Anyone having problems buying arx?

Been around a week, about since the time the arx inflation hit. Cannot buy arx using either Gpay or just my card from the main site. Transaction goes through with the bank, then instantly refunded.

Read someone was having the exact same problem in the beginning of last week, when I had attempted prior, thought it would have been fixed by now but maybe not? Or it could just be a me thing but the bank says it's not.

Just posting to hopefully get this looked at if it's not just a me thing and also to find out if it is.
If you are using Steam account (since they had a sale on ED+OD ) then you can buy ARX on Steam - worked OK for me last week.
Just adding here to notify that this happened on Edge and Chrome, but I tried firefox just now and it worked. I guess there is something going on w/ the backend on FDEV side and chrome, because I could not even open a support ticket on chrome, when clicking the link to create one I got "This site can’t provide a secure connectionformcraftscom uses an unsupported protocol. ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH".

So in short, I guess it was a me thing but also not, and if you have issues buying arx, try firefox.
Yes, having the EXACT same issue as you did but I'm using the latest version of Firefox... Same thing happens for me, transaction goes through then instantly refunded when using Google Pay that has my debit card as the payment option (I can see this via my online banking statement). I'm also getting a "HTTPS" is not secure warning window after clicking pay, for some reason the payment server on Frontier's end isn't running HTTPS but only HTTP (HTTPS being the secure protocol standard) I also tried using my credit card but the transaction was instantly flagged by VISA as none secure... I'm in Canada and I've been wondering if that has anything to do with it?
If you don't want people to reply to you then don't post in their threads calling them children. You posted in the thread I started. The same question could be asked of you, although the posts above appear to be (and are) much less wordy and far more unimaginative, you could have just not read my reply if it was too much of a chore to read (I try to keep things below a 5th grade level as a lot of the US cannot read above that) but here we are.

Would you mind if I asked what country you're in? I'm in Canada. I gave both my VISA and Debit Card another try just now and both failed...
Would you mind if I asked what country you're in? I'm in Canada. I gave both my VISA and Debit Card another try just now and both failed...
I am in the US. I think it was an issue with chrome because multiple people I have talked to with the same issue all have tried different payment methods. None worked. same with me. But once I switched to firefox it worked fine, been referring other people to firefox for the transaction as well. Wouldn't work on edge either.
About a month or so ago I did try to buy ARX and it failed in the exact same way as in the OP. I tried about a week or so later, and then it worked just fine.

At the time I thought that maybe it had something to do with the fact that I had just renewed my credit card a few days prior, and perhaps there was some delay somewhere before it could be used for online purchases or something, but apparently it's probably not that, as others seem to have been having the exact same problem.

Seems to be intermittent. Try again in a few days?
Well it isn't the end of the world, is it? Perhaps they can spend this time learning to avoid rebuys than chasing ships without it.

My Pmk2 that I paid real money for has a rebuy cost for all modules equipped in it. Around 6million credits which is just under the 7.5mil rebuy of my FDL, so that is not at all the reasoning for my purchasing of the ship. It is best to actually know what you are talking about before criticizing others. If one wanted to simply make up things to be mad about though who am I to stop them?
And for the ship itself...?
The ship itself has a 3 mil rebuy which is negated when using the single deployable hull you get from purchasing it with arx. The next ship you buy obtains a 3mil rebuy cost from the hull of the ship. The modules themselves have a rebuy of 2x that so its not as if anyone is skirting the insurance cost either way, you still pay a rebuy cost. No one is going to stay in an E rated ship to keep a 0cr rebuy when 6-7 mil is such a negligible amount. If you want to pretend that it isn't and that there is someone out there who will stay in a stock ship to skirt a 6-7 mil insurance cost (which is on the high end, using prismatics and military armor) then go right ahead and continue making up scenarios in your head to be mad about. No one is avoiding having to pay insurance here. We have already received free ships in the past from events, that also have no rebuy on the hull. People raged at that too, while either intentionally or unintentionally not understanding how rebuy worked and what added to the cost of it.

You can add about 1 mil to the rebuy cost of the hull itself due to an error on the site right now pricing the ship 10 mil lower than it is in game. The rebuy cost of outfitting the ship easily adds double the cost of the ship itself.

You accuse me of wanting the Mk2 for lack of rebuy money. This is not the case. To continue on making the point that the ship itself carries a portion of the rebuy is feigning ignorance of how insurance works in this game. Purchasing a Mk2 for the purpose of avoiding a rebuy cost would require one to leave the modules in it as is, which would be gimping yourself quite a lot to save a negligible amount of money and would make zero sense for anyone with knowledge of this game, how to make credits, and any amount of hours spent in game over 100.
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I have purchased some Arx yesterday through steam, a total of 10000 Arx to be precise, I've charged the amount on my steam wallet and then purchased them on ED store page, Steam support says the transaction went through in-game I still see the amount prior to the purchase, even on official website I still see the incorrect amount. I also submitted a support ticket on Frontier's end since I didn't get an immediate refund as others have stated
Be aware that for a Steam purchase of ARX to complete, you actually have to lauch the game through Steam afterwards. I have had a similar issue, my account can be run standalone or via Steam. I usually run it standalone, and when I last bought ARX through Steam I thought the purchase didn't complete. Launched through Steam once - tadaa, ARX appeared on my account.
Be aware that for a Steam purchase of ARX to complete, you actually have to lauch the game through Steam afterwards. I have had a similar issue, my account can be run standalone or via Steam. I usually run it standalone, and when I last bought ARX through Steam I thought the purchase didn't complete. Launched through Steam once - tadaa, ARX appeared on my account.
That's what I did right after buying ARX, I tried multiple things by now: restarting game through steam, launching it directly from the .exe in steam directory, even tried to login on frontier's store page and take a look at my arx purchase history through here but it almost look like the transaction never happened. I'm considering either unlink frontier's and steam accounts and then relinking them to see if that solves the issue or asking for a refund but I'll wait what support tell me to do
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