hyades Sector NH-M b7-340.19533.636Col 285 Sector IA-G b11-1;No
Col 285 Sector FU-H b10-043.36139.488Col 285 Sector HP-H b10-3; (backtrack Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-15)No
A limited number of targets for Thor this time as recent counterattacks constrain its perimeter a little.


Calculating Raijin
Read 177 control systems and 810 regional systems.
Total connected: 177

Furthest Control: 28.748 LY
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
Koko Oh27.06621.106Pegasi Sector MY-O a7-5; Pegasi Sector NY-O a7-1; Pegasi Sector NY-O a7-2; etcYes
Pegasi Sector VK-L a9-327.32919.355Pegasi Sector VK-L a9-0; Pegasi Sector RE-N a8-0; HIP 112595; etcNo
Pegasi Sector EB-W b2-327.88519.988Pegasi Sector IH-U b3-4 (9.926 LY); HIP 115162; Pegasi Sector EB-W b2-2; etcNo
Maribe27.92322.027Pegasi Sector KH-V c2-20; Iduni; Pegasi Sector GW-W d1-115; etcYes
Pegasi Sector PI-S b4-127.97922.274Pegasi Sector PI-S b4-3; Pegasi Sector KH-V c2-7; Balak; etcNo
Attada28.00923.897Pegasi Sector KC-U b3-2; Pegasi Sector BQ-Y d93; Pegasi Sector BQ-Y d71; etcYes
HIP 11776228.01523.198HIP 117229;No
Pegasi Sector HW-V b2-028.08824.019HIP 116542; Pegasi Sector FB-X c1-22; Pegasi Sector HW-V b2-1;Yes
HIP 11369828.09022.038Iduni; Pegasi Sector PI-S b4-6; Kamato;No
Pegasi Sector XQ-J a10-028.10920.888Pegasi Sector MN-S b4-8; Pegasi Sector MN-S b4-5; Pegasi Sector YQ-J a10-0; etcNo
Pegasi Sector VK-L a9-528.17422.736Pegasi Sector UK-L a9-1; Ixbaksha; HIP 112595; etcNo
Pegasi Sector PJ-N a8-228.22223.128Pegasi Sector QE-N a8-5; HIP 112595 (10.010 LY); Pegasi Sector RE-N a8-4; etcNo
Pegasi Sector LY-O a7-128.28019.893Pegasi Sector DG-X c1-5; Pegasi Sector DG-X c1-4; Gl 886.1 B; etcNo
Pegasi Sector BQ-Y d4628.30826.084Pegasi Sector FB-X c1-22;No
Pegasi Sector JH-V c2-2628.37624.579Pegasi Sector FW-W d1-110; Pegasi Sector OI-S b4-6;No
Pegasi Sector FB-X c1-2428.45924.009Pegasi Sector BQ-Y d93; Pegasi Sector KC-U b3-3; Pegasi Sector KC-U b3-0; etcNo
Raijin still working through plenty of internal targets


Calculating Hadad
Read 33 control systems and 961 regional systems.
Total connected: 33

Furthest Control: 16.067 LY
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
---Control Sphere Edge-
Col 285 Sector KW-M c7-2921.25413.877Col 285 Sector KW-M c7-4;No
Col 285 Sector WN-Z b14-521.48213.947Col 285 Sector KW-M c7-14;No
Col 285 Sector VS-Z b14-122.86915.344HIP 31223; No
Hadad is very limited on usable perimeter by recaptures and cooldowns

-- Recaptures above (2 if confirmed, probability otherwise; exhausts below at exactly 1)
-- Indra
Arietis Sector IG-X b1-4:1
HIP 21179:1
HIP 19934:1
HR 1354:1
HIP 21261:1
Hyades Sector AR-J a10-0:1
HIP 21475:1
HIP 21788:1
HIP 20679:1
-- Cocijo
Col 285 Sector AF-E b13-5:1
Col 285 Sector TS-H b11-6:1
Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-4:1
Hez Ur:1
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-69:1
Col 285 Sector AF-P c6-0:1
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-115:1
-- Thor
Col 285 Sector UH-C b13-1:1
Col 285 Sector RW-D b12-1:1
Col 285 Sector SW-D b12-2:1
Col 285 Sector JG-O c6-5:1
Col 285 Sector NQ-F b11-3:1
Col 285 Sector GP-H b10-3:1
Col 285 Sector HF-G b11-2:1
-- Raijin
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-10:1
Pegasi Sector PI-S b4-0:1
Pegasi Sector LC-U b3-3:1
Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-8:1
HIP 113535:1
Pegasi Sector MN-S b4-7:1
HIP 113076:1
Pegasi Sector OI-S b4-1:1
-- Hadad
Col 285 Sector VN-Z b14-0:1
Time for another idea! This did not occur, even with said clearance:

Given enough clearance help, I suppose a very interesting test of that is if we can remove also Col 285 Sectors RH-B b14-4 and RH-B b14-5 in addition to HR 2204. Classically that would leave only Montioch to choose Vogulu over Col 285 Sector TS-Z b14-3, but if backtracks are actually attack-stealers then Montioch would steal Bi Dhorora and we would see only two Alerts total, an interesting blunder if it occurs.

Clearly Montioch was available to attack, yet did not quite follow the story crafted to explain Ixbalan last year. Present thoughts are that it seems something to do with Control systems being populated:
  • The preference to attack populated systems of ours is a very clear fact which has survived a lot of scepticism, and ought to be a massive clue!
  • M. Taranis week 41 behaved exactly as if Ixbalan scanned 10 Ly and ended looking at Hyades Sector PN-T c3-8, but Hyades Sectors DQ-O b6-3 and GW-W d1-99 use that scan first to attack Hyades Sectors PN-T c3-5 and PN-T c3-7, depleting both remaining attacks.
  • M. Hadad week 74 behaved not as if the empty Col 285 Sector VN-Z b14-0 scanned and allowed Montioch to steal Bi Dhorora, but as if the populated Montioch scanned first and ended on Vogulu but revealed Bi Dhorora for Col 285 Sector VN-Z b14-0 to attack, which clearly it did given Omumba attacking Fotlandjera.
Now I wonder—if the scan-and-strike story is anywhere near reality, the notion that populated Control systems are always ready to scan would explain much why outer attacks target them ahead of empty systems! Perhaps:
  • The Titan can see always every system within its Control sphere.
  • Populated Control systems provide extra 10 Ly vision spheres beyond that with no budget impact, with targets presumably being chosen first.
    • Due to which the Thargoids aim to acquire systems with vision over systems without.
  • For the price of one attack, the Titan can send an Orthrus fleet to visit its empty Control systems instead, to provide extra vision that week.
If the availability of humans is linked to the ability to target nearby systems, perhaps storing many in a Titan is part of how it can see its full Control radius. As with any idea, so much already works so well now that it has a high chance of causing too many problems elsewhere!
M. Taranis week 41 behaved exactly as if Ixbalan scanned 10 Ly and ended looking at Hyades Sector PN-T c3-8, but Hyades Sectors DQ-O b6-3 and GW-W d1-99 use that scan first to attack Hyades Sectors PN-T c3-5 and PN-T c3-7, depleting both remaining attacks.
For Ixbalan in the week beginning 26 October it still attacked PN-T c3-5 despite DQ-O and GW-W having been recaptured the previous week, which suggests that whatever its reason for not attacking PN-T c3-8 it didn't depend on whether those other two systems were available for use.

As with any idea, so much already works so well now that it has a high chance of causing too many problems elsewhere!
We also haven't really had a "nearer than furthest possible" case come up at all for quite a while - for all the recent prediction failures the real attack has gone somewhere else entirely. Most of our previous examples were at Taranis, Leigong and Oya so can't be repeated, and the only other two on my list are buried under a large pile of Cocijo controls so won't be up for a re-test any time soon. With the number of external attacks that Indra and Cocijo especially have been putting out through multiple-option systems I'm surprised not to have seen more misses on the predictions.
For Ixbalan in the week beginning 26 October it still attacked PN-T c3-5 despite DQ-O and GW-W having been recaptured the previous week, which suggests that whatever its reason for not attacking PN-T c3-8 it didn't depend on whether those other two systems were available for use.

Weeks 47 and 48—so it did! That makes a case for abandoning the notion of scanning but focusing on the notions of radius and populated systems; one wonders now whether it has to do with Hyades Sector PN-T c3-5 being chosen first because it would bring the farther Lovaroju within outer reach, as opposed to Hyades Sector PN-T c3-8 bringing the nearer Senocidi within inner reach.

It was a bit different in week 41 with Senocidi also being within the Control sphere at the time, but that may have made no difference given that any attacks already would have needed to be outer. For lack of radius-increasing populated systems within one 10 Ly jump, one wonders now whether they consider first that Lovaroju at 26.93 Ly is the best two-jump target, and attack the system forming the first jump!

Additional: Speaking of M. Cocijo, the week 49 prediction called for Col 285 Sector XT-Q c5-6 by its distance but Col 285 Sector XT-Q c5-1 was attacked instead; notably the missed system can see no populated systems, whereas the attacked system can see Paitra. Ironically there were several other Control systems which could have attacked Paitra regardless, but with the limitation of using nearer Control systems first, the predicted system would get nowhere populated versus the attacked system being one jump from Paitra.

Additional additional: Even more interestingly, a populated target example does the same thing! In M. Oya week 48 we saw HIP 8525 choose HIP 2422 rather than the farther Poqomathi—again, Poqomathi can see only empty systems, whereas HIP 2422 can see HIP 7338, Muncheim and the quite far Bhotepa.
Last edited:
I tested the value of Thargoid Bio-Storage Capsules. They're currently worth 0.2x a sample each, and apply to all inhabited counterstrikes.

Hadad currently has 3x inhabited counterstrikes, so each pod is worth 3/5ths a tissue sample. Not quite as good as sampling, but a whole lot more fun. Next week will be a valid opportunity to participate this way, as all three will be in spire range at that point.

Indra, I believe, currently has NINE. That means that pods there are worth 9/5ths a tissue sample, assuming we could finish all 9. Not an urgent priority, but it could be a good way to approach the Titan.

I don't seem to be seeing many uninhabited counterstrikes at present, so that may have been rebalanced at some point.
Hadad currently has 3x inhabited counterstrikes, so each pod is worth 3/5ths a tissue sample. Not quite as good as sampling, but a whole lot more fun. Next week will be a valid opportunity to participate this way, as all three will be in spire range at that point.

I love the idea, although I would note that the three-fifths is distributed a bit unevenly! The remaining Research strengths being 3193, 4192 and 4530, I suppose that would drop to two-fifths after 15965 Titan rescues. Still, if Commanders declare any stored Titan rescues on their Carriers, I will make a special point of tracking those as part of the delivery!

Indra, I believe, currently has NINE. That means that pods there are worth 9/5ths a tissue sample, assuming we could finish all 9. Not an urgent priority, but it could be a good way to approach the Titan.

Clearing M. Indra will need something special which is unlikely to align with Titan rescues; it needs a massive purge which pushes it down to four peripheries in a single week, which will limit its superior ability to attack back. It would be most impressive if Titan rescues actually help during purge week!

Research payloads for its weaker systems are already being collected for this by local squadrons; the hope is to turn attention there after T. Hadad, likely with private Carriers for the middle-strength systems and open orders for the stronger.

I don't seem to be seeing many uninhabited counterstrikes at present, so that may have been rebalanced at some point.

I think those always were a mistake—the version of events in my mind is that empty Counterstrike systems went unnoticed for months because Counterstrike did not actually do anything other than brightening a bit the Thargoid War system colour, then ultimately they were fixed via removal after the Matrix system gaffe where several Matrix systems were cleared that way in the ~10 days after Extraction missiles were available but before becoming Spire sites. There was a brief ~2 weeks where Titan rescues gave peripheral progress, presumably as an easy way to prevent non-peripheral Counterstrike Spire sites from being completed.

Interestingly a quick look at the Galaxy map seems that only Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-3, a Matrix system, seems to be an empty Counterstrike.
Prediction updates based on recaptures:
  • no change at Indra
  • an Alert sweep at Cocijo means it doesn't get to extend its perimeter, so the mostly-external original prediction should go through
  • Thor loses a couple of attacks
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
HIP 1789728.00822.346Col 285 Sector TH-C b13-3;No
HIP 2080737.43233.827Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-12;No
Col 285 Sector KV-F b11-337.93534.883Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-16;No
---Control Sphere Edge-
HIP 1851340.47331.156Col 285 Sector LB-O c6-3;No
Hyades Sector NH-M b7-340.19533.636Col 285 Sector IA-G b11-1;No
Col 285 Sector FU-H b10-043.36139.488Col 285 Sector HP-H b10-3; (backtrack Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-15)No
  • no change at Raijin
  • Hadad loses all its attacks
M. Indra appears to have sustained some confusion from the unintended events last week! I think some attacking out-of-turn has occurred, including at HIP 20527 which appears to be an Alert system despite not being yellow on the Galaxy map, perhaps as a result of corrections affecting respite intervals.
Four at Indra, I think, and then BA-P c6-3 also attacked when it should have been in cooldown at Cocijo. Doesn't seem to be a general change in cooldown rules, at least, since the other three look normal.
Narwhal Nose report generated 9 May


Systems are listed in order of priority, and in general the first six would be expected to be hit by Alerts. Predictions made early in the week may be reissued later if Control recaptures materially affect them. If the Control Sphere Edge is reached and targeting mode switches, predictive confidence is lower and the consequences of recaptures may be more significant.

Table key
: Name of system considered at threat of Alert. Bold if in Control-based prioritisation it would be eligible for backtrack targeting.
Target Distance: The distance in LY to the Maelstrom of the target. A primary component of Thargoid prioritisation.
Control Distance: The distance in LY to the Maelstrom of the attacking Control. A primary component of Thargoid prioritisation when attacking outside the control sphere.
Attackers: A list of potential Controls to launch the attack from, partial if there are 4 or more. Controls disconnected from their parent maelstrom are marked in italics; controls attacking a system closer to the maelstrom than themselves are underlined; controls which may be skipping an inner uninhabited system to strike an inhabited system further out are struck-through; controls containing a Spire are bold. Once targeting switches to Control-based rather than Target-based prioritisation, only one is listed here.
Inhabited: Whether the system contains standing human population.

Assuming that the short cooldowns were just a one-off due to the rollback. Best guesses at which systems carried out the attacks, so Indra and maybe Cocijo predictions might be a bit shakier than normal.


Calculating Indra
Read 116 control systems and 866 regional systems.
Total connected: 116

Furthest Control: 26.135 LY
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
Kagutsuchi22.49620.115Arietis Sector LM-V b2-3; Arietis Sector NH-V b2-0;Yes
HIP 2256624.38622.610Hyades Sector ON-S b4-6;Yes
HIP 1975724.52017.955HIP 20419; Scythia; Hyades Sector TO-Q b5-2; etcYes
65 Kappa Tauri25.42419.729Arietis Sector JR-V b2-4; HIP 20890; Arietis Sector JR-V b2-1; etcYes
Hyades Sector IH-U b3-326.02018.372Hyades Sector NN-S b4-1; Hyades Sector NN-S b4-0; Hyades Sector JH-U b3-5; No
68 Tauri26.12317.806HIP 20577; HR 1354; HIP 20679; etcNo
---Control Sphere Edge-
Arietis Sector JR-V b2-226.28616.450HIP 20480 (9.966 LY);No
HIP 2109926.81117.871HIP 20679;No
Hyades Sector JH-U b3-427.16917.960Hyades Sector NN-S b4-2;No
HIP 2147427.12418.73486 Rho Tauri; (backtrack HIP 21654)(backtrack 90 c1 Tauri)Yes
Hyades Sector CR-J a10-127.27318.885Hyades Sector NN-S b4-3;No
HIP 2071927.71718.976Hyadum II; (backtrack HIP 20605)Yes
90 c1 Tauri26.47619.44479 b Tauri; (backtrack HIP 20826)No
Hyades Sector PI-S b4-026.75119.514Hyades Sector PI-S b4-3 (9.900 LY);No
Hyades Sector GX-H a11-429.43320.093HIP 22524; (backtrack HIP 23069)No
Hyades Sector XU-O b6-129.81120.227Scythia (9.915 LY); (backtrack Arietis Sector QS-T b3-2)No
No early backtracks so Indra may be limited to 8 Alerts this time.


Calculating Cocijo
Read 184 control systems and 805 regional systems.
Total connected: 184

Furthest Control: 29.492 LY
Furthest potential capture: 31.821 LY - may affect result if not defended
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
Asletae28.53620.899Col 285 Sector WY-F b12-0; Khwal; Picenile; etcYes
---Control Sphere Edge-
HIP 3918633.59024.209Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-2; (backtrack HIP 39468)(backtrack Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-1)(backtrack Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-4)(backtrack Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-1)No
Col 285 Sector AP-F b12-432.15724.231Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-2; (backtrack Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-5)(backtrack Col 285 Sector AP-F b12-2)No
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-8232.04624.468Col 285 Sector ZE-P c6-21;No
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-14633.18924.597HR 3048; (backtrack Col 285 Sector CA-E b13-2)Yes
Col 285 Sector US-H b11-532.56924.684HIP 39750;No
Col 285 Sector TC-J b10-032.43225.038Col 285 Sector VN-H b11-0;No
Col 285 Sector FV-D b13-233.52825.044Col 285 Sector BA-P c6-4; (backtrack Ross 426)No
Col 285 Sector KM-V d2-4733.53025.105Desurinbin; (backtrack Col 285 Sector KM-V d2-94)No
Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-130.63525.126Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-3;No
Col 285 Sector US-H b11-130.11725.141Col 285 Sector AF-P c6-1;No
Col 285 Sector KM-V d2-5132.48725.235Col 285 Sector XT-Q c5-6;No
Col 285 Sector ZJ-E b13-234.22025.325Col 285 Sector XY-F b12-1;No
Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-131.58625.367Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-4;No
Col 285 Sector AP-F b12-230.06725.867Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-0;No
Mostly external attacks expected at the moment but there's the possibility of switching to all-internal if at least some of this week's Alerts go through. Early backtrack placements should mean a full Alert budget use either way.


Calculating Thor
Read 110 control systems and 881 regional systems.
Total connected: 110

Furthest Control: 39.488 LY
Furthest potential capture: 43.361 LY - may affect result if not defended
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
Theemim30.14822.217Col 285 Sector NG-E b12-4; Col 285 Sector NG-E b12-3; Col 285 Sector JA-G b11-3; etcYes
Synuefe OU-D b45-330.56525.824Col 285 Sector SW-D b12-2;No
HIP 2050930.90028.684HIP 20489;Yes
Col 285 Sector QX-U d2-4733.31632.800Col 285 Sector NQ-F b11-3;No
Col 285 Sector KB-O c6-1034.38229.231Varlawoth;No
Col 285 Sector JG-O c6-1535.03328.185Col 285 Sector JG-O c6-14;No
Col 285 Sector WC-C b13-235.47931.792Col 285 Sector LB-O c6-1;No
Auaker35.53935.161Col 285 Sector LL-E b12-3;Yes
Col 285 Sector HL-O c6-1435.74931.784Almar;No
Col 285 Sector MQ-F b11-336.00528.412Col 285 Sector RW-D b12-1;No
Col 285 Sector GF-G b11-536.82932.455Col 285 Sector HF-G b11-2;No
---Control Sphere Edge-
Thor cycles back round to a slightly bigger part of its perimeter, expecting to use all alerts internally even if the border does push outwards.


Calculating Raijin
Read 177 control systems and 805 regional systems.
Total connected: 177

Furthest Control: 28.748 LY
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
Vistnero21.00919.034Pegasi Sector QE-N a8-1; Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-9; Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-8 (9.976 LY); etcYes
Nibelaako22.26316.841Pegasi Sector IH-U b3-0; HIP 115162; Pegasi Sector DG-X c1-6; etcYes
HIP 11717724.75821.188Pegasi Sector DG-X c1-6; Kuruma; Yes
Pegasi Sector ON-S b4-227.46221.135Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-4; HIP 113076;No
Pegasi Sector XQ-J a10-028.10919.747Pegasi Sector MN-S b4-7; Pegasi Sector MN-S b4-8; Pegasi Sector MN-S b4-5; etcNo
Pegasi Sector VK-L a9-528.17422.736Pegasi Sector UK-L a9-1; Ixbaksha; HIP 112595; etcNo
Pegasi Sector PJ-N a8-228.22223.128Pegasi Sector QE-N a8-5; HIP 112595 (10.010 LY); Pegasi Sector RE-N a8-4; etcNo
Pegasi Sector LY-O a7-128.28019.893Pegasi Sector DG-X c1-5; Pegasi Sector DG-X c1-4; Gl 886.1 B; etcNo
Pegasi Sector BQ-Y d4628.30826.084Pegasi Sector FB-X c1-22;No
Pegasi Sector JH-V c2-2628.37624.579Pegasi Sector FW-W d1-110; Pegasi Sector OI-S b4-6;No
Pegasi Sector FB-X c1-2428.45924.009Pegasi Sector BQ-Y d93; Pegasi Sector KC-U b3-3; Pegasi Sector KC-U b3-0; etcNo
Pegasi Sector VK-L a9-428.50522.843Pegasi Sector ZQ-J a10-0; Pegasi Sector ZQ-J a10-1; Ixbaksha; etcNo
Pegasi Sector GW-W d1-9228.54522.514Pegasi Sector KH-V c2-7; Balak;No
Pegasi Sector KH-V c2-628.55123.024Balak;No
Pegasi Sector LN-S b4-028.57120.148Pegasi Sector MN-S b4-2; Pegasi Sector FW-W d1-104;No
Kissi28.57421.584Chakma; Pegasi Sector UK-L a9-2; Pegasi Sector UK-L a9-0; etcYes
Raijin has plenty of internal targets.


Calculating Hadad
Read 22 control systems and 976 regional systems.
Total connected: 22

Furthest Control: 14.349 LY
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
---Control Sphere Edge-
Muruidooges18.3679.378Col 285 Sector RH-B b14-2 (9.934 LY);Yes
Col 285 Sector KW-M c7-3120.04611.724Col 285 Sector KW-M c7-7;No
Col 285 Sector JW-M c7-1017.36912.113Col 285 Sector PM-B b14-0;No
HIP 2959618.22513.345Montioch; (backtrack Col 285 Sector TS-Z b14-2)(backtrack Col 285 Sector TS-Z b14-3)Yes
Vasupari18.03614.349HIP 30502; (backtrack Col 285 Sector PM-B b14-4)Yes
Hadad's perimeter cooldown is starting to wear off, though if the expected Spire-based pushback happens it will need to do something anomalous to get more than one Alert

-- Recaptures above (2 if confirmed, probability otherwise; exhausts below at exactly 1)
-- Indra
71 Tauri:1
HIP 20916:1
HIP 20712:1
Arietis Sector TY-P a6-0:1
Arietis Sector OS-R a5-0:1
-- presumed attacker for FB-X c1-17
Hyades Sector JH-V c2-13:1
-- presumed attacker for 80 Tauri
HIP 20916:1
-- presumed attacker for FL-X b1-1
Arietis Sector FL-X b1-0:1
-- presumed attacker for HIP 20527
Hyadum I:1
-- Cocijo
Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-7:1
Col 285 Sector WN-H b11-5:1
Col 285 Sector SS-H b11-0:1
Col 285 Sector XY-F b12-6:1
Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-0:1
Col 285 Sector US-H b11-2:1
Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-1:1
Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-4:1
-- presumed attacker for BA-P c6-3
Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-6:1
-- Thor
Col 285 Sector TH-C b13-3:1
Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-12:1
Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-16:1
Col 285 Sector LB-O c6-3:1
Col 285 Sector IA-G b11-1:1
Col 285 Sector HP-H b10-3:1
-- Raijin
Pegasi Sector MY-O a7-5:1
Pegasi Sector VK-L a9-0:1
Pegasi Sector IH-U b3-4:1
Pegasi Sector KH-V c2-20:1
Pegasi Sector PI-S b4-3:1
Pegasi Sector KC-U b3-2:1
HIP 117229:1
HIP 116542:1
-- Hadad
Indra's perimeter changes to make more attacks external
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
Kagutsuchi22.49620.115Arietis Sector LM-V b2-3; Arietis Sector NH-V b2-0;Yes
HIP 2256624.38622.610Hyades Sector ON-S b4-6;Yes
HIP 1975724.52017.955HIP 20419; Scythia; Hyades Sector TO-Q b5-2;Yes
65 Kappa Tauri25.42419.729Arietis Sector JR-V b2-4; HIP 20890; Arietis Sector JR-V b2-1; etcYes
---Control Sphere Edge-
Arietis Sector JR-V b2-226.28616.450HIP 20480 (9.966 LY);No
HIP 2071927.71717.806HIP 20577 (9.953 LY); (backtrack 68 Tauri)(backtrack HIP 20605)Yes
68 Tauri26.12317.820HR 1354;No
HIP 2109926.81117.871HIP 20679;No
Hyades Sector JH-U b3-427.16917.960Hyades Sector NN-S b4-2;No
Hyades Sector IH-U b3-326.02018.372Hyades Sector NN-S b4-1;No
HIP 2147427.12418.73486 Rho Tauri; (backtrack HIP 21654)(backtrack 90 c1 Tauri)Yes
Hyades Sector CR-J a10-127.27318.885Hyades Sector NN-S b4-3;No
HIP 2060526.36218.976Hyadum II;No
HIP 2082627.68219.44479 b Tauri;Yes
Hyades Sector PI-S b4-026.75119.514Hyades Sector PI-S b4-3 (9.900 LY);No
Hyades Sector GX-H a11-429.43320.093HIP 22524; (backtrack HIP 23069)No
Early backtrack to 68 Tauri so should use the full budget

Adjustments at Cocijo due to recaptures and Alert defences
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
---Control Sphere Edge-
HIP 3918633.59024.209Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-2; (backtrack HIP 39468)(backtrack Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-1)(backtrack Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-4)(backtrack Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-1)No
Col 285 Sector AP-F b12-432.15724.231Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-2; (backtrack Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-5)(backtrack Col 285 Sector AP-F b12-2)No
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-8232.04624.468Col 285 Sector ZE-P c6-21;No
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-14633.18924.597HR 3048; (backtrack Col 285 Sector CA-E b13-2)Yes
Col 285 Sector US-H b11-532.56924.684HIP 39750;No
Col 285 Sector TC-J b10-032.43225.038Col 285 Sector VN-H b11-0;No
Col 285 Sector FV-D b13-233.52825.044Col 285 Sector BA-P c6-4; (backtrack Ross 426)No
Col 285 Sector KM-V d2-4733.53025.105Desurinbin; (backtrack Col 285 Sector KM-V d2-94)No
Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-130.63525.126Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-3;No
Col 285 Sector US-H b11-130.11725.141Col 285 Sector AF-P c6-1;No
Col 285 Sector KM-V d2-5132.48725.235Col 285 Sector XT-Q c5-6;No
Col 285 Sector ZJ-E b13-234.22025.325Col 285 Sector XY-F b12-1;No
Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-131.58625.367Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-4;No
Col 285 Sector AP-F b12-230.06725.867Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-0;No
Note that the first usable backtrack is some distance out, so it's unlikely to be the top 9

Minor changes at Thor
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
Theemim30.14822.217Col 285 Sector NG-E b12-4; Col 285 Sector NG-E b12-3; Col 285 Sector JA-G b11-3;Yes
Synuefe OU-D b45-330.56525.824Col 285 Sector SW-D b12-2;No
HIP 2050930.90028.684HIP 20489;Yes
Col 285 Sector KB-O c6-1034.38229.231Varlawoth;No
Col 285 Sector JG-O c6-1535.03328.185Col 285 Sector JG-O c6-14;No
Col 285 Sector WC-C b13-235.47931.792Col 285 Sector LB-O c6-1;No
Col 285 Sector HL-O c6-1435.74931.784Almar;No
Col 285 Sector MQ-F b11-336.00528.412Col 285 Sector RW-D b12-1;No
Col 285 Sector GF-G b11-536.82932.455Col 285 Sector HF-G b11-2;No
---Control Sphere Edge-

Raijin prediction is not affected

Hadad of course down to just the attack on Muruidooges
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
---Control Sphere Edge-
Muruidooges18.3679.378Col 285 Sector RH-B b14-2 (9.934 LY); Yes
If it is going to throw in a surprise, now's the time
Indra: HIP 20577 doesn't attack HIP 20719, which means there's no backtracks available in the first eight. Might be leftover "which system is offline" errors from Indra's earlier resets of cooldowns with the 18.04 rollback.

Cocijo: the backtrack went to HIP 39468 - this looks like it could be AU-F b12-3 attacking, but picking the slightly nearer HIP 39648 over the expected AU-F b12-1.

Raijin: FB-X c1-22 doesn't attack, so JH-V c2-26 gets attacked instead of BQ-Y d46. Could also be leftover errors from the rollback at this stage.

Thor and Hadad as expected.
Narwhal Nose report generated 16 May


Systems are listed in order of priority, and in general the first nine would be expected to be hit by Alerts. Predictions made early in the week may be reissued later if Control recaptures materially affect them. If the Control Sphere Edge is reached and targeting mode switches, predictive confidence is lower and the consequences of recaptures may be more significant.

Table key
: Name of system considered at threat of Alert. Bold if in Control-based prioritisation it would be eligible for backtrack targeting.
Target Distance: The distance in LY to the Maelstrom of the target. A primary component of Thargoid prioritisation.
Control Distance: The distance in LY to the Maelstrom of the attacking Control. A primary component of Thargoid prioritisation when attacking outside the control sphere.
Attackers: A list of potential Controls to launch the attack from, partial if there are 4 or more. Controls disconnected from their parent maelstrom are marked in italics; controls attacking a system closer to the maelstrom than themselves are underlined; controls which may be skipping an inner uninhabited system to strike an inhabited system further out are struck-through; controls containing a Spire are bold. Once targeting switches to Control-based rather than Target-based prioritisation, only one is listed here.
Inhabited: Whether the system contains standing human population.

Hopefully that's all the oddities from the rollback shaken out, but given the size and connectivity of most of the remainder it might be throwing out the occasional unexpected attack for a while yet.


Calculating Indra
Read 115 control systems and 872 regional systems.
Total connected: 115

Furthest Control: 25.900 LY
Furthest potential capture: 27.169 LY - may affect result if not defended
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
Obamumbo18.65514.788HIP 19263; Gaezatorix (9.996 LY); Arietis Sector MM-V b2-1; etcYes
HIP 2061622.16818.494HIP 20397; 86 Rho Tauri (9.902 LY); 79 b Tauri; etcYes
HIP 2094823.54217.089HIP 20916; HIP 20577; Hyadum II; etcYes
HIP 1978125.57020.96370 Tauri; HIP 20815; HR 1358; etcYes
HIP 2001925.58317.806HIP 20577; Hyadum II; 77 Theta-1 Tauri; etcYes
Hyades Sector ST-Q b5-425.80018.885Hyades Sector NN-S b4-3; HIP 22524; Hyades Sector ST-Q b5-5; etcYes
---Control Sphere Edge-
Hyades Sector IH-U b3-326.02018.372Hyades Sector NN-S b4-1;No
HIP 2138026.61018.554HIP 20712; (backtrack 69 Upsilon Tauri)Yes
HIP 2147427.12418.73486 Rho Tauri; (backtrack HIP 21654)(backtrack 90 c1 Tauri)Yes
HIP 2071927.71718.976Hyadum II; (backtrack HIP 20605)Yes
90 c1 Tauri26.47619.44479 b Tauri; (backtrack HIP 20826)No
Hyades Sector PI-S b4-026.75119.514Hyades Sector PI-S b4-3 (9.900 LY);No
Hyades Sector GX-H a11-429.43320.093HIP 22524; (backtrack HIP 23069)(backtrack Hyades Sector CR-J a10-1)No
Hyades Sector XU-O b6-129.81120.227Scythia (9.915 LY); (backtrack Arietis Sector QS-T b3-2)No
Ain28.63420.241HIP 21261 (10.025 LY);No
91 Sigma-1 Tauri29.41920.62977 Theta-1 Tauri; (backtrack HIP 20850)(backtrack 57 h Tauri)(backtrack HIP 21317)(backtrack 89 Tauri)(backtrack 85 Tauri)(backtrack 81 Tauri)(backtrack 83 Tauri)Yes
Indra very much back into "the reward for beating Invasions is more Invasions" sort of structure now. Could switch to internal if some of this week's uninhabited Alerts go through, but if not it has a usable backtrack.


Calculating Cocijo
Read 177 control systems and 811 regional systems.
Total connected: 177

Furthest Control: 29.235 LY
Furthest potential capture: 33.590 LY - may affect result if not defended
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
Col 285 Sector AF-E b13-327.87526.491Col 285 Sector AF-E b13-5;No
---Control Sphere Edge-
Col 285 Sector PM-J b10-329.71220.772Col 285 Sector TS-H b11-6;No
Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-130.45321.832Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-4; (backtrack Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-76)No
Col 285 Sector ZE-P c6-1829.97022.001Hez Ur;No
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-6831.28122.723Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-69;No
Col 285 Sector PS-T d3-15229.51722.820Col 285 Sector AF-P c6-0;No
Laumas29.26923.090Col 285 Sector SS-H b11-0;Yes
Col 285 Sector VY-F b12-132.06223.098Vucumatha;No
Col 285 Sector VD-G b12-529.76623.150Col 285 Sector XY-F b12-6;No
Col 285 Sector VY-F b12-331.16023.548Canaharvas (9.960 LY);No
Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-630.35523.772Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-0;No
Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-529.60523.878Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-7;No
Col 285 Sector CA-E b13-231.71124.157Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-1;No
Col 285 Sector FV-D b13-233.52825.044Col 285 Sector BA-P c6-4; (backtrack Ross 426)No
Col 285 Sector KM-V d2-4733.53025.105Desurinbin; (backtrack Col 285 Sector KM-V d2-94)No
Col 285 Sector US-H b11-130.11725.141Col 285 Sector AF-P c6-1;No
Cocijo doesn't have a lot of early backtrack options, so might be kept to 8 Alerts next week - although if some of this week's Alerts go through it'll be attacking internally anyway.


Calculating Thor
Read 109 control systems and 881 regional systems.
Total connected: 109

Furthest Control: 39.488 LY
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
Unktety25.35717.094HIP 19198;Yes
Col 285 Sector RW-D b12-030.23928.863Col 285 Sector RW-D b12-2; HIP 17310; No
Col 285 Sector JG-O c6-1331.07224.842Col 285 Sector JG-O c6-5;No
Col 285 Sector KV-F b11-233.52534.883Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-16; No
Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-1735.48633.827Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-12;No
Col 285 Sector IA-G b11-036.36733.636Col 285 Sector IA-G b11-1;No
Col 285 Sector GP-H b10-236.90636.254Col 285 Sector GP-H b10-3;No
---Control Sphere Edge-
Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-1542.88539.488Col 285 Sector HP-H b10-3;No
A limited perimeter for Thor but it has the budget to use all of it.


Calculating Raijin
Read 176 control systems and 807 regional systems.
Total connected: 176

Furthest Control: 28.748 LY
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
Isla23.90018.935Pegasi Sector LC-U b3-2 (9.952 LY); HIP 116542; HIP 116052; etcYes
Bormuninus24.35620.148Pegasi Sector MN-S b4-2; Pegasi Sector MN-S b4-0; Pegasi Sector UF-L a9-0; etcYes
Pegasi Sector BQ-Y d4628.30826.084Pegasi Sector FB-X c1-22;No
Pegasi Sector FB-X c1-2428.45923.897Pegasi Sector KC-U b3-2; Pegasi Sector BQ-Y d93; Pegasi Sector KC-U b3-3; etcNo
Pegasi Sector VK-L a9-428.50522.843Pegasi Sector ZQ-J a10-0; Pegasi Sector ZQ-J a10-1; Ixbaksha; etcNo
Pegasi Sector GW-W d1-9228.54522.274Pegasi Sector PI-S b4-3; Pegasi Sector KH-V c2-7; Balak;No
Pegasi Sector KH-V c2-628.55122.514Pegasi Sector KH-V c2-7; Balak;No
Pegasi Sector LN-S b4-028.57127.209Pegasi Sector FW-W d1-104;No
Kissi28.57421.584Chakma; Pegasi Sector UK-L a9-2; Pegasi Sector UK-L a9-0; etcYes
HIP 11674428.61524.019HIP 116542;No
Pegasi Sector LY-O a7-428.62621.116Pegasi Sector DG-X c1-4; Iceniguari; Gl 886.1 B; etcNo
Pegasi Sector TK-L a9-428.64421.357Pegasi Sector TK-L a9-2; Pegasi Sector PE-N a8-3; Pegasi Sector PE-N a8-2; etcNo
Pegasi Sector LY-O a7-228.67224.618Gl 886.1 B; Pegasi Sector LY-O a7-5; Pegasi Sector LY-O a7-3; etcNo
Pegasi Sector MY-O a7-428.70421.106Pegasi Sector MY-O a7-5; Pegasi Sector QE-N a8-0; Iceniguari; etcNo
---Control Sphere Edge-
Pegasi Sector OY-O a7-228.79319.751Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-9;No
Pegasi Sector SE-N a8-129.21320.342Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-8;No
Another internal week at Raijin.


Calculating Hadad
Read 11 control systems and 984 regional systems.
Total connected: 9
Disconnected Controls
Col 285 Sector RH-B b14-29.378176545
Col 285 Sector VN-Z b14-09.685433247

Furthest Control: 11.207 LY
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
---Control Sphere Edge-
Bi Dhorora18.4669.685Col 285 Sector VN-Z b14-0; Yes
Col 285 Sector VS-Z b14-018.84110.064Col 285 Sector US-Z b14-7; No
Col 285 Sector US-Z b14-018.21610.780Col 285 Sector US-Z b14-3;No
Hadad is definitely running out of options now.

-- Recaptures above (2 if confirmed, probability otherwise; exhausts below at exactly 1)
-- Indra
Arietis Sector LM-V b2-3:1
Hyades Sector ON-S b4-6:1
HIP 20419:1
Arietis Sector JR-V b2-4:1
HIP 20480:1
HR 1354:1
HIP 20679:1
Hyades Sector NN-S b4-2:1
-- Cocijo
Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-2:1
Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-2:1
Col 285 Sector ZE-P c6-21:1
HR 3048:1
HIP 39750:1
Col 285 Sector VN-H b11-0:1
Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-3:1
-- Thor
Col 285 Sector NG-E b12-4:1
Col 285 Sector SW-D b12-2:1
HIP 20489:1
Col 285 Sector JG-O c6-14:1
Col 285 Sector LB-O c6-1:1
Col 285 Sector RW-D b12-1:1
Col 285 Sector HF-G b11-2:1
-- Raijin
Pegasi Sector QE-N a8-1:1
Pegasi Sector IH-U b3-0:1
Pegasi Sector DG-X c1-6:1
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-4:1
Pegasi Sector MN-S b4-7:1
Pegasi Sector UK-L a9-1:1
Pegasi Sector QE-N a8-5:1
Pegasi Sector DG-X c1-5:1
Pegasi Sector FW-W d1-110:1
-- Hadad
Col 285 Sector RH-B b14-2:1
Quite a few updates to the predictions this time

TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
Obamumbo18.65514.788HIP 19263; Gaezatorix (9.996 LY); Arietis Sector MM-V b2-1; etcYes
HIP 2061622.16818.494HIP 20397; 86 Rho Tauri (9.902 LY); 79 b Tauri; etcYes
HIP 2094823.54217.089HIP 20916; HIP 20577; Hyadum II; etcYes
HIP 1978125.57020.96370 Tauri; HIP 20815; HR 1358; etcYes
HIP 2001925.58317.806HIP 20577; Hyadum II; 77 Theta-1 Tauri; etcYes
Hyades Sector ST-Q b5-425.80018.885Hyades Sector NN-S b4-3; HIP 22524; Hyades Sector ST-Q b5-5; etcYes
Arietis Sector NS-R a5-126.00623.327Arietis Sector OS-R a5-0;No
Hyades Sector IH-U b3-326.02018.372Hyades Sector NN-S b4-1; Hyades Sector NN-S b4-0;No
Arietis Sector KM-T a4-126.20624.693HIP 21788; Arietis Sector KM-T a4-0; Arietis Sector KM-T a4-2;No
HIP 2306926.33920.093HIP 22524; Hyades Sector ST-Q b5-5; HIP 22688; etcNo
HIP 2060526.36218.976Hyadum II; 77 Theta-1 Tauri; HIP 20815; etcNo
HIP 2165426.42618.73486 Rho Tauri; 77 Theta-1 Tauri; HIP 20815; etcNo
69 Upsilon Tauri26.47118.554HIP 20712; HIP 20890; Arietis Sector JR-V b2-1; etcYes
90 c1 Tauri26.47619.44479 b Tauri; 92 Sigma-2 Tauri; HIP 22203;No
Hyades Sector AR-J a10-126.54121.108Lei Hsini; HIP 22350; Hyades Sector AR-J a10-0;No
Arietis Sector DQ-Y c1826.58922.469Arietis Sector HG-X b1-3; Arietis Sector HG-X b1-4; Arietis Sector DQ-Y c9; etcYes
Indra gets an outer Alert through to go all-internal this week.

TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
Col 285 Sector AF-E b13-327.87526.491Col 285 Sector AF-E b13-5;No
Laumas29.26923.090Col 285 Sector SS-H b11-0; Col 285 Sector SS-H b11-3; Col 285 Sector SS-H b11-2; etcYes
Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-2529.28327.816Col 285 Sector WN-H b11-5;No
HIP 3752029.50026.660Col 285 Sector RS-H b11-6; Col 285 Sector WT-Q c5-22;Yes
Col 285 Sector PS-T d3-15229.51722.820Col 285 Sector AF-P c6-0; Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-4; Col 285 Sector AF-P c6-17; etcNo
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-7629.60021.832Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-4; Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-115; Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-8; etcNo
Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-529.60523.878Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-7; Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-1; Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-102;No
Col 285 Sector PM-J b10-329.71220.772Col 285 Sector TS-H b11-6; Col 285 Sector VY-Q c5-2; Col 285 Sector PM-J b10-4;No
Col 285 Sector VD-G b12-529.76623.150Col 285 Sector XY-F b12-6; Col 285 Sector VD-G b12-1;No
Col 285 Sector ZE-P c6-1829.97022.001Hez Ur; Col 285 Sector ZE-P c6-17;No
Col 285 Sector VY-Q c5-2330.01128.202Col 285 Sector VY-Q c5-22;No
Col 285 Sector AP-F b12-230.06725.867Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-0;No
Col 285 Sector US-H b11-130.11725.141Col 285 Sector AF-P c6-1; Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-12; Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-10;No
Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-630.35523.772Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-0; Col 285 Sector AF-P c6-17; Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-3;No
Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-130.45327.061Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-8;No
Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-130.63525.367Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-4; Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-116 (10.010 LY);No
Cocijo does the same

TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
Unktety25.35717.094HIP 19198;Yes
Col 285 Sector RW-D b12-030.23928.863Col 285 Sector RW-D b12-2; HIP 17310; No
Col 285 Sector JG-O c6-1331.07224.842Col 285 Sector JG-O c6-5;No
---Control Sphere Edge-
Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-1542.88539.488Col 285 Sector HP-H b10-3; No
Thor, meanwhile, gets pushed back a lot and loses most of its Alert capacity.

No change expected at Raijin.

Hadad is probably small enough to place an emergency Alert itself, but doesn't have targets. No normal Alerts should occur there.
Narwhal Nose report generated 23 May


Systems are listed in order of priority, and in general the first nine would be expected to be hit by Alerts. Predictions made early in the week may be reissued later if Control recaptures materially affect them. If the Control Sphere Edge is reached and targeting mode switches, predictive confidence is lower and the consequences of recaptures may be more significant.

Table key
: Name of system considered at threat of Alert. Bold if in Control-based prioritisation it would be eligible for backtrack targeting.
Target Distance: The distance in LY to the Maelstrom of the target. A primary component of Thargoid prioritisation.
Control Distance: The distance in LY to the Maelstrom of the attacking Control. A primary component of Thargoid prioritisation when attacking outside the control sphere.
Attackers: A list of potential Controls to launch the attack from, partial if there are 4 or more. Controls disconnected from their parent maelstrom are marked in italics; controls attacking a system closer to the maelstrom than themselves are underlined; controls which may be skipping an inner uninhabited system to strike an inhabited system further out are struck-through; controls containing a Spire are bold. Once targeting switches to Control-based rather than Target-based prioritisation, only one is listed here.
Inhabited: Whether the system contains standing human population.

All predictions correct last week, so we may have got over the anomalies from U18.04's rollback. Hadad's destruction looks inevitable, so no prediction for that - not that it will be able to place any conventional Alerts even if it survives the week. The changes announced for U18.06 don't appear to include anything that will affect the prediction methods, just the system lists.


Calculating Indra
Read 117 control systems and 867 regional systems.
Total connected: 117

Furthest Control: 27.169 LY
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
HIP 2191822.27216.600HIP 21179; HIP 21475; Ross 378; etcYes
HIP 2049123.34115.974HIP 19934 (10.022 LY); HIP 20480; HIP 20712; etcYes
HIP 2005623.67717.820HR 1354; HIP 20679; Hyadum II; etcYes
HIP 2049224.04315.08271 Tauri; 86 Rho Tauri; Hyadum II; etcYes
HIP 2194624.11120.241HIP 21261; 92 Sigma-2 Tauri; HIP 20890; etcYes
78 Theta-2 Tauri24.56817.871HIP 20679; 86 Rho Tauri; Hyadum II; etcNo
Arietis Sector FL-X b1-125.61023.431Arietis Sector FL-X b1-0; HIP 19789 (9.928 LY);No
80 Tauri25.67018.73486 Rho Tauri; Hyadum II; 77 Theta-1 Tauri; etcNo
Hyades Sector FB-X c1-1725.78018.594Hyades Sector JH-V c2-13; Hyades Sector PI-S b4-2; Hyades Sector LC-U b3-4;No
Arietis Sector JM-T a4-025.94025.077Arietis Sector KM-T a4-0; Arietis Sector KM-T a4-2;No
HIP 2306926.33920.093HIP 22524; Hyades Sector ST-Q b5-5; HIP 22688; etcNo
HIP 2060526.36218.976Hyadum II; 77 Theta-1 Tauri; HIP 20815; etcNo
HIP 2165426.42620.62977 Theta-1 Tauri; HIP 20815; 92 Sigma-2 Tauri; etcNo
69 Upsilon Tauri26.47118.554HIP 20712; Arietis Sector JR-V b2-4; HIP 20890; etcYes
90 c1 Tauri26.47619.44479 b Tauri; 92 Sigma-2 Tauri; HIP 22203;No
Hyades Sector AR-J a10-126.54121.108Lei Hsini; HIP 22350; Hyades Sector AR-J a10-0;No
Quite a run of internal targets at Indra - including the by now usual run of inner inhabited ones


Calculating Cocijo
Read 183 control systems and 802 regional systems.
Total connected: 183

Furthest Control: 33.590 LY
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
Col 285 Sector BA-P c6-329.64320.034Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-6; HR 3048; Col 285 Sector CA-E b13-1;No
Col 285 Sector ZE-P c6-1829.97022.001Hez Ur; Col 285 Sector ZE-P c6-17;No
Col 285 Sector VY-Q c5-2330.01128.202Col 285 Sector VY-Q c5-22;No
Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-330.01424.157Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-1; Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-4; Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-2; etcYes
Col 285 Sector AP-F b12-230.06724.231Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-2; Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-0;No
Col 285 Sector US-H b11-130.11725.141Col 285 Sector AF-P c6-1; Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-12; Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-10;No
Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-630.35523.772Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-0; Col 285 Sector AF-P c6-17; Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-3;No
Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-130.45327.061Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-8;No
Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-130.63524.209Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-2; Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-3; Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-4; etcNo
Col 285 Sector WN-H b11-430.70728.061Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-12; Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-14; Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-10;No
Col 285 Sector OM-J b10-130.83128.465HIP 37844;No
Col 285 Sector OM-J b10-030.84928.506Col 285 Sector PM-J b10-4;No
Col 285 Sector AF-P c6-1630.96526.125Col 285 Sector AF-P c6-17; Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-3;No
Col 285 Sector BA-P c6-830.99226.325Njana;No
Col 285 Sector US-H b11-431.02524.101Col 285 Sector US-H b11-2; HIP 39750; Col 285 Sector TS-H b11-3; etcNo
Col 285 Sector VY-F b12-331.16021.530Khwal; Canaharvas (9.960 LY);No
Cocijo has plenty of internal space too


Calculating Thor
Read 105 control systems and 888 regional systems.
Total connected: 104
Disconnected Controls
Col 285 Sector HP-H b10-339.48759942

Furthest Control: 39.488 LY
Furthest potential capture: 42.885 LY - may affect result if not defended
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
HIP 1885724.61621.811Col 285 Sector UH-C b13-1; Col 285 Sector UH-C b13-0;Yes
HIP 1789728.00822.346Col 285 Sector TH-C b13-3;No
Synuefe OU-D b45-030.34725.824Col 285 Sector SW-D b12-2;No
Col 285 Sector SI-T d3-8932.77231.784Almar;No
Col 285 Sector SH-C b13-134.61229.231Varlawoth;No
Col 285 Sector HF-G b11-337.90232.455Col 285 Sector HF-G b11-2;No
---Control Sphere Edge-
HIP 1851340.47331.156Col 285 Sector LB-O c6-3;No
Last week's attack on Thor has left it in a fairly limited position this week too with at most seven Alerts possible.


Calculating Raijin
Read 183 control systems and 799 regional systems.
Total connected: 183

Furthest Control: 28.748 LY
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
Nu Guang19.33011.760Snoqui;Yes
Wanmi26.36224.008Pegasi Sector LC-U b3-3; HIP 116542; HIP 116052; etcYes
Jawul26.67517.462Chinas; Pegasi Sector KH-V c2-13; Pegasi Sector KH-V c2-25; Yes
Ngolite26.89420.342Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-8; HIP 113535; Pegasi Sector RE-N a8-0; etcYes
Pegasi Sector VK-L a9-327.32919.355Pegasi Sector VK-L a9-0; HIP 113535; Pegasi Sector RE-N a8-0; etcNo
Tvasu27.85624.384HIP 113076; Pegasi Sector ON-S b4-2;Yes
Pegasi Sector EB-W b2-327.88519.988Pegasi Sector IH-U b3-4 (9.926 LY); HIP 115162; Pegasi Sector EB-W b2-2; etcNo
Pegasi Sector PI-S b4-127.97923.024Balak; Pegasi Sector PI-S b4-6;No
HIP 11776228.01523.198HIP 117229;No
HIP 11369828.09022.038Iduni; Pegasi Sector PI-S b4-6; Kamato;No
HIP 11674428.61524.019HIP 116542;No
Pegasi Sector LY-O a7-428.62619.893Pegasi Sector DG-X c1-5; Pegasi Sector DG-X c1-4; Iceniguari; etcNo
Pegasi Sector TK-L a9-428.64421.357Pegasi Sector TK-L a9-2; Pegasi Sector PE-N a8-3; Pegasi Sector PE-N a8-2; etcNo
Pegasi Sector LY-O a7-228.67221.116Pegasi Sector DG-X c1-4; Gl 886.1 B; Pegasi Sector LY-O a7-5; etcNo
Pegasi Sector MY-O a7-428.70421.106Pegasi Sector MY-O a7-5; Pegasi Sector QE-N a8-0; Iceniguari; etcNo
---Control Sphere Edge-
Pegasi Sector OY-O a7-228.79319.751Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-9;No
All internal at Raijin too.

-- Recaptures above (2 if confirmed, probability otherwise; exhausts below at exactly 1)
-- Indra
HIP 19263:1
HIP 20397:1
HIP 20916:1
70 Tauri:1
HIP 20577:1
Hyades Sector NN-S b4-3:1
Arietis Sector OS-R a5-0:1
Hyades Sector NN-S b4-1:1
HIP 21788:1
-- Cocijo
Col 285 Sector AF-E b13-5:1
Col 285 Sector SS-H b11-0:1
Col 285 Sector WN-H b11-5:1
Col 285 Sector RS-H b11-6:1
Col 285 Sector AF-P c6-0:1
Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-4:1
Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-7:1
Col 285 Sector TS-H b11-6:1
Col 285 Sector XY-F b12-6:1
-- Thor
HIP 19198:1
Col 285 Sector RW-D b12-2:1
Col 285 Sector JG-O c6-5:1
Col 285 Sector HP-H b10-3:1
-- Raijin
Pegasi Sector LC-U b3-2:1
Pegasi Sector MN-S b4-2:1
Pegasi Sector FB-X c1-22:1
Pegasi Sector KC-U b3-2:1
Pegasi Sector ZQ-J a10-0:1
Pegasi Sector PI-S b4-3:1
Pegasi Sector KH-V c2-7:1
Pegasi Sector FW-W d1-104:1
-- Hadad
Some prediction changes from recaptures at...

TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
HIP 2191822.27216.600HIP 21179; HIP 21475; Ross 378; etcYes
HIP 2049123.34115.974HIP 19934 (10.022 LY); HIP 20480; HIP 20712; etcYes
HIP 2005623.67717.820HR 1354; HIP 20679; Hyadum II; etcYes
HIP 2049224.04315.08271 Tauri; 86 Rho Tauri; Hyadum II; etcYes
HIP 2194624.11120.241HIP 21261; 92 Sigma-2 Tauri; HIP 20890; etcYes
78 Theta-2 Tauri24.56817.871HIP 20679; 86 Rho Tauri; Hyadum II; etcNo
---Control Sphere Edge-
HIP 2138026.61018.554HIP 20712; (backtrack 69 Upsilon Tauri)Yes
Hyades Sector FB-X c1-1725.78018.594Hyades Sector JH-V c2-13;No
HIP 2147427.12418.73486 Rho Tauri; (backtrack 80 Tauri)(backtrack HIP 21654)(backtrack 90 c1 Tauri)Yes
80 Tauri25.67018.976Hyadum II; (backtrack HIP 20605)(backtrack HIP 20719)No
HIP 2082627.68219.44479 b Tauri;Yes
Hyades Sector PI-S b4-026.75119.514Hyades Sector PI-S b4-3 (9.900 LY);No
69 Upsilon Tauri26.47119.729Arietis Sector JR-V b2-4; (backtrack Arietis Sector NS-R a5-0)Yes
Hyades Sector GX-H a11-429.43320.093HIP 22524; (backtrack HIP 23069)(backtrack Hyades Sector CR-J a10-1)No
Hyades Sector XU-O b6-129.81120.227Scythia (9.915 LY); (backtrack Arietis Sector QS-T b3-2)No
91 Sigma-1 Tauri29.41920.62977 Theta-1 Tauri; (backtrack HIP 20850)(backtrack 57 h Tauri)(backtrack HIP 21317)(backtrack 89 Tauri)(backtrack 85 Tauri)(backtrack 81 Tauri)(backtrack 83 Tauri)Yes
Recaptures switch Indra to partly external targeting. Would expect the first eight, then the backtrack to 69 Upsilon Tauri

...and Thor
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
HIP 1885724.61621.811Col 285 Sector UH-C b13-1; Col 285 Sector UH-C b13-0;Yes
HIP 1789728.00822.346Col 285 Sector TH-C b13-3;No
Synuefe OU-D b45-030.34725.824Col 285 Sector SW-D b12-2;No
Col 285 Sector SI-T d3-8932.77231.784Almar;No
Col 285 Sector SH-C b13-134.61229.231Varlawoth;No
---Control Sphere Edge-
HIP 1851340.47331.156Col 285 Sector LB-O c6-3;No
Loses one Alert due to recaptures
Narwhal Nose report generated 30 May


Systems are listed in order of priority, and in general the first nine would be expected to be hit by Alerts. Predictions made early in the week may be reissued later if Control recaptures materially affect them. If the Control Sphere Edge is reached and targeting mode switches, predictive confidence is lower and the consequences of recaptures may be more significant.

Table key
: Name of system considered at threat of Alert. Bold if in Control-based prioritisation it would be eligible for backtrack targeting.
Target Distance: The distance in LY to the Maelstrom of the target. A primary component of Thargoid prioritisation.
Control Distance: The distance in LY to the Maelstrom of the attacking Control. A primary component of Thargoid prioritisation when attacking outside the control sphere.
Attackers: A list of potential Controls to launch the attack from, partial if there are 4 or more. Controls disconnected from their parent maelstrom are marked in italics; controls attacking a system closer to the maelstrom than themselves are underlined; controls which may be skipping an inner uninhabited system to strike an inhabited system further out are struck-through; controls containing a Spire are bold. Once targeting switches to Control-based rather than Target-based prioritisation, only one is listed here.
Inhabited: Whether the system contains standing human population.

All Alerts as predicted last week so there doesn't seem to have been any change to that side of things. We'll see how much effect the other changes have soon.


Calculating Indra
Read 104 control systems and 884 regional systems.
Total connected: 104

Furthest Control: 25.474 LY
Furthest potential capture: 25.780 LY - may affect result if not defended
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
HIP 2052722.54014.040Hyadum I; HIP 20916; HIP 20577; etcYes
HR 140324.66421.889HIP 20890; Arietis Sector JR-V b2-1; Arietis Sector JR-V b2-3;Yes
---Control Sphere Edge-
Arietis Sector JR-V b2-226.28616.450HIP 20480 (9.966 LY);No
HIP 2060526.36217.089HIP 20916 (9.975 LY); (backtrack 80 Tauri)No
HIP 2071927.71717.806HIP 20577 (9.953 LY); (backtrack 68 Tauri)Yes
HIP 2147427.12418.73486 Rho Tauri; (backtrack HIP 21654)(backtrack 90 c1 Tauri)Yes
Hyades Sector CR-J a10-127.27318.885Hyades Sector NN-S b4-3;No
68 Tauri26.12318.976Hyadum II;No
HIP 2082627.68219.44479 b Tauri;Yes
Hyades Sector PI-S b4-026.75119.514Hyades Sector PI-S b4-3 (9.900 LY);No
Hyades Sector GX-H a11-429.43320.093HIP 22524; (backtrack HIP 23069)No
Hyades Sector XU-O b6-129.81120.227Scythia (9.915 LY); (backtrack Arietis Sector QS-T b3-2)No
91 Sigma-1 Tauri29.41920.62977 Theta-1 Tauri; (backtrack HIP 20850)(backtrack 57 h Tauri)(backtrack HIP 21317)(backtrack 89 Tauri)(backtrack 85 Tauri)(backtrack 81 Tauri)(backtrack 83 Tauri)Yes
48 Tauri27.45320.96370 Tauri;Yes
Hyades Sector BC-I a11-129.64821.108Lei Hsini; (backtrack Hyades Sector AR-J a10-1)(backtrack Hyades Sector EX-H a11-1)No
Hyades Sector JH-U b3-628.14521.389Arietis Sector HG-X b1-0 (9.949 LY); No
Indra extremely likely to be external targeting, with plenty of backtracks available to get the full nine.


Calculating Cocijo
Read 190 control systems and 796 regional systems.
Total connected: 190

Furthest Control: 33.590 LY
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
Sukurbago24.15023.878Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-7;Yes
Chibis24.82117.688Col 285 Sector WY-F b12-3; Mapon; Col 285 Sector WY-F b12-5; etcYes
Col 285 Sector VN-H b11-225.80027.816Col 285 Sector WN-H b11-5; Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-25; No
Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-329.50726.325Njana; Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-76; No
Col 285 Sector PM-J b10-129.54029.712Col 285 Sector PM-J b10-3; No
Col 285 Sector WN-H b11-430.70728.061Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-12; Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-14; Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-10;No
Col 285 Sector OM-J b10-130.83128.465HIP 37844;No
Col 285 Sector OM-J b10-030.84928.506Col 285 Sector PM-J b10-4;No
Col 285 Sector AF-P c6-1630.96526.125Col 285 Sector AF-P c6-17; Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-3;No
Col 285 Sector BA-P c6-830.99229.600Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-76;No
Col 285 Sector US-H b11-431.02524.101Col 285 Sector US-H b11-2; HIP 39750; Col 285 Sector TS-H b11-3; etcNo
Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-2731.03729.283Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-25;No
Col 285 Sector VY-F b12-331.16021.530Khwal; Canaharvas (9.960 LY);No
Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-2831.18028.140Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-14;No
Col 285 Sector UD-G b12-531.26025.947Col 285 Sector UD-G b12-2; Col 285 Sector ZE-P c6-11;No
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-6831.28122.723Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-69; Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-136;No
Cocijo retains plenty of internal options


Calculating Thor
Read 103 control systems and 889 regional systems.
Total connected: 103

Furthest Control: 34.834 LY
Furthest potential capture: 40.473 LY - may affect result if not defended
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
---Control Sphere Edge-
Col 285 Sector JG-O c6-1535.03328.185Col 285 Sector JG-O c6-14;No
Col 285 Sector MQ-F b11-336.00528.412Col 285 Sector RW-D b12-1;No
Hyades Sector MM-M b7-135.76928.684HIP 20489;No
Col 285 Sector WC-C b13-235.47931.792Col 285 Sector LB-O c6-1;No
Thor is extremely short on perimeter this week, and should be the one which starts off with the Counterstrike bonus


Calculating Raijin
Read 191 control systems and 793 regional systems.
Total connected: 191

Furthest Control: 28.748 LY
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
Pegasi Sector NY-O a7-426.72020.143HIP 115162; Pegasi Sector MY-O a7-5; Pegasi Sector NY-O a7-1; etcNo
Pegasi Sector JS-Q a6-227.53122.028Pegasi Sector NY-O a7-1; Tagin; Pegasi Sector EB-W b2-2; etcNo
Pegasi Sector HW-V b2-028.08824.019HIP 116542; Pegasi Sector FB-X c1-22; Pegasi Sector HW-V b2-1; etcYes
HIP 11369828.09022.038Iduni; Pegasi Sector PI-S b4-6; Kamato; etcNo
HIP 11674428.61526.084Pegasi Sector FB-X c1-22;No
Pegasi Sector LY-O a7-428.62619.893Pegasi Sector DG-X c1-5; Pegasi Sector DG-X c1-4; Iceniguari; etcNo
Pegasi Sector TK-L a9-428.64421.357Pegasi Sector TK-L a9-2; Pegasi Sector PE-N a8-3; Pegasi Sector PE-N a8-2; etcNo
Pegasi Sector LY-O a7-228.67221.116Pegasi Sector DG-X c1-4; Gl 886.1 B; Pegasi Sector LY-O a7-5; etcNo
Pegasi Sector MY-O a7-428.70421.106Pegasi Sector MY-O a7-5; Pegasi Sector QE-N a8-0; Iceniguari; etcNo
---Control Sphere Edge-
Pegasi Sector OY-O a7-228.79319.751Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-9;No
Pegasi Sector SE-N a8-129.21320.431HIP 113535 (9.918 LY);No
Pegasi Sector WK-L a9-029.32721.135Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-4; (backtrack Pegasi Sector WK-L a9-2)No
Pegasi Sector WK-L a9-429.71721.214Pegasi Sector RE-N a8-0;No
Pegasi Sector SK-L a9-230.35021.377Pegasi Sector HH-U b3-2; (backtrack Pegasi Sector HH-U b3-5)No
Pegasi Sector SP-L a9-030.87421.584Chakma; (backtrack Pegasi Sector SP-L a9-3)(backtrack Pegasi Sector SP-L a9-2)No
Pegasi Sector SP-L a9-230.48421.935Pegasi Sector UK-L a9-3; (backtrack Pegasi Sector YQ-J a10-4)No
Just about room for Raijin to get nine internally.

-- Recaptures above (2 if confirmed, probability otherwise; exhausts below at exactly 1)
-- Indra
HIP 21179:1
HIP 19934:1
HR 1354:1
71 Tauri:1
HIP 21261:1
HIP 20679:1
HIP 20712:1
Hyades Sector JH-V c2-13:1
Arietis Sector JR-V b2-4:1
-- Cocijo
Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-6:1
Hez Ur:1
Col 285 Sector VY-Q c5-22:1
Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-1:1
Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-2:1
Col 285 Sector AF-P c6-1:1
Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-0:1
Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-8:1
Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-2:1
-- Thor
Col 285 Sector UH-C b13-1:1
Col 285 Sector TH-C b13-3:1
Col 285 Sector SW-D b12-2:1
Col 285 Sector LB-O c6-3:1
-- Raijin
Pegasi Sector LC-U b3-3:1
Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-8:1
Pegasi Sector VK-L a9-0:1
HIP 113076:1
Pegasi Sector IH-U b3-4:1
HIP 117229:1
Minor changes to the Indra prediction due to the control sphere boundary moving in one Alert. Recaptures and defences elsewhere do not affect the predictions.
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
HIP 2052722.54014.040Hyadum I; HIP 20916; HIP 20577; etcYes
---Control Sphere Edge-
Arietis Sector JR-V b2-226.28616.450HIP 20480 (9.966 LY);No
HIP 2060526.36217.089HIP 20916 (9.975 LY); (backtrack 80 Tauri)No
HIP 2071927.71717.806HIP 20577 (9.953 LY); (backtrack 68 Tauri)Yes
HIP 2147427.12418.73486 Rho Tauri; (backtrack HIP 21654)(backtrack 90 c1 Tauri)Yes
Hyades Sector CR-J a10-127.27318.885Hyades Sector NN-S b4-3;No
68 Tauri26.12318.976Hyadum II;No
HIP 2082627.68219.44479 b Tauri;Yes
Hyades Sector PI-S b4-026.75119.514Hyades Sector PI-S b4-3 (9.900 LY);No
Hyades Sector GX-H a11-429.43320.093HIP 22524; (backtrack HIP 23069)No
Hyades Sector XU-O b6-129.81120.227Scythia (9.915 LY); (backtrack Arietis Sector QS-T b3-2)No
48 Tauri27.45320.96370 Tauri; (backtrack HIP 20850)(backtrack 57 h Tauri)(backtrack HIP 21317)(backtrack 89 Tauri)(backtrack 85 Tauri)(backtrack 81 Tauri)(backtrack 83 Tauri)Yes
Hyades Sector BC-I a11-129.64821.108Lei Hsini; (backtrack Hyades Sector AR-J a10-1)(backtrack Hyades Sector EX-H a11-1)No
Hyades Sector JH-U b3-628.14521.389Arietis Sector HG-X b1-0 (9.949 LY); No
Hyades Sector ST-Q b5-129.40921.702Hyades Sector ST-Q b5-5; No
91 Sigma-1 Tauri29.41921.704HIP 20815;Yes
Indra prediction: 8 of 9, the attack at Arietis Sector JR-V b2-2 didn't happen, instead Hyades Sector GX-H a11-4 was attacked as the next on the list
Cocijo: correct
Thor: correct
Raijin: correct for the 8 it did place, but FB-X c1-22 didn't attack HIP 116744 and then the 9th Alert was lost to the targeting mode switch

The missed Indra attack could just be errors in which Controls are online which will hopefully filter out over time (and as they're recaptured...)

Less sure about the Raijin one, though - nothing anywhere near FB-X c1-22 was attacked last week so it surely was online, but it's possible that HIP 116542 was offline unexpectedly, so FB-X c1-22 went for HW-V b2-0 and then nothing else could reach HIP 116744. That seems the simplest explanation.
Narwhal Nose report generated 6 June


Systems are listed in order of priority, and in general the first nine would be expected to be hit by Alerts. Predictions made early in the week may be reissued later if Control recaptures materially affect them. If the Control Sphere Edge is reached and targeting mode switches, predictive confidence is lower and the consequences of recaptures may be more significant.

Table key
: Name of system considered at threat of Alert. Bold if in Control-based prioritisation it would be eligible for backtrack targeting.
Target Distance: The distance in LY to the Maelstrom of the target. A primary component of Thargoid prioritisation.
Control Distance: The distance in LY to the Maelstrom of the attacking Control. A primary component of Thargoid prioritisation when attacking outside the control sphere.
Attackers: A list of potential Controls to launch the attack from, partial if there are 4 or more. Controls disconnected from their parent maelstrom are marked in italics; controls attacking a system closer to the maelstrom than themselves are underlined; controls which may be skipping an inner uninhabited system to strike an inhabited system further out are struck-through; controls containing a Spire are bold. Once targeting switches to Control-based rather than Target-based prioritisation, only one is listed here.
Inhabited: Whether the system contains standing human population.

With the guesses above about which systems are inactive this time...


Calculating Indra
Read 91 control systems and 898 regional systems.
Total connected: 91

Furthest Control: 24.165 LY
Furthest potential capture: 29.433 LY - may affect result if not defended
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
Obamumbo18.65514.788HIP 19263; Gaezatorix (9.996 LY); Arietis Sector MM-V b2-1; etcYes
HIP 2048521.43611.82663 Tauri; 64 Tauri; 71 Tauri; etcYes
Kagutsuchi22.49620.115Arietis Sector LM-V b2-3; Arietis Sector NH-V b2-0;Yes
HIP 2094823.54217.820HR 1354; HIP 20679; HIP 21261; etcYes
---Control Sphere Edge-
Arietis Sector JR-V b2-226.28616.450HIP 20480 (9.966 LY);No
HIP 2001925.58317.871HIP 20679;Yes
HIP 1975724.52017.955HIP 20419; (backtrack Hyades Sector UO-Q b5-2)Yes
Hyades Sector JH-U b3-526.13518.372Hyades Sector NN-S b4-1; (backtrack Hyades Sector IH-U b3-3)No
65 Kappa Tauri25.42418.554HIP 20712; (backtrack HR 1403)Yes
HR 140324.66419.729Arietis Sector JR-V b2-4; (backtrack Arietis Sector NS-R a5-1)(backtrack Arietis Sector NS-R a5-0)Yes
Hyades Sector XU-O b6-129.81120.227Scythia (9.915 LY); (backtrack Arietis Sector QS-T b3-2)No
Ain28.63420.241HIP 21261 (10.025 LY);No
48 Tauri27.45320.96370 Tauri; (backtrack HIP 19781)(backtrack 80 Tauri)(backtrack HIP 20850)(backtrack 57 h Tauri)(backtrack HIP 21317)(backtrack 89 Tauri)(backtrack 85 Tauri)(backtrack 81 Tauri)(backtrack 83 Tauri)Yes
Hyades Sector BC-I a11-129.64821.108Lei Hsini; (backtrack Hyades Sector AR-J a10-1)(backtrack Hyades Sector EX-H a11-1)No
Hyades Sector JH-U b3-628.14521.389Arietis Sector HG-X b1-0 (9.949 LY); No
Hyades Sector ST-Q b5-425.80021.702Hyades Sector ST-Q b5-5; (backtrack HIP 23069)(backtrack Hyades Sector ST-Q b5-1)Yes
Indra's outer Control is a spire, so it may well keep this radius. Potential to throw out quite a few inhabited Alerts next week.


Calculating Cocijo
Read 197 control systems and 791 regional systems.
Total connected: 197

Furthest Control: 33.590 LY
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
Col 285 Sector WY-F b12-020.89918.409Col 285 Sector ZE-P c6-15; Col 285 Sector ZE-P c6-16; HIP 38718; etcNo
Picenile24.79619.205Col 285 Sector ZE-P c6-16; Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-6; Khwal; etcYes
Col 285 Sector ZE-P c6-628.66920.237Kurumanit; Mahlina; Vucumatha; etcNo
Col 285 Sector XT-F b12-728.80123.391HIP 36901;No
Col 285 Sector AF-E b13-029.28023.548Canaharvas; Col 285 Sector AF-E b13-5; Col 285 Sector AF-E b13-3; etcNo
Col 285 Sector VY-Q c5-729.29325.105Desurinbin; Col 285 Sector VY-Q c5-23; No
Col 285 Sector BP-F b12-229.49224.864Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-5; Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-7 (9.933 LY); Col 285 Sector BP-F b12-1; etcNo
Col 285 Sector KM-V d2-10130.40628.202Col 285 Sector VY-Q c5-22;No
Col 285 Sector BA-P c6-830.99227.061Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-8; Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-76; Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-1;No
Col 285 Sector US-H b11-431.02524.101Col 285 Sector US-H b11-2; HIP 39750; Col 285 Sector TS-H b11-3; etcNo
Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-2731.03729.283Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-25;No
Col 285 Sector VY-F b12-331.16021.530Khwal;No
Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-2831.18028.140Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-14;No
Col 285 Sector UD-G b12-531.26025.947Col 285 Sector UD-G b12-2; Col 285 Sector ZE-P c6-11;No
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-6831.28122.723Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-69; Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-136;No
Col 285 Sector RS-H b11-331.39923.090Col 285 Sector SS-H b11-0; Col 285 Sector SS-H b11-3; Vocovii; etcNo
Cocijo still gradually infilling its interior and likely to stay that way for quite a while.


Calculating Thor
Read 107 control systems and 888 regional systems.
Total connected: 107

Furthest Control: 34.834 LY
Furthest potential capture: 36.005 LY - may affect result if not defended
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
HIP 2172429.66132.772Col 285 Sector SI-T d3-89; Yes
Theemim30.14822.217Col 285 Sector NG-E b12-4; Col 285 Sector NG-E b12-3; Col 285 Sector JA-G b11-3;Yes
Col 285 Sector RW-D b12-030.23928.863Col 285 Sector RW-D b12-2; HIP 17310; No
Synuefe OU-D b45-330.56525.824Col 285 Sector SW-D b12-2; Synuefe OU-D b45-0;No
Col 285 Sector JG-O c6-1331.07224.842Col 285 Sector JG-O c6-5;No
Synuefe OU-D b45-131.10930.347Synuefe OU-D b45-0;No
HIP 1695432.67128.008HIP 17897;Yes
Col 285 Sector SH-C b13-033.41929.231Varlawoth; Col 285 Sector SH-C b13-1; No
---Control Sphere Edge-
Col 285 Sector LL-E b12-335.16127.471Col 285 Sector LL-E b12-1;No
Col 285 Sector QR-C b13-338.91031.784Almar; (backtrack Col 285 Sector HL-O c6-14)(backtrack Col 285 Sector QR-C b13-4)(backtrack Col 285 Sector HL-O c6-15)No
Col 285 Sector KB-O c6-1135.78334.612Col 285 Sector SH-C b13-1;No
Cooldowns ending give Thor a bit of choice of targets this time. At the moment, 8 inner then stopping is likely - but if the Alerts go through it'll get a ninth internal later.


Calculating Raijin
Read 192 control systems and 797 regional systems.
Total connected: 192

Furthest Control: 28.748 LY
TargetTarget DistanceControl DistanceAttackersInhabited?
Vistnero21.00919.034Pegasi Sector QE-N a8-1; Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-9; Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-8 (9.976 LY); etcYes
Isla23.90018.935Pegasi Sector LC-U b3-2 (9.952 LY); HIP 116542; HIP 116052; etcYes
HIP 11717724.75821.188Pegasi Sector DG-X c1-6; Kuruma; Yes
Pegasi Sector MY-O a7-026.08423.131Iceniguari; Pegasi Sector EB-W b2-2; Pegasi Sector LY-O a7-3; etcNo
HIP 11674428.61524.019HIP 116542;No
---Control Sphere Edge-
Pegasi Sector OY-O a7-228.79319.751Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-9;No
Pegasi Sector SE-N a8-129.21320.342Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-8;No
Pegasi Sector WK-L a9-029.32721.135Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-4; (backtrack Pegasi Sector WK-L a9-2)No
Pegasi Sector WK-L a9-429.71721.214Pegasi Sector RE-N a8-0;No
Pegasi Sector SK-L a9-230.35021.377Pegasi Sector HH-U b3-2; (backtrack Pegasi Sector HH-U b3-5)No
Pegasi Sector SP-L a9-030.87421.584Chakma; (backtrack Pegasi Sector SP-L a9-3)(backtrack Pegasi Sector SP-L a9-2)No
Pegasi Sector SP-L a9-230.48421.935Pegasi Sector UK-L a9-3; (backtrack Pegasi Sector YQ-J a10-4)No
Pegasi Sector SP-L a9-431.58621.946Pegasi Sector UK-L a9-5;No
Ralteki28.92322.027Pegasi Sector KH-V c2-20;Yes
Pegasi Sector GW-W d1-9632.33222.514Pegasi Sector KH-V c2-7; (backtrack Pegasi Sector QI-S b4-3)No
Pegasi Sector TP-L a9-430.52322.736Pegasi Sector UK-L a9-1; (backtrack Pegasi Sector OJ-N a8-0)No
Raijin coming up to its perimeter again

-- Recaptures above (2 if confirmed, probability otherwise; exhausts below at exactly 1)
-- Indra
Hyadum I:1
HIP 20916:1
HIP 20577:1
86 Rho Tauri:1
Hyades Sector NN-S b4-3:1
Hyadum II:1
79 b Tauri:1
Hyades Sector PI-S b4-3:1
HIP 22524:1
-- Cocijo
Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-7:1
Col 285 Sector WY-F b12-3:1
Col 285 Sector WN-H b11-5:1
Col 285 Sector PM-J b10-3:1
Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-12:1
HIP 37844:1
Col 285 Sector PM-J b10-4:1
Col 285 Sector AF-P c6-17:1
-- Thor
Col 285 Sector JG-O c6-14:1
Col 285 Sector RW-D b12-1:1
HIP 20489:1
Col 285 Sector LB-O c6-1:1
-- Raijin
HIP 115162:1
Pegasi Sector NY-O a7-1:1
Pegasi Sector FB-X c1-22:1
Pegasi Sector DG-X c1-5:1
Pegasi Sector TK-L a9-2:1
Pegasi Sector DG-X c1-4:1
Pegasi Sector MY-O a7-5:1
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