Guys, I've looked around a bit to try to find this out (admittedly just a few minutes) but struck out...
What is there going to be to do on initial launch of Horizons? All I have seen is basically a quad bike simulator on planets with no atmosphere and a different take on mining. Is this it at first and the good stuff like crafting etc will come later? I'm trying to decide if it's worth jumping in at launch or waiting to see how it pans out. Just cautious that quad biking might turn out to be a novelty and something not often done except for an occasional change of pace. I've been burnt on pre-orders before and vowed to now use the "wait and see" approach with upcoming games.
Then I suggest that you stick to your vow and wait and see. Nothing wrong with that!
Personally, I preordered because landing on planets is something I've been looking forward to for a long time. I honestly don't care if there's actually anything "to do", I'll probably just spend hours flying around different planet types to see the sights in glorious VR! Seriously, Horizons could be nothing more than Noctis with better graphics and I'll be happy. And in that game there were no "activities" at all - no trading, no combat, no missions; just exploration and the drive to see what there is to see.