Are the Console tutorials correct?

I've started playing PZ on console but have been scratching my head of some objectives I'm starting to doubt the tutorial is correct. In the Panda tutorial I'm instructed to move new panda's to quarantine but there doesn't seem to be a move to quarantine option in the animal storage window. Have been fiddling around a bit and I guess I will be able to move them but it was not the first time I could not find an option as instructed.

I was just wondering if I have to replay the tutorials again because I still overlook some stuff or are the instructions in the tutorials not always crystal clear?
Those pandas comes as a present and you can find them in the animal tab in the animal prezent section.
If you are not sure of something you can replay last campaign message.
Lastly there are already some tutorials on YouTube.
My confusion arose because you can't select a single animal in quarantine. You can only select ALL animals. Is this normal behaviour or just not unlocked in the tutorial?
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