COMPLETED CG Appeal for Supplies to Relaunch the Golconda (Trade)

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I'm sorry, I just can't stop ribbing you over the subject.. :)

Personally I think that in spite of its warts it does look better than EDH..
I'm sure it looks better than your EDH, but I doubt it looks better than mine, especially in VR.
Maybe it's time to get with the times,
Horizons was ahead of its time at release. Odyssey is behind the current times IMO, especially comparing feature to feature with what Odyssey tries to be (space legs and a first person shooter).

But maybe we should get with the topic of this thread instead. :p

I'm sure it looks better than your EDH, but I doubt it looks better than mine, especially in VR.

Horizons was ahead of its time at release. Odyssey is behind the current times IMO, especially comparing feature to feature with what Odyssey tries to be (space legs and a first person shooter).

But maybe we should get with the topic of this thread instead. :p
The only game that comes to mind that has both Space and Land combat is Star Trek Online. STO looses to ED in both places.
What are you comapring EDO to?
I can confirm. Sort of. I did the hauling CG on Odyssey only long enough to rank up to Elite V (I switched to EDH right after), and other than the darkness and the headache-inducing bright colors and jagged edges from hell, performance was pretty good on my less than ideal specs, 50-55 FPS most of the time.

I'm sorry, but I have to politely disagree. I'll show you why.

I took this on Horizons (sorry, can't remember system/body):

View attachment 309017

I immediately exited and relogged on EDO to try and replicate same shot. This is what I found:

View attachment 309018
View attachment 309019

I could almost hear that poor, lonely, half-buried anemone's cry of pain, as if saying "Please don't kill me. I'm the only one left from the beautiful forest that once covered these lands."
They may look lonelier now that they're more spread out, but Odyssey has actually been great for whatever species that is.

In EDH you have a handful of bio POIs with dozens to a few hundred growths per site. A few thousand per planet, tops.

In EDO they have dispersed themselves across the entire surfaces of suitable planets like the fungal life forms they supposedly are. There could well be millions of them on a single planet now. And yes, I've landed on several planets where there were several anemones clustered together, they're not all solo outcrops now.
Real scrooges only fly the free Saud Kruger ships from the earth like exploration CG rewards and Courier/Vulture from Winking Cat with all the free E rated modules for a 0 cost rebuy!
Don't forget the double engineered CG reward modules also have zero credit value, so free to rebuy (and ship transfer!). So you can at least fit a good FSD and some moderately exotic weapons if you participated in the right events.
Too bad that people didn't understand that this CG was special... You didn't have to join. This way we should have kept it open 3 more days. My time was limited, so I managed only 2.3 billions profit on Sunday, in the last couple of hours until they reset the price.
I am glad most didn't, as it shows most players unlike you are not eager to exploite game mechanics for their own benefits, which would have of course result in action from Fontrier - to never do such CG event ever again. We have avoided the crisis and saw the goodness in ED players to not exploite Frontiers good intentions.
I can confirm. Sort of. I did the hauling CG on Odyssey only long enough to rank up to Elite V (I switched to EDH right after), and other than the darkness and the headache-inducing bright colors and jagged edges from hell, performance was pretty good on my less than ideal specs, 50-55 FPS most of the time.

I'm sorry, but I have to politely disagree. I'll show you why.

I took this on Horizons (sorry, can't remember system/body):

View attachment 309017

I immediately exited and relogged on EDO to try and replicate same shot. This is what I found:

View attachment 309018
View attachment 309019

I could almost hear that poor, lonely, half-buried anemone's cry of pain, as if saying "Please don't kill me. I'm the only one left from the beautiful forest that once covered these lands."
I think you comparing Apples with Oranges. Both are great. Stellar shots became much better compared to EDH, so it's an upgrade.
So how did everyone do in this CG? For myself even with limited game time (in my opinion) and the server issues I managed to get 4.1 billion from this CG, wow, Thank you Fdev! Now I can afford a FC, but do I really want one???
Top 10 CMDRs, 90,856 units delivered. Profitted somewhere around 30B, (I bought a bunch of tritium off of other carriers for a premium, you're welcome) but I am never grinding for a Top 10 spot again!
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