Another unofficial Elite: Dangerous novel

A long time ago, pre-COVID, I worked on writing an Elite: Dangerous story. It's taken quite awhile, but I finally put the finishing touches on it. It's a fun adventure story that tries to stay true to Elite lore with characters embroiled in a plot in a small region on the edge of the bubble. I'm publishing it as free unofficial fan fiction since I was not able to secure a license from Frontier (they're too busy with other priorities it seems).

Here's the story synopsis:
A personal vendetta intersects powerful political forces as a solitary pilot goes up against a galaxy to find his mentor's killer. In a remote region of space known as the Hyades Cluster, Lee Sollinger ekes out his existence smuggling to dodge tariffs. His only goal is to prepare his aging Asp Explorer for an inevitable confrontation with fate.

A pitstop in the right place at the wrong time forces him to run for his life with a passenger and wingman he never asked for. Together they must uncover the secrets of a mysterious experimental prototype and its part in an interstellar power grab.

It's not Shakespeare, but I do think most of you will find it fun. If you do enjoy it, I'd love to know you read it.

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