Newcomer / Intro Apprentice position open!

My old apprentice ragequit after he thought he could singlehandedly take on a wing pirate extermination mission against my expressed recommendations. The crews in the spaceport are still scraping what's left of him off my canopy. So a position has opened up again for any newcomer who wants to pledge himself to become my apprentice.

  • Rates of accidents reduced from 100% to 75% in takeoff and landing on the most incompetent dimwits.
  • Fame (by npc's at least)
  • Fortune
  • Mastery of background simulation
  • Death and destruction
  • Engineering
  • PvE Mastery
  • "Only" intermediate PvP (A wise master does not engineer his own downfall)

- Can fly in a straight line

Now accepting applications.
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I'm interested - I'm returning after playing at launch, working my way over a month or so up to a Cobra MkIII that I kitted for exploring, and then stopped playing for various reasons. Currently working my way through the tutorials and sorting out my controls set-up.
Vonn was unfortunately not eligible because he's halfway across the planet from me. Anyone else want some hands-on learning?

My teaching methods are really simple - I'll buy a cheap ship, invite you aboard, let you have the helm and beat you with a stick until you get it right... simple, effective and easy to remember!:cool:

I Just started playing a few days ago and have a grasp of the basics. But theres ALOT i've been trying to wrap my head around and have been hoping to find some kind of mentor to answer specific/various questions about the game mechanics :D if you'll have me
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