Are planet visuals still being worked on?

Premium Beta guy here. Just to let you know I played the original Elite back in the day on the Amiga, and also the epic Frontier: Elite 2. My main thing for wanting to play ED was always for the exploration. During the Premium Beta days when we only had a handful of systems to visit and the visuals of planets were still in development I was really excited for this game. I joined an exploration group and we began making a catalogue with photos of all the planets and stars. But later at one stage there was a downgrade in the visuals of planets and gas giants and their rings, and I slowly started to realize that this was not just a work-in-progress temporary thing.

Now the planets all look the same. You have a handful of variations , and that's it. It does not feel exciting at all to go and visit a new system, because honestly, you've already seen it. A catalogue of such planets would be boring and pointless, noone would want to look through it, so I quit the group and quit playing ED in disappointment. I come back now and then and play in bursts, hoping things will improve, but not much has happened yet.

In my opinion planet visuals could and should improve greatly. Wherever you look in real nature you find beauty, so it is also in space. If you look at the planets and large moons of our own solarsystem, they all have their clear and distinct personality, easily identifiable. Unfortunately this has not passed on to Elite Dangerous, and I would want to be able to add the word: YET.

This game has such a great potential but unfortunately the planet graphics still leave a tremendous lot to be desired. (And the stars and their colors for that matter, not to mention the solar flares. Also have you realized when you supercruise close to stars you can see that they are transparent?)

Right, I apologize, my main purpose of this post was not to complain, really not, I would just like to know if planet visual improvement is still in the works? If anyone knows anything about any future plans, please share. Thanks!

Cmdr MacCraigh
Downgrade? The only downgrade was for the landable planets, but they have been significantly upgraded since then and are far better then what we ever had before.

To be honest I am really not seeing the issue.
I am talking about a downgrade that happened during the Premium Beta when we had like 5 systems we could explore. I'll give you a couple of examples.

ASELLUS 2 - This is what this planet looked like before the gas giant and rings downgrade. Very nice if you ask me! Today ingame it is a dark blue thing with grey rings, same as a myriad others. Today all the gas giant rings are only different shades of completely gray.

AULIN 1 - Oh yeah. Not sure what that planet looks like today. Fairly certain nothing like this.
And then upgraded. In reality it had nothing to do with consoles though.
I'll have to check them out in 16K again sometime. Last I looked in this resolution there was a lot less terrain detail on the horizon but the overall quality of the terrain in general was better zoomed out.
I agree that the planets looked great in beta, but concessions were made to make them, you know, actually landable. I am curious though - I'm going to launch the game and get some comparison shots of the particular planets you posted.





I definitely agree that the gas giant and atmospheric planets looked better before. Dahan 1 still looks great, though.
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I am talking about a downgrade that happened during the Premium Beta when we had like 5 systems we could explore. I'll give you a couple of examples.

ASELLUS 2 - This is what this planet looked like before the gas giant and rings downgrade. Very nice if you ask me! Today ingame it is a dark blue thing with grey rings, same as a myriad others. Today all the gas giant rings are only different shades of completely gray.
View attachment 142338

AULIN 1 - Oh yeah. Not sure what that planet looks like today. Fairly certain nothing like this.
View attachment 142339

Yep, that's grey.


That's grey too.


Terribly grey.


Dreadfully grey.

You sure you're not color-blind? Like one of those weird, really sever kind of color blinds I don't even know the names of?
OP I see your point and you're right. The planets shown in your screenshots are cooler than the planets we have today.
FDEV probably made some compromise when Stellar Forge kicked in because of the procedural generation thing. Yes procedural generation can be cool as well but it depends on the hands of the artist and on the other game features that have to be developed. Everything takes time and we all want to play the game rather than waiting forever (SC I'm looking at you...).
Concerning your original question:
According to FDEV planets are still in work, but the only official info is that they are only working at the shaders of the icy landable ones.

Everyone (or almost) is still waiting for atmospheric landable planet, but there's no official statement nor leak about these. After 6 years is a shame!
If/When these will be developed they will also change the way they appear from space. Will they look better? Worse? Most important for me is that they will look cool from the surface, where the gameplay will take place.
You're comparing an artist's work with the results of a procedural generation system.

Of course the ones made directly by artists are better.
Are planet visuals still being worked on?

I sure hope so.
I long for more dramatic vistas. More impressive volcanic effects of all kinds, improved ice planets. etc. I also would love to go underground.
But also access to new planets, like full blown volcanic planets, primitive atmospheric planets, access to the upper atmospheres of gas giants and things like that.

To me that stuff is infinitely more important than fleet carriers, or walking around, will ever be.
You sure you're not color-blind? Like one of those weird, really sever kind of color blinds I don't even know the names of?

No need to be insultive. I did write "Today all the gas giant RINGS are only different shades of completely gray."... But it's actually not correct. Here and there are specks of brown as well.
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