COMPLETED CG Appeal for Supplies to Relaunch the Golconda (Trade)

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Too bad mining is so slow...
The cutters are still able to jump high distances on a full tank... Its going to be days still untill the 300,000 ton + stations under the cutters tank range are empty... Then players wil face adding fuel scoop or anothe fuel tank on to cutter.. still going to be a long time yet till mining is even worth while..
The cutters are still able to jump high distances on a full tank... Its going to be days still untill the 300,000 ton + stations under the cutters tank range are empty... Then players wil face adding fuel scoop or anothe fuel tank on to cutter.. still going to be a long time yet till mining is even worth while..
I wouldn't count on that when you can jump a FC into the system (or close) no need then for a Fuel scoop or FSD.

The supply stations are drying up, as per normal

On EDDB the largest supply is now below 100k and you need a medium pad ship to get it, all the large pad stations in the range they display have got less than 10K available.
Left hand panel can be slow at times, mission board should be correct, sometimes it just takes a while for everything to sync.

Yeah, I've noticed that in the past. I've done several runs this evening - done for the night now - and while the left-hand panel has lagged somewhat, it's been fine again after a single jump, not three like it took that first time. I still appear to be a few (million) credits short, but I'm not really fussed at this point. Hopefully the CG will last as I've more to offload. Still, if I don't offload it all, it's actually a useful commodity to hold on it of course. Though that'll be a LOT of fuel, I don't jump my carrier that often lol.
On EDDB the largest supply is now below 100k and you need a medium pad ship to get it, all the large pad stations in the range they display have got less than 10K available.
There's some 300LYs out still with 300K stock, so its about a 12 jump round trip in a cutter or park your FC there.

There's some 300LYs out still with 300K stock, so its about a 12 jump round trip in a cutter or park your FC there.

That will be jumps then once I have put the scoop back on as I don't have an FC.

Or maybe just switch to the shooty CG.
There's some 300LYs out still with 300K stock, so its about a 12 jump round trip in a cutter or park your FC there.

A Lot closer than that 390K stations <200ly... Depending on build, you might get away with no scoop on return trip with cutter.
On EDDB the largest supply is now below 100k and you need a medium pad ship to get it, all the large pad stations in the range they display have got less than 10K available.
Just set "Min Supply" to something big (like 100,000) and it will push to longer ranges to get you a decent selection.
For those of us weirdos who might prefer to mine rather than haul (now that the supply has dried out), are there any close Tritium hotspots?
For those of us weirdos who might prefer to mine rather than haul (now that the supply has dried out), are there any close Tritium hotspots?
Same locations as the tritium mining CG last time... If your not up to the easy but longer distance runs

Best tritium collection rate locations in bubble for mining..
86.48 Bhotho Tritium/Haz @15% AB 4 Ring A
112.45 Ngbato Tritium/Haz @30% 9 Ring A
176.82 HIP 13179 Tritium/High at 33% 9 Ring B

Worst collection rate locations nearest Upaniklis are in the CG system...

0.00 Upaniklis *A 2 A Ring25499.95895586
9.10 Jambo Dadi *DE 4 A Ring1117,4464.87003466
9.62 Col 285 Sector UZ-P d5-572 A Ring11,7707.49937026
9.62 Col 285 Sector UZ-P d5-574 A Ring22,5310.00071189
12.21 Col 285 Sector KY-H c10-31 *AB 4 B Ring23,9446.38586276
13.14 Col 285 Sector VZ-E a41-4AB 1 A Ring22,5850.05600103
13.16 Col 285 Sector MN-I a39-36 B Ring21,1169.87340707
I'm delivering and not signed up - just to make it last longer - goldmine - I suspect FDev have a future story/CG for this particular money goldmine.
No no, you have to sign up and finish CG asap, so others can enjoy their weekend.
O7, dear cmdrs. What do you think whether it's worth to buy FC at this point in order to grind money in CG? I l've been running on my cutter and my payout is 1 bil/hour.
O7, dear cmdrs. What do you think whether it's worth to buy FC at this point in order to grind money in CG? I l've been running on my cutter and my payout is 1 bil/hour.
Depends on you.
FC is extra work. Loading up FC, than finding the system next to CG, than unloading. Depending on how good of a parking spot your FC will have it could take longer.
Depends on you.
FC is extra work. Loading up FC, than finding the system next to CG, than unloading. Depending on how good of a parking spot your FC will have it could take long

Depends on you.
FC is extra work. Loading up FC, than finding the system next to CG, than unloading. Depending on how good of a parking spot your FC will have it could take longer.
Thanks) I mean if I have enough time to do all necessary support operations. Will have I got more credits till CG end?
Carrier Selling Tritium 290K/T is open for business in Mezaviates
20k tons available, 123k per ton profit for selling at 1 jump distance (quick runs, carrier parked within 5 ls from dropoff in Mezaviates)

beware of the exclusion zone, it's really close to the Y Dwarf :cool:
O7, dear cmdrs. What do you think whether it's worth to buy FC at this point in order to grind money in CG? I l've been running on my cutter and my payout is 1 bil/hour.
There is only about 2 days left according to the predictions so you could lose a lot of that time depending on how long it takes you to buy and setup your FC.

Without help loading and unloading your speed isn’t going to be a lot better than what you are doing now, of course parking near a busy source and offering a high price could get you loaded quicker but will eat into your profit.
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