Horizons Are you still doing planetary missions?

And to find these should I need to fly over 2km, wait for the blue circle, then land and hope it's not some rocks with materials I'll never use?
Because that's to me it's not really fun. I'd like to be able to find these sites from the ship and then land if I think they are interesting.

Also, are this sites random? Or I can find them only on specific planetary zones? And beside offering a nice view, are they offering something else, maybe a bit of lore?

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Even role-playing, since you have thousands of faction, why pick one? They are the 4-5 types over and over again, only the name change.
There is no point to choose one faction over another and stay on a particular system. Beside try to become friendly or allied to have better mission rewards.

Ok look, if you can't find any fun, I'm done here, sorry. I have tons of reasons on my own to play this game, I hope you'll find yours.
Ok look, if you can't find any fun, I'm done here, sorry. I have tons of reasons on my own to play this game, I hope you'll find yours.

Wait, I'm having a lot of fun. Elite is the game I've played the most on Steam, and I'm a Steam user since Half Life 2 came out in 2004, with over 200 hours (after playing it over 100 hors on Xbox One) and I still play it almost every day because I like it.

Still I cannot find any reason to land on planets and/or use the SVR anymore, it's too risky and not rewarding and it's all about combat.
I'd like to do scavenge or exploration missions on planets, serch for them, maybe use some "orientation" skill, etc... but those skimmers always came out.

When you have to pick up ten canisters, and the SRV cargo has space for two, and the only way to not be destroyed is to rush over the canisters, then run to the ship and repeat, it's really not fun at all.
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And to find these should I need to fly over 2km, wait for the blue circle, then land and hope it's not some rocks with materials I'll never use?
Because that's to me it's not really fun. I'd like to be able to find these sites from the ship and then land if I think they are interesting.

Also, are this sites random? Or I can find them only on specific planetary zones? And beside offering a nice view, are they offering something else, maybe a bit of lore?

Their generation does seem to depend on the system/planet you are on. Flying above 2 km with scanners all zoomed out brings up tons of blue circles in populated systems - sometimes so many that they overlap each other.
You can see what it is from the ship, no need to land. The interesting/lager ones are easily visible from afar.

And yes, the commodity/material/data descriptions do add a bit of lore.
Their generation does seem to depend on the system/planet you are on. Flying above 2 km with scanners all zoomed out brings up tons of blue circles in populated systems - sometimes so many that they overlap each other.
You can see what it is from the ship, no need to land. The interesting/lager ones are easily visible from afar.

And yes, the commodity/material/data descriptions do add a bit of lore.

I didn't know I could zoom out the scan for planetary surfaces too.
Nice to know, I'll try some planet side missions and exploration in the safety of a Cobra insurance, and see if I can find fun things to do.
This is another thing I'm struggling with.
Beside role-playing, why should I bother to have a favorite faction?

Usually I go to a system in a boom state and take missions from every faction until I'm at least friendly with all of them. Then I'm able to take 20 courrier missions that grant 7-8 millions, and do them in 1-2 hours. When the state changes, I move on.

Then I'm not sure I understand your point.

Pick any other game.

Let's say Minecraft:

Why should you have a nice house built when any 5x5 squares building can contain all you need?

Let's say Wold of Warcraft:

Why choosing Horde over Order?

Let's say... dunno, pick one?

Why should you do something you're able to choose? Why can't I be told what to do? It's easier!
Well- choices, I guess?

Also- and that's sorta relevant... Game development is NOT over.
Far from it.

We have so much to look forward to! :)
I for one I'm so happy.
Then I'm not sure I understand your point.

Pick any other game.

Let's say Minecraft:

Why should you have a nice house built when any 5x5 squares building can contain all you need?

Let's say Wold of Warcraft:

Why choosing Horde over Order?

Let's say... dunno, pick one?

Why should you do something you're able to choose? Why can't I be told what to do? It's easier!
Well- choices, I guess?

Also- and that's sorta relevant... Game development is NOT over.
Far from it.

We have so much to look forward to! :)
I for one I'm so happy.

Well, in Minecraft I always do a 5x5 square and then dig an hole in the pavement. I don't play multiplayer games or mmorpg (Elite only in Solo), so I don't know about WoW, but I presume I'd choose Order because I'm a human.

The point though is that there are no rewards, beside gain reputation and so bettere missions, to join a particular factions, but most important, it doesn't change anything to make missions for a faction or another, if you have the same rep and they are of the sametype.

Maybe it's because we are still in early developmente, but to me the BGS is dumb and shallow since the beginning, and FD doesn't seem to care about.
The BGS is the most important part of Elite and it's crucial in order to allow what is the solution to all the whining about "grind" and "nothing to do" : emergent gameplay. This, and not force the player to play as FD wants (ie: unable to target surface enemies from ship).
Well, in Minecraft I always do a 5x5 square and then dig an hole in the pavement. I don't play multiplayer games or mmorpg (Elite only in Solo), so I don't know about WoW, but I presume I'd choose Order because I'm a human.

The point though is that there are no rewards, beside gain reputation and so bettere missions, to join a particular factions, but most important, it doesn't change anything to make missions for a faction or another, if you have the same rep and they are of the sametype.

Maybe it's because we are still in early developmente, but to me the BGS is dumb and shallow since the beginning, and FD doesn't seem to care about.
The BGS is the most important part of Elite and it's crucial in order to allow what is the solution to all the whining about "grind" and "nothing to do" : emergent gameplay. This, and not force the player to play as FD wants (ie: unable to target surface enemies from ship).

But that's exactly the point. ED is still missing MANY features that would make it more complete and that are coming.
I for one think that character creation will make a big difference.
Multi-Players ships too.

Maybe not straight away, but it will.

As for BGS the point is that with these new missions is finally clearer what's happening. So far I admit it was a bit murky, but I still like to do- for example- only mission that I find satisfying and not just high grossing.
No slave trading... Nope. I did it once, got 30 Million and felt pretty bad.

Because when I'm in Elite I'm not just me sitting in front of my PC.
I'm my Commander.

It does help a lot that I spent most of my youth into Pen&Paper RPGs. Spending nights acting through fantastic campaigns of Stormbringer, D&D second edition and being a coll master in Cyberpunk 2020.
Gosh that was cool.

I also won several prizes with my youth acting company making Shakespeare's acts with a modern twist...

I guess you can say it's all in my head.
Yes- and I love it.
But that's exactly the point. ED is still missing MANY features that would make it more complete and that are coming.
I for one think that character creation will make a big difference.
Multi-Players ships too.

Maybe not straight away, but it will.

As for BGS the point is that with these new missions is finally clearer what's happening. So far I admit it was a bit murky, but I still like to do- for example- only mission that I find satisfying and not just high grossing.
No slave trading... Nope. I did it once, got 30 Million and felt pretty bad.

Because when I'm in Elite I'm not just me sitting in front of my PC.
I'm my Commander.

It does help a lot that I spent most of my youth into Pen&Paper RPGs. Spending nights acting through fantastic campaigns of Stormbringer, D&D second edition and being a coll master in Cyberpunk 2020.
Gosh that was cool.

I also won several prizes with my youth acting company making Shakespeare's acts with a modern twist...

I guess you can say it's all in my head.
Yes- and I love it.

Yes, but I don't get where is clearer.
I mean, now you see a text that says "Now we are in a boom/lockdown/bust state", good. What change to me? What change in the system where that faction is?
How this reflect the mission board?

Maybe it's me, but I don't see all these infos abot what's going one as you complete missions for a faction.
Yes, but I don't get where is clearer.
I mean, now you see a text that says "Now we are in a boom/lockdown/bust state", good. What change to me? What change in the system where that faction is?
How this reflect the mission board?

Maybe it's me, but I don't see all these infos abot what's going one as you complete missions for a faction.

Dunno, last tie I completed a mission both the briefing and the de-briefing shown quite some changes- then again [video=youtube;7S94ohyErSw]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7S94ohyErSw[/video]
I haven't done a single planetary mission, but I have over 3mm on record for zooming around planets. Missioning is not the only thing an srv is good for.
That's a shame, I really enjoy planet exploration.

An advice: don't look for a reward everywhere, you will be disapointed.

No no! You dont understand: people want billions flow to their hands from new updates.And super upgrades for free!
"I'm so dissapointed that i have to place little cargo bay in my vulture :(" "i was flying and lasthitting money in high RES, now i have to do something less profitable, hate you FD. Why do i need to do smthng more difficult?"
No no! You dont understand: people want billions flow to their hands from new updates.And super upgrades for free!
"I'm so dissapointed that i have to place little cargo bay in my vulture :(" "i was flying and lasthitting money in high RES, now i have to do something less profitable, hate you FD. Why do i need to do smthng more difficult?"

That's not my case however, in over 200 hours of play, I've done money to buy an ASP and a Python and outfit them... now i have 20M more, and I'll buy a Cobra.
An Anaconda is a dream to me, I'm not doing PowerPlay or Community Goal too, because they are grindy, Inever done trading, and I'm not into the engineers thing because I'd waste too many hours to find something I need, if I'll get all the materials when doing other things good, otherwise still good.

Simply, I'd like to live in Elite and find my way, however FD force me to play they way they want, not the way I want, and that's disappointing.
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